
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
半干旱土丘陵区semiarid loess hilly region
色土yellow soil
天然酮类资源natural flavonoid resources
灌溉using the Yellow River to irrigate
灌溉irrigation from the Yellow River
straw yellow
湿陷collapsible loess
苏丹Sudan yellow
yellow earth
酸性acid yellow soil
baryta yellow
yellow chrome
zinc chrome
锌铬zinc chrome
cadmium yellow
丘-副区the first sub zone of loess hilly region
yellow lead (oxide)
土丘陵区loess hilly region
土丘陵区loess hilly and gully area (region)
土丘陵区hilly loess area
土丘陵沟壑区loess hilly gully area
土丘陵沟壑区loess hilly and gully area (region)
土丘陵沟壑区hill and gully loess area
土台塬边坡loess tableland slope
土坡地loess slope field
土坡面loess slope
土坡面loess hillslope
土塬区loess tableland
土层loess layer
土崩塌loess landslide
土性土壤loessial soil
土残嫄区broken loess plateau
土残嫄沟壑区loess gulled-hilly area
土沟壑区loess hilly area
土沟壑区loess hilly and gully area (region)
土洞穴系统loess tunnel system
土裂隙cracks and fissures in loess
土高原水土流失区soil and water loss region of loess plateau
土高原沟壑区gully region of loess plateau
海冷水团Huanghai Cold Water Mass
灌沙区desert region of irrigating using Yellow River
yellow heat
白土yellow white soil
石国家公园在怀俄明州Yellowstone National Park (in Wyoming)
又称白磷yellow phosphorus
磷中毒yellow phosphorus poisoning
色氧化汞yellow oxide of mercury
色素yellow pigments
藻类yellow-green algae
血盐yellow prussiate of potash
血盐钠yellow prussiate of soda
铀浓缩物的一种yellow cake
龙自然保护区大熊猫等珍稀动物及森林生态系统和自然景观保护区。位于中国四川松潘县Huanglong Nature Reserve