
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing ДО | all forms | exact matches only
до боли знакомыйtoo-familiar (a too-familiar story theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
до добра не доведётis going to get sb. into a lot of trouble (ART Vancouver)
что-либо до добра не доведётsomething means trouble (igisheva)
что-либо до добра не доводитsomething means trouble (igisheva)
до полусмертиhalf to death (igisheva)
до серединыhalfway through ("Did you watch the movies?' 'Not all yet. Half way through the first one with Ryan Reynolds." • The forecast calls for higher temperatures and lower precipitation than last summer's, and we're not even halfway through yet. -- а ещё половины лета не пройдено ART Vancouver)
до такой степени, чтоto the point where (A close friend's spouse is in business real estate downtown and they're seeing a huge drop in interest for new leases, to the point where they're looking at changing their career focus. reddit.com ART Vancouver)
до такой степени, чтоto the point that (The city said that after receiving two third-party engineering reports on the current fire and structural risks, it became clear the hotel has deteriorated to the point that it poses a danger to the public and adjacent buildings. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
до тех пор, пока естьas long as there are (что-л.)
до тех пор, пока естьas long as there is (что-л.)
до тех пор, пока присутствуетas long as there are (что-л.)
до тех пор, пока присутствуетas long as there is (что-л.)
до тех пор, пока существуетas long as there are (что-л.)
до тех пор, пока существуетas long as there is (что-л.)
до чего наука дошлаwhat science has done (Sleepstream)
до этого ещё далекоit's got a long way to go ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
до этого ещё далекоthat's a long ways off (The long-range forecast does include some rain but that's a long ways off. ART Vancouver)
до этого ещё далекоit's a long way off (ART Vancouver)
добраться до работыget to work (My wife and I have two cars, in case one breaks down, so we can still get to work. BC ferries, should try something, along those lines. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
дойти до того, чтоgo so far as (+ infinitive: However, Lepick's attempt at damage control backfired spectacularly as the story spread like wildfire, several prominent politicians lambasted him for destroying what is perceived to be a priceless piece of the country's heritage, and one media outlet went so far as to call him "the most hated man in France." -- а одно агентство новостей дошло до того, что назвало его coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
дошло до того, чтоit got to the point where (It got to the point where I really didn't want to go out and meet people. I would panic if the phone rang. It was scary. ART Vancouver)
если ты за что-то берёшься, ты должен довести дело до концаif you take something on, you ought to do a thorough job of it (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
жить от зарплаты до зарплатыlive paycheque to paycheque (The man's lawyer described his client as a single father who lives paycheque to paycheque, supporting his two daughters. • The largest chunk of wealth in North America is now no longer tied up in buildings or machinery, it’s in urban residential land, which Prof. Patrick Condon maintains the global rich are now scooping up like stocks and bonds. “It is the price of the land under the building that is far more important than any other single factor in determining who gets sick, who struggles to keep a roof over their heads and who lives paycheque to paycheque,” says Condon. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
за год до этогоa year before (It had a man's body and was well over 7 feet from head to toe, with a similar wingspan. The sergeant told him that another guard had seen something similar a year before. -- что за год до этого нечто подобное видел другой часовой (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
к сожалению, я не смог до Вас дозвонитьсяUnfortunately, I was not able to reach you by phone
мороз до костей пробираетthere is frost in my bones ("Admiral's telescope says East Wind. I thought as much. There is frost in my bones. I shall wear two overcoats." (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
немного не дожив доjust shy of (The beloved actress passed away just shy of her 100th birthday. ART Vancouver)
Ну, до встречи!I'll see you then! (after agreeing on a time of meeting ART Vancouver)
остаются считанные дни доis nearly upon us (The year 2023 is nearly upon us. -- До наступления нового года остаются / остались считанные дни. ART Vancouver)
от звонка до звонкаbell-to-bell (Халеев)
работать от звонка до звонкаwork bell to bell (Халеев)
холод до костей пробираетthere is frost in my bones ("Admiral's telescope says East Wind. I thought as much. There is frost in my bones. I shall wear two overcoats." (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)