
Terms for subject Historical containing Бара | all forms
гей-барmolly house (knowledgerush.com wlema)
магазин или бар, незаконно торгующий спиртными напиткамиspeakeasy (во время действия в США сухого закона; speakeasy – "unlicensed saloon," 1889 (in New York "Voice"), from speak + easy, from the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, or when inside it, so as not to alert the police and neighbors. The word gained wide currency in US during Prohibition (1920-1932). In early 19c. Irish and British dialect, a "speak softly shop" meant "smuggler's den." Taras)
подпольный барspeakeasy (особ. во время сухого закона Alexander Oshis)
"тихий" барspeakeasy (подпольное питейное заведение времён сухого закона Taras)