
Terms for subject Road traffic containing В | all forms | exact matches only
автомобильная пробка в нескольких направленияхtraffic gridlock (a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
в горах дороги более извилистыеthere are more bends in mountain roads (Andrey Truhachev)
в день отъездаon the day of departure (Yeldar Azanbayev)
в конце подъёмаat the top of hill (ПДД translator911)
в конце подъёмаnear the top of hill (translator911)
в конце поездкиon completing the journey (Yeldar Azanbayev)
в любом случае будет требоватьсяwill still be required (Yeldar Azanbayev)
в случае возникновения необходимости заднего ходаshould the need to reverse arise (Yeldar Azanbayev)
вождение в темное время сутокdriving in the dark (translator911)
врезаться в бордюрhit a kerb (translator911)
въехать в горку в гололёдnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
въехать в крутую ледяную горуnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
датчик системы безостановочного автоматического взвешивания, интегрированный в полотно дорогиroad embedded weighing sensor (Sergei Aprelikov)
движение в две стороныtwo-way traffic
движение в пробке по разделительной полосеlane splitting (как правило, на двухколёсном транспорте Norbertt)
дорожный затор в нескольких направленияхtraffic gridlock (a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
ездить ежедневно из пригорода в город и обратноcommute
заехать в гололёд в горкуnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
заехать в гору в гололёдnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
заехать в крутую скользкую горуnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
замедление до скорости менее 5 миль в часrolling stop (автомобиля sankozh)
категория в водительских правах Великобританииfkp (F = Tractors K = Mowing machines or vehicles controlled by pedestrians P = Mopeds Duke Nukem)
машина, изуродованная в автокатастрофеwrecked car (Timothy claimed to have clearly observed a wrecked car in a ditch and an injured girl standing on the shoulder of the road waving her hands. When he stopped and ran back to help, "the car and the girl were gone," he remembered. ART Vancouver)
машина, разбитая в результате аварииwrecked car (Timothy claimed to have clearly observed a wrecked car in a ditch and an injured girl standing on the shoulder of the road waving her hands. When he stopped and ran back to help, "the car and the girl were gone," he remembered. ART Vancouver)
направляться в сторонуhead towards (ART Vancouver)
не вписаться в поворотmiss a curve (John missed a curve and crashed his yellow 1963 Porsche convertible into a tree near his Whistler home. ART Vancouver)
не предоставить преимущества в движенииviolate someone's right of way (4uzhoj)
он отказался дуть в трубкуhe refused to be breathalyzed (дорожной полиции; Am. Andrey Truhachev)
организация движения автотранспорта в колонном режимеtrain-like arrangement (Sergei Aprelikov)
организация движения автотранспорта в режиме автопоездаtrain-like arrangement (Sergei Aprelikov)
пешеходный путь, организованный вдоль проезжей части (в отличие от footpathfootway (this is a pedestrian route that runs alongside a carriageway as part of a road yevsey)
подняться в ледяную горкуnavigate an icy hill (все русские варианты взяты из русских источников: He told Richard about an incident that nearly claimed his life 17 years ago as he was attempting to navigate an icy hill. According to Jeremy, as he was climbing the iced-covered incline a pickup truck slid down and struck his vehicle. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
пойти в объездdetour (traffic had been detoured onto the new road – движение пошло в объезд по новой дороге Goplisum)
посмотреть в зеркало заднего видаmirror check (Changing lanes or direction? Make sure you mirror check, signal and shoulder check. sankozh)
преднамеренное замедление движения транспорта в жилых районах за счёт установки "лежачих полицейских" и прочих препятствийtraffic-calming measures (alexghost)
при выполнении рейсов, протяжённостью вfor the trips of (Yeldar Azanbayev)
простаивать в пробкахsit in traffic (ART Vancouver)
транспортная развязка в четырёх направленияхfour-way interchange (движения Alexander Matytsin)
сбор за пользование автомобильными дорогами, в зависимости от пройденного расстоянияdistance-based road usage charge (Sergei Aprelikov)
создать затор в движенииback up traffic
уйти в заносskid (The vehicle skidded off the road and into a ditch. • Машина ушла в занос и выехала на встречную полосу, где врезалась в микроавтобус «Фольксваген Крафтер». • He lost consciousness and skidded across the road. ART Vancouver)
указанные в приложенияхset out in the attachments (Yeldar Azanbayev)
пригородный участок дороги, испытывающий нагрузку в "часы пик"commute (plushkina)