
Terms containing Английская революция | all forms | in specified order only
hist.Английская буржуазная революцияEnglish Revolution (1640-1653 гг.)
gen.английская революцияthe Great Rebellion (Anglophile)
hist.Английская революцияEnglish Civil War (происходивший в 1639—1660 годах процесс перехода Англии от монархии к республике Ivan Pisarev)
gen.Английская революцияEnglish Revolution (Not to be confused with Glorious Revolution. In Marxism, the "English Revolution" is the period of the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth period (1649–1660), in which Parliament challenged King Charles I's authority, engaged in civil conflict against his forces, and executed him in 1649. This was followed by a ten-year period of bourgeois republican government, the "Commonwealth", before monarchy was restored in the shape of Charles' son, Charles II in 1660. WK. the events of 1688-89 by which James II was expelled and the sovereignty conferred on William and Mary. Also called Bloodless Revolution, Glorious Revolution. RHWD Alexander Demidov)
gen.Английская буржуазная революцияthe English Revolution (1640-1653 гг.)