
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 齿 | all forms
与可摘义齿相比,固定桥的基牙需要被磨除更多的牙体组织以为修复体留出间隙To make a fixed bridge, we have to prepare more teeth tissue to leave more space, compared with making a removable denture
与活动义齿相比,种植牙与天然牙有更相似的功能The implant has more similar biting functions to natural teeth than removable dentures
与颌骨相比,牙齿的体积显得太大The size of the teeth are too large compared with the size of the jaws
为了义齿的稳定,我将把您的牙磨去一点To make your denture stable, I'll grind your teeth a little
为了制作全口义齿,我将取模灌制研究模型To make upper and lower full dentures, I'll take impression for study models
为了正畸治疗,有时我们需要拔除一些牙齿Sometimes we have to pull out the teeth for the treatment
为灌制一副研究模型,我将给您的牙齿取印模I'll take an impression of your teeth for a study model
齿需要调改几次才能适合您的口腔We are going to adjust the denture a few more times to fit your mouth
齿非常适合您,是这样的吗?The denture fits perfectly, doesn't it?
今天我们会看看你的牙齿,并且会给它照相Today we are going to look at your teeth, and take pictures of them
以后的一段时间,您的牙齿可能对冷食物敏感The tooth may be sensitive to cold food for a while
你的牙齿不会感觉到疼痛的It doesn't hurt at all
修复后注意事项您会很快适应义齿You will soon get accustomed to the dentures
充填物的颜色与您的牙齿色泽相匹配The filling will be matched to the color of your teeth
全口义齿full denture
别忘了您的眼镜和义齿Don't forget your glasses and denture
制作一副新义齿较修理旧义齿好It is better to make a new denture than to repair the old one
医疗保险不包括金属基托义齿Health insurance does not pay for metal base dentures
即使我们保留这颗牙齿,它也没什么功能了Even if we keep it in your mouth, the tooth won't work properly any more
即使我们治疗好了这颗牙齿,它也不会保留多长时间的Even if we treat it, it won't work for long
含氟牙膏帮助加强牙釉质预防龋齿The toothpaste containing fluoride helps to strengthen the tooth enamel and prevent cavities
在一段时间里,您的牙齿可能会感觉不舒服Your tooth may be uncomfortable for a while
在您的颌骨内有颗阻生智齿You have an impacted wisdom tooth in the bone
塑料基托义齿相对便宜,但它较金属基托厚,您不能像戴金属基托义齿那样很好的感觉食物的温度The plastic plate denture is cheap, but it will be thicker than the metal plate denture and you can't feel the temperature of food as well as with the metal one
好,让我们来挑选义齿的颜色Well, let's select the color and shade of the teeth for your denture
如果义齿干燥很长时间,它们可能变形失去好的适应性。If they are dry for a long time, they may bend and lose their good fit. Instructions after teeth extraction
局部义齿partial denture
当存在深牙周袋时您无法有效清洁牙齿You can't clean the teeth effectively when there are deep pockets
当您不戴义齿时,请把它放到水里,防止义齿变干When you are not wearing your denture, be sure to keep them in a glass of water, so they will not become too dry
当正畸治疗时,您的牙齿可能会感觉敏感During the treatment with braces, you may feel some sensitivity
当牙槽骨降低后牙齿开始松动The teeth get loose when the bone recedes
您对义齿的设计有什么感觉?How do you feel about this design of the denture?
您牙齿周围的牙龈和牙槽骨正在退缩The gums and bone are receding around your teeth
您的牙齿在急性炎症期,所以我们不能拔除它Now, your tooth condition is in status of acute inflammation, so I won't pull it out
您看见牙齿红染的地方了吗?Can you see the red stains on your teeth?
您认为义齿设计得如何?What do you think about this design of the denture?
慢慢的闭上嘴,告诉我哪颗牙齿先接触Close your mouth slowly and tell me which tooth touches first
我们可以制作一个即刻义齿We can make an immediate denture
我们可以漂白牙齿We can bleach the tooth
我会用护髓材料来预防牙齿敏感I put a lining under the filling to prevent from sensitivity
我在您的口腔里放入橡皮障,以防唾液弄湿牙齿I will put the rubber dam in your mouth to prevent saliva from running over the teeth
我将为制作义齿灌制牙模型I'll make a model of the teeth for making a denture
我将会把你牙齿上的龋洞清理干净并用树脂充填它们I am going to clean a cavity in your tooth and fill it with composite resin
我将使你的牙齿睡觉I will make your tooth go to sleep
我将吹干你的牙齿并给它们涂些氟化物I am going to dry and paint fluoride solution on your teeth
我将在您的牙齿上钻个小眼I'll make a small opening in the top of your tooth
我将在研究模型上设计您的义齿I'll design your denture on the study model
我将把橡皮障放在牙齿上以便获得干燥的环境I'll put this rubber dam on the teeth to get a dry field
我将用气枪吹干您的牙齿I'm going to dry the tooth by blowing air on to it
我将用氟给您的牙齿脱敏I will put the fluoride to remove the sensitivity
我将用红色的液体涂抹你的牙齿以便我们能看到牙虫I will put a red color liquid on your teeth so that we can see the sugar bugs
我将给您的牙齿抛光使牙体表面光滑Now I will polish your teeth to make them smooth
我将给您的牙齿拍个 X 线片来测量牙根的长度I'll take an X-ray to measure the length of the root
我将给您的牙齿拍个 X 线片看看牙内情况I will take an X-ray to check inside the tooth
我将给您的牙齿涂氟三分钟I will paint fluoride solution on your teeth for three minutes
我将给您试戴义齿然后把它调整到适合您的口腔I'll try the denture in and adjust it to fit your mouth
我建议您的孩子用氟化物涂牙齿I recommend your child to have topical fluoride application
我想通过 X 线片来看看这颗牙齿的一些细节情况I want to examine the tooth in detail by an X -ray
我用气枪把你的牙齿吹干I'll make your teeth dry by air
我给你的牙齿上涂一些氟以使它们更坚硬I will put some fluoride on your teeth to make them strong
拔牙的当天就可以有一个即刻义齿的戴入An immediate denture can be inserted on the same day of the tooth extraction
拿着镜子看看你的牙齿Hold this mirror and look at your teeth
接下来牙齿会因为牙周支持骨的丧失而松动In the advanced stage, teeth become loose because of destruction of the supporting bone
齿wisdom tooth
有固定矫治器和活动矫治器矫正牙齿There are fixed type and removable type appliance for straightening the teeth
有大充填物的牙齿敏感很常见Sensitive is common in the tooth with a big filling
正畸治疗不但可以改善容貌而且可以改善牙齿的功能The orthodontic treatment will improve not only the esthetic problems but also the function of the teeth, Instructions after filling
氟化物有利于牙齿的再矿化,帮助唾液修复脱矿的牙釉质Fluoride is good to tooth remineralization and can help the saliva to repair the demineralized enamel
氟化物能增加牙齿的硬度,降低酸溶解牙釉质的能力和抑制细菌生长Fluoride can increase the hardness of the tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of the enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria
治疗后牙齿可能有点不舒服。It might be a little uncomfortable after the treatment. Instructions after prosthetic treatment
治疗过程中牙齿可能敏感The tooth may be sensitive during treatment
洗完牙后牙齿会出现对冷热食物敏感的现象The teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold food for a while
齿周围的牙槽骨已经被吸收There is bone recession around your teeth
齿表面涂氟可以增强其硬度Topical fluoride application makes your teeth strong
牙列缺损和缺失的修复有两种修复缺失牙的方法,一种是可摘活动义齿,另一种是固定义齿There are two types of false teeth to replace the lost teeth, one is removable type and the other is fixed type
现在,您的牙齿已经拔下来了Now, your tooth has been pulled out
现在我将在您的牙齿上涂菌斑显示液Now I will put the red disclosing solution on your teeth
现在,我将给您的牙齿做窝沟封闭Now, I'll seal your teeth
现在我将给您的牙齿取模I will now take an impression of your teeth
睡觉前请拿下义齿Please take your denture out when you go to bed
种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it
窝沟封闭剂可以防止细菌和食物进入窝沟腐蚀牙齿Sealants keep out the bacteria and food that cause tooth decay
细菌是牙齿龋坏、牙龈疾病和牙石形成的重要原因Bacteria are the most important cause of tooth decay, gum disease and calculus formation
经过根管治疗的牙齿发生折裂的可能性比较大A tooth after root canal treatment is more likely to fracture
经过根管治疗的牙齿最好进行桩冠修复保护患牙It will be helpful to insert a metal core into the tooth and make a crown after root canal therapy
让我们试戴义齿Let's try in this denture
请像我这样把牙刷放在牙龈与牙齿的联合部位Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this
请咬紧牙齿Please tap your teeth together
请摘下眼镜,取出义齿,把它们放到这儿Please take off your glasses, take out your denture, and place them here
这个义齿可以修理This denture can be repaired
这些腐败的东西必须用牙钻清理干净,牙齿需要充填The decay has to be cleaned out by drilling and the tooth has to be filled
这是您第一次戴义齿吗?Is this the first time you have a denture?
这颗智齿与上颌牙并没有好的咬合关系This wisdom tooth doesn't work in proper occlusion with the upper tooth
这颗牙齿最好拔除This tooth had better be pulled out
这颗牙齿的牙根已断为两片The root of this tooth is fractured into two pieces
酸可以把你的牙齿弄个洞出来The acid can eat a cavity in the tooth
金属基托义齿很贵,但它比较结实且厚度较薄,能传导食物的温度The metal plate denture is very expensive. It is not only tough and thin, but also can conduct the temperature of the food
齿central tooth
阻生齿impacted tooth
齿dental plate