
Terms for subject Religion containing Арам | all forms
Али ар-Рида'Ali ar-Rida (The eighth imam in a succession of 12 leaders of the faith after the death of Muhammad)
ар-райra'y (In Islamic law, personal judgment; собственное независимое мнение законоведа, на основании которого он выносит какое-либо правовое решение)
ар-РахимRahim (One the names of Allah, the Merciful)
ар-РахманRahman (One the names of Allah, the Benefactor)
ар-Риддаriddah Series of politico-religious uprisings in various parts of Arabia during the caliphate of Abu Bakr
Джабал ар-РахманJabal ar-Rahmah (The holy place outside Mecca visited by piligrims at the second stage of the ritual)