
Terms for subject Entomology containing | all forms
一枝花网蝽 Corythucha marmoratachrysanthemum lacebug
冷杉类卷蛾 Tortrix packardianaspring spruce needle moth
凹翅秋尺蛾 Ennomos magnariusmaple spanworm
半殖民地大semicolonial bumble bee
Vespa crabrohornet
Vespula consobrinayellowjacket
卷蛾 Archips cerasivorananest-caterpillar
常见胡蜂 Vespa vulgaris (L.)common wasp vine
德国Vespa germanicaGerman wasp
忽布斑盲蝽 Calocoris fulvomaculatusshy bug
忽布斑盲蝽 Calocoris fulvomaculatusneedle-nosed hop bug
普通Vespa vulgaris (L.)common wasp vine
角叶蜂 Hoplocampa minutaplum sawfly
脉天蛾 Laothoe populi L. (Smerinthus p.)poplar hawk
Thaumetopea pityocampa (Schiff.)pine processionary moth
Thaumetopea pityocampa (Schiff.)stone-pine processionary caterpillar
Thaumetopea pityocampa (Schiff.)pine processionary caterpillar
果树卷蛾 Archips argyrospiluspear borer
果树卷蛾 Archips argyrospilusapple leaf borer
果树卷蛾 Archips argyrospilusfruit tree leaf roller
卷蛾 Nemato Tortrix packardianaspring spruce needle moth
卷蛾 Archips fervidanaoak webworm
条大蚕蛾 Anisota senatoriaorange-striped oak worm
粉虱 Dialeurodes citricommon citrus white fly
粉虱 Dialeurodes citricitrus white fly
木虱 Psylla pyri, Psylla pyricolapear sucker
木虱 Psylla pyri, Psylla pyricolapear psylla
叶甲 Pyrrhalta luteolaimported elm leaf beetle
榆秋尺蛾 Ennomos subsignariuselm spanworm
榆秋尺蛾 Ennomos subsignariussnow white linden moth
色蠓 Culicoides ravusyellowish biting midge
白斑脸胡蜂baldfaced hornet
网纹蛞蝓 Limax flavuslarge yellow slug
美国松木小蠹 Pityogenes carinulatusponderosa pine wood engraver
美麦潜蝇 Meromyza americanawheat bulb worm
美麦潜蝇 Meromyza americanawheat stem maggot
芜菁条跳甲 Phyllotreta cruciferaecrucifer flea beetle
茶藨叶蜂 Pteronidae ribesiicurrant worm
鬃蓟马banana rust thrips
醋栗叶蜂 Pteronidae ribesiicurrant worm
吸浆虫 Papilio demoleuslemon butterfly
伪毛蚜 Sipha flava (Forbes)yellow sugar cane aphid
yellow body
卷蛾bud moths
卷蛾属 Archips persicanawhite-triangle leaf roller
卷蛾属 Archips parallelarose leaf tier
吸浆虫 Papilio demoleuslemon butterfly
地老虎 Agrotis (spp.)surface caterpillars
地老虎 Euxoa segetum, Agrotis segetumturnip moth
地老虎 Euxoa segetum, Agrotis segetumdart moth
地老虎 Euxoa segetum, Agrotis segetumcommon dart moth
地老虎 Euxoa segetum, Agrotis segetumcommon cutworm
地老虎 Agrotis (spp.)cutworms
杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas-fir beetle
杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas fir bark-beetle
杉季球蚜 Adelges cooleyi, Chermes cooleyiCooley's adelges of the Douglas fir
杉小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas-fir beetle
杉小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas fir bark-beetle
杉毒蛾 Hemerocampa pseudotsugataDouglas-fir tussock moth
杉球蚜 Adelges cooleyi, Chermes cooleyiCooley's adelges of the Douglas fir
杨木虱 Psylla buxiboxwood psyllid
杨潜叶瘿蚊 Monarthropalpus buxiboxwood leafminer
杨潜叶瘿蚊 Monarthropalpus buxibox-tree midge
毒蛾 Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.)brown-tail moth
毛夜蛾 Triphaena pronubalarge yellow underwing moth
毛夜蛾 Triphaena pronubayellow underwing
毛夜蛾 Triphaena pronubacommon yellow underwing moth
毛污灯蛾 Diacrisia virginicayellow bear caterpillar
瓜束带叶甲 Acalymma vittatum (F.)striped cucumber beetle
瓜条叶甲 Acalymma vittatum (F.)striped cucumber beetle
瓜绢野螟 Diaphania nitidalis (L.)pickleworm
粉甲 Tenebrio molitoryellow mealworm
粉甲 Tenebrio molitormealworm
粉蝶 Pieridae (sp.)sulphur butterflies
腹蠓 Culicoides xanthogasteryellow venter biting midge
腹铗茎蜂 Janus compressus (F.)janus compressus
色草丛丘 Dasychira pudibunda (L.)yellow tussock
色草丛丘 Dasychira pudibunda (L.)vaporer moth
色草丛丘 Dasychira pudibunda (L.)hop dog
色草丛丘 Dasychira pudibunda (L.)red-tail moth
色草丛丘 Dasychira pudibunda (L.)pale tussock moth
药子瘤蚜 Myzus variansvariable peach aphid
药子瘤蚜 Myzus varianspeach leafroll aphid
褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria (L.)lackey moth
褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria (L.)common lackey moth
褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria (L.)tent caterpillar
褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria (L.)lackey caterpillar
角大树蜂 Urocerus flavicornisyellow-horned urocerus
角树蜂 Urocerus flavicornisyellow-horned urocerus
边胡蜂 Vespa crabo (L.)giant hornet
边胡蜂 Vespa crabo (L.)grint hornet
连木粉小蠹 Carphoborus perrissismall bark beetle pistachio