
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
中级耐火土砖medium-duty fire clay brick
中间包保护渣tundish powder viscosity
度保护渣low viscosity powder 【flux】
度开浇用保护渣low viscosity starter powder
保护渣powder viscosity
保护渣flux viscosity (【技】表示保护渣熔化成液体的流动性能。它对熔渣吸收夹杂物和坯壳的润滑效果有重要影响。保护渣的黏度取决于渣的化学成分,其值可以使用扭摆黏度计或旋转黏度计加以测定。: Higher flux viscosity and lower flux consumption usually reduce the oscillation mark depth. 较高的保护渣黏度和较低的保护渣耗量通常会降低振痕深度。)
保护渣度测量方法measuring method of powder viscosity
保护渣度测量方法flux viscosity measuring method
保护渣度计powder viscometer
保护渣度计flux viscometer
保护渣度计算方程equation for calculating viscosity of flux
保护渣度计算模型model of calculation of flux viscosity
保护渣初始initial viscosity of flux
保护渣初始initial viscosity of powder
保护渣初始initial flux viscosity
保护渣动力学dynamic viscosity of flux
决定保护渣度的因素factors determining powder viscosity
决定保护渣度的因素factors determining flux viscosity
滞性曲线quasi-viscous curve (负荷与蠕变率关系曲线)
滞性蠕变quasi-viscous creep
化铁炉用土砖clay cupola brick
匣钵sagger clay
同轴圆筒度计coaxial-cylinder viscometer
均化土装置device for homogenizing clay
大块耐火土砖heavy-duty fireclay brick
大角间界滞性viscosity of large-angle boundary
布氏度计Brookfield viscometer
结性煤feebly caking coal
悬摆式度计pendulum viscometer
扭力度计torsional viscosimeter
振动片式度计vibrating-plate viscometer
摆式度计oscillating viscometer
摆锤式度计pendulum viscometer
数字式高温旋转度计digital high-temperature rotary viscosimeter
旋转式度计rotational viscometer
旋转式度计rotating viscometer
旋转柱体式度计rotating cylinder type viscometer
粒间滞性viscosity of grain boundary
未烧unburned clay
气泡度测定法bubble method of viscosity measurement
沉球式度计falling ball viscometer
液态保护渣viscosity of molten flux
液态保护渣动力学dynamic viscosity of liquid flux
slag viscosity
渣的viscosity of slag
炉渣viscosity of slag (Slag splashing variables include the lance height, the nozzle angle, the gas flow rate, the viscosity of the slag, the bath depth, and two positional variables X and Y that define the location of the point on the BOF wall. 溅渣护炉参数包括枪位、喷口角度、气体流量、炉渣黏度、熔池深度以及用于确定氧气顶吹转炉炉墙上点位置的两个位置参数 X 和 Y。)
炉渣slag viscosity (【技】炉渣黏度表示炉渣内部各部分质点移动时的内摩擦力大小,是炉渣重要的动力学性质之一。适当的炉渣黏度是炼钢操作的重要条件之一。炉渣黏度过大,物质在钢水和炉渣之间传递速度缓慢,不利于炼钢过程中化学反应的进行;炉渣黏度过低,则会加快炉衬侵蚀,降低炉子寿命。)
炉渣adhesion of slag
燧石flint clay
燧石土砖flint brick
燧石耐火flint fire clay
玻璃滞性viscosity of glass
球窝式度计cup-and-ball viscometer
unburned clay
度温度equiviscous temperature
粉状耐火powdered fire clay
粉状耐火ground fire clay
滞流动Newtonian flow
细磨的耐火土泥浆ground fire clay mortar
细磨耐火ground fire clay
结晶器保护渣viscosity of mold flux (The viscosities of mold flux were estimated using the mathematic model proposed by the Company. 使用该公司推荐的数学模型对结晶器保护渣黏度进行了估算。)
结晶器保护渣mold flux viscosity
结晶器保护渣度测量mold flux viscosity measurement
结晶器保护渣度计算方程equation for calculating viscosity of mold flux
结晶器保护渣度评价方程equation for evaluating viscosity of mold flux
结晶器内保护渣工作operating viscosity of in-mold flux
结晶器内保护渣工作flux operating viscosity in mold
耐火土埚fireclay crucible
耐火土大块砖refractory fireclay block
耐火土火泥fireclay mortar
耐火土片砖fireclay tile
耐火土管fireclay pipe
耐火土罐clay pot
耐火土袖砖fireclay sleeve
耐火土铸型fireclay mould
耐高温土砖high heat duty fireclay brick
cementing medium
附着强度adhesive strength
脱水anhydrous paste (用于制备炮泥)
计算保护渣度的经验模型empirical model for calculating viscosity of casting flux
赫蒂炉渣度计Herty viscosimeter
轻敷土槽dabbed clayspout
轻敷土槽dabbed spout
轻质膨胀土骨料lightweight expanded clay aggregate
通用度计universal viscosimeter
通用度计all-purpose viscosimeter
重质heavy clay
镀锡层的强度tin adhesion
滞流nonviscous flow (动)
非塑性nonplastic clay
度保护渣high viscosity powder
度保护渣high viscosity flux
高级优质耐火土砖high-duty fireclay brick
吸作用adhesive attraction
熟料灰clay-grog mortar
土保温帽clay hot top
土保温帽clay hot top
土切削机clay carving machine
土切割机clay cutter
土制品clay ware
土制备机clay preparation machine
土加工机械clay-working machine
土地基clay bed
土坑clay pit
土坩埚clay crucible
土坯体clay body
土坯体clay body
土型loam mould
土型芯clay core
土基质clay matrix
土塞头砖clay plug
土填塞clay tamping
土夯实clay tamping
土层clay plane
土岩clay rock
土捣实clay tamping
土搅拌机clay mixer
土板岩clay slate
土水口砖clay nozzle
土水泥砂浆clay-cement mortar
土泥塞bot (化铁炉出铁口的)
土泥塞bott (化铁炉出铁口的)
土泥塞bod (化铁炉出铁口的)
土泥浆clay wash
土泥灰岩clay marl
土洗选clay washing
土火泥loam mortar
土灰浆loam mortar
土焦炭混合物clay-coke mixture
土熟料burned fire-clay
土熟料砖grog-clay brick
土熟料粉chamotte powder
土熟料细粉finely ground fire clay
土片岩clay schist
土状物质clay-like material
土石墨制品clay-graphite product
土石墨坩埚clay-graphite crucible
土石墨搪料clay-graphite mixture
土石墨耐火材料clay-graphite refractory material
土矿井clay pit
土矿床clay deposit
土矿开采clay mining
土砖fireclay brick
土砖firebrick (The hearths of older blast furnaces were of firebrick, but nowadays carbon blocks are used. 老式的高炉炉缸用黏土砖砌成,而现今的高炉则使用碳砖。)
土砖clay brick (【技】 Al₂O₃ 含量为30% ~ 40%的硅酸铝质耐火砖。主要原料为黏土熟料,配以结合黏土,采用半干法或可塑法成型,经烧成制得。分为普通黏土砖、多孰料黏土砖和全生黏土砖。是高炉、热风炉、钢包内衬和浇钢系统用砖。)
土砖密度density of clay brick
土砖绝缘clay brick insulation
土破碎机clay shredder
土磨碎机clay mill
土粘结剂clay bond
土结合的碳化硅砖clay-bonded silicon carbide brick (【技】在碳化硅配料中加人塑性好的结合黏土,经混炼、成型、烧结工序制得。)
土结合的碳化硅耐火材料clay-bonded silicon carbide refractory
土结合硅质耐火材料clay-bonded silica refractory
土结合碳化硅耐火材料clay-bonded silicon carbide refractory
土耐火砖clay firebrick
土脉clay vein
土质塑性耐火材料fireclay plastic refractory
土质矿物clay mineral
土质砂clayey sand
土质碳酸铁矿clay band ironstone
土质碳酸铁矿clayband ironstone
土质精矿clay-bearing concentrate
土质菱铁矿argillaceous siderite
土质褐铁矿brown clay iron ore
土质褐铁矿clay iron ore
土质隔热耐火材料fireclay insulating refractory
土造型clay moulding
土隔膜clay membrane
塑性法viscoplasticity method
塑性片viscoplastic disc
度差difference in viscosity
度控制器viscosity controller
度测量measure of viscosity
度-温度曲线viscosity vs. temperature curve
度系数modulus of viscosity
度系数viscosity index
度计算经验模型empirical model for calculating viscosity
弹性viscoelastic behaviour
弹性材料viscoelastic material
viscous slag
pasty slag
soft clinker
sticky slag
heavy slag
dry slag
性流viscous flow
性渣viscous slag
性矿gougy ore
性矿石sticky ore
性砂clay sand
性金属viscous metal
foundry loam
viscous slag
滞性viscous behaviour
滞性蠕变viscous creep
滞性质viscous behaviour
着力试验adhesion test
着层adhering layer
稠焦油thick tar
adhesive bonding
结剂binding element
结桥adhering bridge
氧化皮roll banding
dead burning
附作用adhesive action
附力adhesional force
附压力adhesion pressure
附层adhering layer
附应力adhesive stress
附强度adhesive strength
附强度adhesion strength
附沉积adherent deposit
附能力adhesive capacity