
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
mesolecithal ovum
medialecithal egg
亚急性色肝萎缩subacute severe hepatitis
亚急性色肝萎缩subacute massive liver necrosis
体素释放素试验luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test
假性卵状黄斑变性pseudovitelliform macular degeneration
先天性斑纤维化congenital fibrosis of macula
先天性家族性非溶血性congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice
先天性非溶血性痘间接胆红素增高型Gilbert syndrome
单一性促体素缺乏症isolated luteinizing hormone deficiency
样黄斑变性vitelliform macular degeneration
样黄斑变性Best disease
状黄斑变性vitelliform macular degeneration
状黄斑变性Best disease
肠管vitello-intestinal duct
卵泡膜素囊肿theca-lutein cyst
囊样斑变性cystoid degeneration of macula
囊样斑水肿cystoid macular edema
妊娠急性色肝萎缩obstetric acute yellow liver atrophy
定量斑视野检查quantitative maculo-perimetry
尿含铁血素试验urine for hemosiderin Rous test
年龄相关性斑变性senile macular degeneration
年龄相关性斑变性age-related macular degeneration
弹性假色瘤pseudoxanthoma elasticum
急性疸型肝炎acute icteric hepatitis
急性色肝萎缩fulminant hepatitis
急性色肝萎缩acute severe hepatitis
急性无疸性肝炎acute anicteric hepatitis
新生儿neonatal jaundice
新生儿病理性pathological jaundice of newborn
新生儿重icterus gravis neonatorum
新生血管性斑病变neovascular maculopathy
未破卵泡素化综合征luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome
nucleus jaundice
bilirubin encephalopathy
素缺乏病vitamin B₂ deficiency
次级卵secondary yolk sac
母乳性breast milk jaundice
特发性肺含铁血素沉着症idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
生理性physiological jaundice
生理性physiologic jaundice
盘状斑变性disciform degeneration of macula
眼底色斑点症Stargardt disease
眼睑色瘤xanthoma palpebrarum
眼睑色瘤xanthoma of eyelid
anisolecithal ovum
结节丘疹性tubo-eruptive xanthoma
结节性xanthoma tuberosum
老年性斑变性senile macular degeneration
肝性hepatic jaundice
肺含铁血素沉着症.pulmonary hemosiderosis
体细胞theca lutein cell
遗.传性斑变性hereditary macular di generation
闭锁atretic corpus luteum
颗粒体细胞granulosa lutein cell
体功能不全luteal insufficiency
体功能不足inadequate luteal function
体酮试验progesterone test
斑光应力试验macular photostress test
斑发育不全aplasia of macula
斑变性degeneration of macula
斑回避sparing of macula
斑异位heterotopy of macula
斑皱褶macular pucker
斑盘状脱离disciform macular detachment
斑缺损macular coloboma
斑蝶形色素营养不良butterfly-shaped pigment dystrophy of macula
斑裂孔macular hole
期过短short luteal phase
杆菌属培养Flavobacterium culture
毛舌yellow hairy tongue
素囊肿lutein cyst
脂肪组织yellow adipose tissue
脂肪组织white adipose tissue
色水样白带watery yellowish leukorrhea