
Terms for subject Formal containing Большой | all forms
большое числоvast array (array: an impressive display or range of a *particular type* of thing, т.е. однотипные члены группы : Based on his interviews with a vast array of abductees, he noted that there seem to be a number of recurring elements to the experience (...) coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Власти связывают большие надежды с новым антидискриминационным механизмомthe authorities have great expectations of the new anti-discrimination machinery
относиться с большим уважениемhold in high esteem (No doubt, when I apprise him of your call, he will send you his love, for I know he holds you in high esteem. The perfect hostess, he often describes you as. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
сумма, вдвое большая суммы прибыли или убыткаtwice the gain or loss (ART Vancouver)