
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Диапазон | all forms | exact matches only
блокировка диапазона ключаkey range lock (A lock that is used to lock ranges between records in a table to prevent phantom additions to, or deletions from, a set of records. Ensures serializable transactions)
в нескольких диапазонах консолидацииmultiple consolidation ranges (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
Введенная дата имеет недопустимый формат или лежит вне допустимого диапазонаthe date you have entered is not in a valid format, or it is outside of the valid range of dates. (SharePoint Portal Server 2007)
видимый диапазонViewable range (Office System 2010 Rori)
диапазон адресовaddress range (A contiguous range of IP addresses)
диапазон внешних данныхexternal data range (A range of data that is brought into a worksheet but that originates outside of Excel, such as in a database or text file)
диапазон времениtime range (A period of time during which a setting or other functionality is in effect)
диапазон датdate range (The time span between the start and end dates)
диапазон датrange of dates (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
диапазон измененийdirty range (An area in a markup container where changes have occurred)
диапазон измененийdirty range (An area in a markup container where changes have occurred. Rori)
диапазон интрасетиIntranet range (Windows 8 Rori)
диапазон исключенияexclusion range (A small range of one or more IP addresses within a DHCP scope excluded from the DHCP service. Exclusion ranges ensure that these scope addresses will never be offered to clients by the DHCP server)
диапазон ключаkey range (ssn)
диапазон кучиheap range (ssn)
диапазон номеров сетиnetwork range
диапазон номеров сети сегментаcable range
диапазон памяти типа "'куча'"heap range (ssn)
диапазон печатиprint range (Andy)
диапазон подключенияconnection range (Andy)
диапазон потомковdescendant span (SharePoint Server 2013 ssn)
диапазон страницpage range (Andy)
диапазон утилизацииrange utilization (A measure that shows how much of a pay range a given employee has utilized and which is used to determine the potential for additional increases within the range. Range utilization is calculated as follows: (Fixed Pay Rate – Range Minimum) / (Range Maximum – Range Minimum). If fixed pay rate equals the range maximum, then the range utilization equals 100%, pay at midpoint equals 50%, and pay at minimum equals 0%)
диапазон храненияretention range (The duration of time for which the data should be available for recovery)
диапазон цветовcolor range (The range of colors available to a display device)
допустимый диапазонvalid range (Andy)
запрос в диапазонеrange query (A query that specifies a range of values as part of the search criteria, such as all rows from 10 through 100)
именованный диапазонNamed Range (Office System 2010 SP1, Excel 2013 Rori)
использование диапазоновbanding (The use of bands to represent ranges of performance based on thresholds)
конечный диапазонleaf span (Andy)
Множественный выбор: пользователь может выделять диапазон датMultiselect : Enables the user to select a range of dates. (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
Объединение значений из нескольких диапазонов в один новый диапазон.Combine values from multiple ranges into one new range. (Office System 2010 Rori)
параметры диапазоновbanding setting (A setting that defines thresholds, or boundaries between changes in indicator status)
переменная диапазонаrange variable (A variable that provides access to each element in a sequence in a LINQ query)
секционирование по диапазонамrange partitioning (A way of partitioning a table or index by specifying partitions to hold rows with ranges of values from a single partitioning column)
секция диапазонаrange partition (A table partition that is defined by specific and customizable ranges of data)
событие создания диапазона памяти типа "'куча'"heap range create event (Windows Vista SP1 ssn)
событие удаления диапазона кучиheap range destroy event (Windows 7 ssn)
сопоставленный диапазонmapped range (A range in an XML list that has been linked to an element in an XML map)
широкий диапазонbroad band (A structure of compensation levels that includes broad ranges of pay per level and is generally defined by grouping jobs with similar aggregate levels of responsibility. Pay for individual jobs is often linked to the external market. Bands are also typically differentiated by the variable compensation awards available at each band. Broad banding eliminates the hierarchy and narrow ranges of graded structures and allows ranges to overlap (for example, the 90th percentile of Band B equals the 10th percentile of Band C). Broad bands do not contain midpoints and generally do not have fixed minimums or maximums (for example, allowing pay that is either below a minimum or above a maximum rate within a band because the external market determines a specific job rate). Companies can store additional reference points for a band, such as a 50th percentile (or Control Point), 25th and 75th percentile, and base variable compensation on one of those points)
широкий диапазон сценариевwide range of scenarios (ssn)