
Terms for subject United Nations containing 高 Q 的 | all forms | in specified order only
关于亚太经社会区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region
关于非洲发展问题的高级人士小组Panel of High-Level Personalities on African Development
利用非车辆装载的高频通信器材提供一个指挥控制网command-and-control net using non-vehicular-mounted HF communications equipment
可同前方医疗队联系的甚高频/超高频无线电台VHF/UHF radio for communication with forward medical teams
地震或风暴潮所引起的异常高潮位tidal wave
完全部署的高级战地医院fully deployed advanced field hospital
1992年秘书长设立的关于非洲发展问题的高级人士小组Panel of High-level Personalities on African Development established in 1992 by the Secretary-General
提高公众对人力资源开发的认识的指导方针Guidelines on promoting public awareness of human resources development
提高公众对低收入住房和住区问题和政策的认识区域讨论会Regional Seminar to promote Public Awareness on the Issues and Policies of Low-income Shelter and Settlements
新军队的统一高级指挥部integrated High Command of the new army
热带季风气候:气温——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上tropical monsoon climate with temperature — average daily high of 29 degrees celsius or more all 12 months of the year
热带赤道气候:温度——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上。tropical equatorial climate: temperature — average daily high 29 degrees celsius or above all 12 months of the year
精通环境法的高级政府官员会议Meeting of Senior Governmental Officials Expert in Environmental Law
臭氧的高度分布曲线ozone profile
负责科特迪瓦选举的高级代表"高级代表"High Representative for the elections in Côte d'Ivoire the High Representative
高危特派团:没有疫苗的地方传染病发病率很高的特派团。 所有其他的特派团都被视为"正常风险特派团"high-risk mission: a mission with high incidence of endemic infectious diseases for which no vaccinations exist.All other missions are considered "normal-risk mission"