
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Документ | all forms | exact matches only
активный документactive document (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
Бесплатная общедоступная служба, с помощью которой другие пользователи могут просматривать ваш документ в веб-браузереA free, public service that allows others to see your document in a web browser (Office System 2013 Rori)
библиотека документовdocument library (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
Библиотека документовDocument Library
бизнес-документbusiness document (A view of a source document that is issued by one party and received by one or more other parties)
бланк документаPreprinted document (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
блокирование документаdocument blocking (A method of placing an operations process on hold while ordered items are in a quality assurance process)
веб-просмотр документовWebReady Document Viewing
документ-источникsource document (An original record that evidences the occurrence of one or more economic, resource flow, and accounting events. A source document is entered into a system that records, classifies, tracks, and reports on the economic resources exchanged or committed at the time of the event)
документ назначенияdestination document (Andy)
документ-оболочкаwrapper document (Andy)
документ обратной связиfeedback document (A document which is sent from Navision to Outlook as a response for a synchronization query. The feedback document contains all errors or conflicts detected by the C/AL code at the Navision Service Tier during the synchronization)
документ по умолчаниюdefault document
XML-документ правильного форматаwell formed XML document (An XML file in which there is only one root element and all the elements, delimited by start- and end-tags, nest properly within each other)
XML-документ правильного форматаwell-formed
XML-документ правильного форматаwell-formed XML document (microsoft.com bojana)
XML-документ правильного форматаwell-formed XML (An XML file in which there is only one root element and all the elements, delimited by start- and end-tags, nest properly within each other)
документ workflow-процессаworkflow document (A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing)
документ со встроенными макросамиdocument with embedded macros (Alex_Odeychuk)
документ схемы XMLXML Schema Document (A specification that describes the complex types used in a Web method and thereby enables interoperability between clients and Web services built on different platforms by adhering to a common type system, as defined by the W3C)
Завершает работу приложений и запрашивает сохранение документов.Quits the program and prompts to save documents. (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
ИД документаDocument ID (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
идентификатор документаDocument ID (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
индикатор позиции в документеreading position indicator (A visual effect in the navigation pane that shows users where they are in a document)
инструмент Groove для работы с документамиGroove Documents Tool (A tool in Groove for storing and sharing files; primary use is intended to be as connection to SharePoint (via Site Client). Rori)
исходный документsource document (The document where a linked or embedded object was originally created)
конечный документdestination document (A document to which information is copied or moved)
консолидированный документ-источникconsolidated source document (A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class)
консолидированный документ-источникconsolidated source document (A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class. Rori)
корневой каталог документовdocument root
корневой каталог документовhome directory
корневой каталог документовWeb root
масштаб документаdrawing scale (The ratio of distance on the printed page to distances in the real world. For example, a drawing scale of 1 cm = 1 m means that 1 centimeter on the printed page represents 1 meter in the real world)
Мои документыmy Documents (A folder that provides you with a convenient place to store documents, graphics, or other files you want to access quickly. When you save a file in a program such as WordPad or Paint, the file is automatically saved in My Documents, unless you choose a different folder)
набор элементов документаdocument stencil (A stencil stored in a drawing file that contains an inventory of the masters used in all of the drawings in the file. Masters on the document stencil are linked to their instances in the drawings)
надёжные документыTrusted Documents (A feature that allows the user to indicate that a document is trusted, and therefore can be opened without security notifications, so long as the filepath and creation time of the document remain unchanged)
название заголовок документаDocument Title (Andy)
начальный документstartup document (The document that appears first when you run your application)
недопустимый документinvalid document (microsoft.com bojana)
необращающийся документnon-negotiable instrument (A document of title or written order that cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or transferred)
Новый документNew Document (NickGuskov)
область сведений о документеDocument Information Panel (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
оборотный документnegotiable instrument (A formal written document that unconditionally promises to pay money and that can be transferred from one person to another)
образец документаsample document (A type of template that contains instructions on how to create your own document)
окно активного документаactive document window (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen windows, the window containing the document that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
основной документmain document (In a mail-merge operation, the document that contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document, for example, the return address or salutation in a form letter)
Отображать список недавно использовавшихся документовList my most recently opened documents (Windows 8 Rori)
переход к предыдущей концевой сноске в активном документеJumps to the previous endnote in the active document (Word 2013 Rori)
Платёжные документы, учтённые в несальдирующей транзакции, нельзя аннулироватьyou cannot Financially Void checks posted in a non-balancing transaction (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
платёжный документcheck (A written order on a bank to pay a sum of money from funds in an account. Checks show the name of the company or individual receiving payment, the signature and account number of the person issuing the check, the payment amount and the current date. Checks usually are numbered in sequence)
проводник по документамDrawing Explorer (A window that shows a hierarchical view of a document and updates to reflect the current drawing hierarchy as items (such as shapes or pages) are added or deleted)
разбор документаdocument parsing (The process of detecting the file type of an item during content processing, and converting the item to text)
разделённый документ-источникsplit source document (A source document that documents partial product quantities and monetary amounts from one referenced document of the same class)
режим веб-документаweb layout view (A view of a document as it will appear in a Web browser. For example, the document appears as one long page (without page breaks) and text and tables wrap to fit in the window)
рецензирование документовDocument Review
родительский документparent document (Andy)
Связанные документыRelated Documents (Andy)
символ структуры документаoutline symbol (A symbol that is displayed beside a paragraph in outline view. You can use the symbol to display or hide subordinate levels of text and to reorganize text quickly)
сопоставить с документомAssociate a document (An option that allows the user to associate an existing document with a Project To Do)
сопоставить с другим документомAssociate a different document (An option that allows the user to replace the document currently attached to the To Do with another document that has already been saved)
составной документcompound document (A document that contains different types of information, each type created with a different application; for example, a report containing both charts (created with a spreadsheet) and text (created with a word processor) is a compound document. Although a compound document is visually a single, seamless unit, it is actually formed of discrete objects (blocks of information) that are created in their own applications. These objects can either be physically embedded in the destination document, or they can be linked to it while remaining in the originating file. Both embedded and linked objects can be edited. Linked objects, however, can be updated to reflect changes made to the source file)
состояние документаdocument state (Office System 2010 ssn)
страница документаdrawing page (The page in a drawing window that contains a drawing. A page can be either a foreground or a background page. Each page has a size, which usually corresponds to a standard paper size, and it has a scale)
сумма документа-источникаsource document amount (A monetary amount measurement that is documented on a source document)
Сумма по документу не равна отчётной сумме по подотчётному лицуDocument amount is not equal to advance holder's reported amount. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Схема документаDocument Map (greyhead)
схема документаDocument Map (A vertical pane along the left edge of the document window that displays an outline of the document's headings, and enables the user to navigate to or manipulate different parts of the document)
текстовый документtext document (A document that contains alphanumeric information, not just 0s and 1s)
технический документwhite paper (A document with a high proportion of technical content. It can be a technical overview of a product, technology, or initiative, or it can be a procedural document)
файл документа Visiodrawing file (A Visio file with a .vsd extension that contains a drawing)
формат "Документ XPS"XPS Document format (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)
формат "Документ XPS"XPS Document file format (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)
цвета документаdocument colors (A portion of the color bar that allows the user to select one color from the set of colors in the current document)
экземпляр XBRL-документаXBRL instance document (An XML file that contains the financial data and XBRL taxonomy information of a report)
электронный налоговый документelectronic tax document (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
элемент документаdocument element (A reusable piece of content, formatting information or other document parts that are stored in galleries)