
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一种电石渣还原精炼的级强韧铸铁sendait metal
三菱贝氏体低合金强度钢Mitsubishi bainite steel
三菱贝氏体低合金强度钢MB steel
上行程最top of upstroke
上风口upper tuyere level
下山downhill height
下降lowering distance
不放上渣的blast furnace without upper slag tap
不烧铝砖unburned high alumina brick (【技】 不经烧制,采用高压成型技术制成的高铝砖。先将高温煅烧矶土熟料加人少量化学结合剂制成泥料,再经高压成型生产的高铝砖,其使用性能与同材质的烧成制品相当,在钢铁工业中主要用于钢包内衬、水口砖、塞头砖等。)
不锈速钢stainless high speed steel
不顺行tight furnace
不顺行tight blast furnace
世界最大的world's largest blast furnace
世界最大的the world's largest blast furnace
中型medium-sized blast furnace (Figure 6 is a diagram of a medium-sized blast furnace which would be about 30 metres high and 10 metres diameter at its widest part. 图 6 是一幅中型高炉图,炉高约 30m, 最宽处直径 10m。)
中等moderately elevated temperature
中速和速铸造区medium/ fast range of casting speeds
中速和速铸造范围medium/ fast range of casting speeds
中间包tundish height
中间包临界钢水液位critical high liquid steel level in tundish (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中的液面高度如果高于某一高度,就有可能导致流人结晶器的钢水过多,从而酿成钢水从结晶器上口溢出,造成生产事故。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界高液位。)
中间包内钢水液位high steel level in tundish
中间包用功率等离子炬high power plasma torch for tundish
中间包钢水临界液面critical steel level in tundish
中间包钢水临界液面critical level of liquid steel in tundish
优等制绳铅淬火钢丝 best plough steel wire <-> 铅淬火强度钢丝best patented steel wire
优质high quality and high production
优质good quality and high output
优质炉炉料quality burden for BF
优质炉炉料high-grade blast furnace burden
优质炉炉料high grade blast furnace burden
优质级铸铁high-test cast iron
优质低合金强度钢quality low-alloy high-strength steel
传统炉-氧气顶吹转炉流程traditional production route of BF-BOF
传统炉-转炉流程traditional blast furnace-converter route
传统式炉-氧气顶吹转炉流程conventional BF-BOF route
传送带上料的belt charged blast furnace
伯明翰锌黄铜Birmingham platina (25Cu,75Zn)
估计炉一代寿命estimated blast furnace campaign
barrier height
低合金强度结构钢low-alloy high-strength structural steel
低合金强度钢low-alloy high-strength steel
低合金强度钢HSLA steel
低合金强度钢low-alloyed high strength steel
低合金强度钢low-alloy high strength steel
低温强度钢cryogenic high-strength steel (【技】指在低温下不仅具有良好的低温韧性,而且具有较高强度的钢种,主要有以下三类:①低合金低温高强度钢;②冷作硬化奥氏体不锈钢;③高强度不锈钢。)
低湿度送风dry-air blast furnace
低湿送风dry-air blast-furnace
低炉身low-stack blast furnace
低炉身low-shaft blast furnace (【技】炉身较低的高炉,亦称低炉身高炉,适用于电力资源丰富而焦炭资源贫乏的地区冶炼铸造生铁、锰铁、硅铁等。)
低钨速钢low tungsten high speed steel (1.5C, 1.03Mn, 0.86Si, 8.01Cr, 3.37V, 2.63W,1.29Al,0.09N)
低风温low blast temperature blast furnace
佩特罗压缩空气速锻造机Petro forge machine
偏光温计polarizing pyrometer
停风焖炉的banked blast furnace
停风闷火banked blast furnace
光学温测定法optical pyrometry
光学温计optical pyrometer
光敏元件温计light-sensitive cell pyrometer
光敏器件温计light-sensitive cell pyrometer
光测温学optical pyrometry
光测温计optical pyrometer
光电温计photoelectric pyrometer
光电式温计optimatic pyrometer
光电管温计photocell pyrometer
光纤温计optical fiber pyrometer
光谱温计spectro pyrometer
光谱温计spectral pyrometer
克罗马多尔低合金强度钢Chromador (<0.3C, <0.2Si,0.7~1.0Mn, 0.25 ~0.5Cu,0.7~ 1.0Cr,余量 Fe)
克虏伯速钢Krupp triple steel (0.9C, 4W, 4Cr, 2.5Mo, 2.5V)
克雷姆佩雷尔速玻璃扩散泵Klemperer's high-speed glass pump
total height
overall height
全焦all coke blast furnace
全辐射温计total radiation pyrometer
全辐射温计rayotube (pyrometer)
全辐射温计pyro-total radiation pyrometer
全风量操作的driving blast-furnace
兰克斯特种级铸铁Lanx iron
分辨率提increase in resolution
剑桥电阻温计Cambridge pyrometer
剩余炉煤surplus blast-furnace gas
剩余炉煤气surplus blast-furnace gas
单一炉煤气straight blast furnace gas
单一的炉煤气straight blast furnace gas
单出铁场single casthouse blast furnace
单出铁场single casthouse blast-furnace
单脚架起重机cantilevered gantry
单脚架起重机semiportal crane
单脚架起重机one-leg construction gantry crane
单脚架起重机cantilever gantry
单色温计single colour pyrometer
单色温计single color pyrometer
单铁口single-taphole blast furnace
单铁口single taphole blast furnace
单镜辐射温计single-mirror radiation pyrometer
单镜辐射温计single mirror radiation pyrometer
博毕尔锌黄铜Bobierre's metal (商品名,63Cu, 37Zn)
卧式压釜horizontal autoclave
卧式回转压釜horizontal rotating autoclave
吊车轨面标crane rail level
钼的坡莫因瓦高导磁率合金Mo-perminvar (45Ni, 25Co, 22.5Fe, 7.5Mo)
含气量偏的炉次bleeding heat
含气量较炉次bleeding heat
含氮速钢nitrogen-containing high speed steel (【技】高速钢中加人氮可以细化晶粒,促使钼系和钨钼系钢中的 M₂C 型碳化物转变,提高淬、回火硬度和热塑性,有利于提高钢的切削性能。)
含铅碳钢leaded high-carbon steel
含铌强度钢niobium-bearing high strength steel
含铌强度钢columbium-bearing high strength steel
含铌强度钢niobium bearing high strength steel (含<0.05Nb)
含铌强度钢columbium bearing high strength steel (含<0.05Nb)
含铌速钢niobium-containing high speed steel
含铜high copper
含铝速钢aluminium-containing high speed steel
含镍强度铸铁Ni-tensyl iron
含镍强度铸铁Ni-tensilorin (含1~ 4Ni)
泵的吸入drawing lift
泵的吸入draw lift
吸升suction lift
吸收温计absorption pyrometer
吸色温计colour-extinction pyrometer
native-style blast furnace
地坪标floor line
地坪标floor elevation
地平ground level
地面标ground elevation
地面标ground level
地面标floor level
坎农速钢Cannon (16W, 3.5Cr, 1.0V,0.70C)
坎塔尔级电阻丝Kanthal Super
坎塔尔铁铬铝系电阻合金Kanthal (alloy)
USS 坦尼隆锰高氮奥氏体不锈钢USS Tenelon steel
坩埚度调节crucible height adjustment
坩埚度调节hearth height adjustment
堆垛stacking height (带卷等的)
堆料stacking height
塑性锡青铜轴承合金plastic metal bearing alloy
塔总overall column height
填充packed height
填充fill height
填料height of layer
外壳height of shell
多元速钢multielement high-speed steel
多元速钢complex high-speed steel
多水岭土halloysite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4•2H2O)
多铁口multiple taphole blast furnace
large blast furnace
大中型medium-large blast furnace
大块炉焦炭uncrushed blast-furnace coke
大块炉用焦炭uncrushed blast furnace coke
大块炉用焦炭large-sized blast furnace coke
大型large blast furnace
大型large-scale blast furnace
大型large capacity blast furnace
大料钟突缘bell overhang
大钟凸缘bell overhang
奥氏体锰钢Hadfield manganese steel
奥米伽硅钢omega steel
奥迪欧洛伊导磁率铁镍合金Audiolloy (48Ni,余量Fe)
small-size blast furnace
small blast furnace
mini BF
mini blast furnace
baby blast furnace
小振幅、振频short oscillation stroke and high oscillation frequency
尼克罗姆铬丝加热元件Nichrome heating element
尼克罗姆铬丝电阻炉Nichrome-wound furnace
屋架跨相等时屋面坡度full pitch
档火墙或花墙的炉子semimuffle type furnace
带卷度自动对中automatic coil height centering
带状热电偶温计strip thermocouple pyrometer
常压normal pressure blast furnace
常压low-blast furnace
常规粉煤喷吹blast furnace with conventional P.C.I.
开口open height
B-I 式压炉顶Bailey-IHI top
压炉顶Bailey-IHI top B-I
金属弯月面meniscus level
强度的坯壳strong shell
overall height
total height
height overall
恒定亮度光学温计constant intensity pyrometer
慢风操作slow blowing BF
慢风操作low load blast furnace
成型坯体moulded blank height
成型坯体moulded blank height
截面检测section height method
戴纳帕克能束压机Dynapak press
戴纳帕克能高速压力机Dynapak press
戴纳帕克能高速成形法Dynapak process
戴纳帕克能高速挤压Dynapak extrusion
戴纳帕克能高速锻造Dynapak forging
戴纳帕克能高速锻造机Dynapak machine
戴纳帕克能高速锻造法Dynapak method
戴纳帕克能高速锻锤Dynapak (一种利用氮气压力的高速锤商品名)
戴纳帕克速冲压机Dynapak punch
戴纳帕克速成形机Dynapak high-velocity forming machine
戴纳帕克型速成型机Dynapak high-velocity forming machine
扁平频感应圈flat high frequency coil
手动温计hand pyrometer
手枪式温计pistol pyrometer
搅拌卧式压釜agitated horizontal autoclave
搅拌浸出压釜agitated leaching autoclave
携带式温计hand pyrometer
摩根生产率线材轧机Morgan high-production wire rod mill
攀移climbing height
支柱式supported-type blast furnace
效率提increase in efficiency
数字式温旋转黏度计digital high-temperature rotary viscosimeter
946易切削传导率铜合金946 alloy (99Cu, 1Pb)
T-l 易焊强度钢T-l steel
普拉廷锌黄铜Platine (57Zn,余量 Cu)
普通铜黄铜common high brass (66Cu,34Zn)
普雷米乌姆速合金Premium high speed alloy
产出率maximum yield
人均钢材表观消费量top apparent steel product consumption per capita
maximum valency
absolute valency
most significant digit
highest significant position
作业率maximum availability
加热温度maximum heating temperature
加热速度peak heating rate
升华点maximum sublimation point
压力top pressure
压力pressure peak
完好率maximum availability
强度maximum strength
拉坯速度peak casting speed
拉坯速度maximum casting speed
拉坯速度maximum cast speed
拉坯速度fastest cast speed
有效位most significant digit
有效位二进制的most significant bit
有效位字符most significant character
水位maximum high-water
浓度maximum concentration
温度peak temperature
温度thermal peak
温度maximum temperature
火焰温度peak flame temperature
"炭炼"级镀锡薄钢板premier charcoal tinplate
烧成温度peak firing temperature
烧成温度peak firing temperature
生产能力ultimate capacity
硬度冷轧钢板full hard temper
硬度的冷轧薄钢板hard temper (sheet)
硬度的冷轧钢板full hard temper
硬度的冷轧钢板hard temper
磁能积maximum magnetic energy product
能级topmost energy level
能量电子highest energy electron
腐蚀速率maximum erosion rate
设计生产能力peak design capacity
设计能力peak design capacity
负荷peak load
负荷操作peak load operation
连浇炉数maximum sequence length
透气性peak permeability
速度top speed
阶干涉最大值highest order interference maximum
风箱温度peak windbox temperature
最佳下山optimum downhill height
最大peak height
有序金属间化合物温合金high-temperature ordered intermetallic alloy
有效working height (高炉风口水平至料线)
有效working hight
有效effective depth
有衬lined blast furnace
木炭charcoal blast-furnace
木炭炉铁水charcoal blast-furnace hot metal
未经破碎的炉焦炭uncrushed blast furnace coke
机器machine height
机械搅拌压釜mechanically-agitated autoclave
杜拉纳强度黄铜Durana metal (65Cu, 30Zn, 2Sn, 1.5Al,1.5Fe)
杜拉纳强度黄铜Durana (64.78Cu, 29.5Zn, 2.22Sn, 1.71Fe, 1.7 Al)
基准点datum mark
difference in elevation
difference of elevation
格里克阿斯科洛伊温合金Greek Ascoloy
框架式bracket type blast furnace
桥下净clear headway of bridge
模具闭合die height
模拟simulated blast furnace
模拟pseudoblast furnace
气冷炉炉渣air-cooled blast furnace slag
气动机械速成形pneumatic-mechanical high-speed forming
气压计barometric height
氢氧化cobaltic hydroxide (Co (OH)3)
氢氧化ceric hydroxide (Ce(OH)4)
氢还原压釜hydrogen reduction autoclave
钴酸盐cobalticyanide (M3 [Co (CN)6〕)
氧化压釜oxidation autoclave
氧化cobaltic oxide (Co2O3)
氧化水解压釜oxydrolysis autoclave
氧化物温超导体系high temperature oxide superconductor system
氧枪oxygen lance height (喷头至熔池距离)
氧枪lance distance (喷头至熔池距离)
氧枪lance height (喷头至熔池距离: This is because as the lance height was increased, the point of impact of the gas jets on the slag surface moved toward the wall, leading to reduced splash striking the top and increased splash striking near the bottom. 这是由于随着枪位的升高,气体流股冲击渣面的冲击点移向炉墙,导致减少了对炉顶的溅渣冲击,提高了对炉底附近的溅渣冲击。)
氧枪度动态控制dynamic control of lance height
氧气转炉磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法LDK process
L.D.K. 氧气转炉内磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法L.D.K. process
氮化硼基温材料boron nitride based high temperature material
水冷频引线water-cooled high frequency lead
水柱water head
水灰比的混凝土wet concrete
水解压釜hydrolysis autoclave
活套度扫描器looper height scanner
活套度控制loop height control
活套度控制looper height control
活套度调节loop height regulation
活套度调节loop height regulation
流化床fluid bed depth
流钢孔port height (浸人式水口的)
流钢孔outlet height (浸人式水口的)
浇注pouring height (到锭模的)
浇注pour height
浇注pouring elevation
测定熔融温度用温计fusion pyrometer
测碳当量用温计pyrometric carbon equivalent detector
测铁温计ferrotemp pyrometer (一种测量铁水的浸人式高温计)
浮选压浸出钛精矿flotation and autoclave titanium concentrate
浮选-压釜处理法flotation-autoclave treatment process
浮选-压釜处理法method of flotation-autoclave treatment
温度升temperature rise
温度升temperature increase
温度湿度增条件下试验tropicalization test
游标度尺vernier height gauge
灰分high ash
灰楔温计grey wedge pyrometer
焦炉炉流程coke-oven blast-furnace route
焦炉炉混合煤气coke oven and blast furnace mixed gas
焦炉炉混合煤气combination gas of coke-oven and blast-furnace
焦炉-炉混合煤气combination of coke-oven and blastfurnace gas
焦炉-炉煤气混合combination of coke-oven and blast-furnace gas
焦炉与炉混合煤气mixed coke-oven and blast-furnace gas
焦炉和炉混合煤气mixed coke-oven and blast-furnace gas
焦炉型ferric blast furnace (用焦煤作为燃料,在高炉的上部焦煤变成焦炭)
焦炭coke blast furnace
焦磷酸cerium pyrophosphate (CeP2O7)
煅烧岭土calcined kaolin
炭化室的煤料coal line
煤料coal line
煤氧coal-oxygen blast furnace
煤焰温段coal-flame hot zone
照相温测量photographic thermometry
照相温计photographic pyrometer
球墨铸铁压水管ductile iron pipe for carrying water at high pressure
理论级theoretical stage height
理论级度当量height equivalent of theoretical stage
岭土raw kaoline
岭土raw kaolin
electric blast furnace
电位计式光学温计potentiometric optical pyrometer
电光热气温计electrooptical hot gas pyrometer
电子管式频变换器vacuum-tube-type high-frequency converter
电渣重熔速钢high-speed steel produced by ESR
电火花压成形法spark pressure working process
电火花压成形法spark-pressure working process
电石渣还原精炼的级强韧铸铁Sendait metal
电解液位槽electrolyte head tank
电阻温学resistance pyrometry
电阻温测定法resistance pyrometry
电阻温计resistance pyrometer
电阻温计electric resistance pyrometer
界面interface height
真空温显微镜vacuum hot-stage microscope
真空温计suction pyrometer
真空室vessel height (RH 装置的)
真空室vacuum vessel height
码砖setting height
硫酸cobaltic sulphate (Co2(SO4)3)
硫酸ceric sulphate (Ce(SO4)2)
硫酸铈铵ammonium ceric sulphate ((NH4)6[Ce(SO4)5])
硫酸氧化ceric oxysulphate (CeOSO4)
硬度增increase in hardness
程序控制速深拉延深冲液压机programme control type high speed deep drawing hydraulic press
线contour map
走刀曲面仿形铳contour milling
索利特度光亮镜用合金Sollit's alloy
罗托弗特速旋转氧气顶吹转炉法Rotovert process
罗茨真空泵Roots high vacuum pump
考伯斯-沃思式炉无料钟布料系统Koppers-Wurth blast furnace filling system
冲击钢high shock resisting steel
温分解性pyrolytic stability
温合金high-temperature alloy (【技】在600 ~ 1200°C 的高温下能承受一定应力并具有抗氧化性和抗腐蚀能力的合金。根据基体元素,可分为铁基、镍基和钻基高温合金。)
温性fire resisting quality
温材料high-temperature resistant material
温材料high temperature resistant material
温涂层refractory coating
温砖high heat duty firebrick
温粘土砖high heat duty fireclay brick
温耐火材料high-temperature refractory
温耐蚀钢high-temperature corrosion-resistant steel
温金属high temperature refractory metal
温钢high-temperature service steel
温铁基合金high-temperature resistant iron-base alloy
温铁基合金hot strength iron-base alloy
温防腐蚀涂层high-temperature corrosion-resistant coating (【技】在高温下能保护基体表面不受或少受周围介质不利影响的一类涂层的总称。其中抗热气体介质腐蚀,有抗氧化腐蚀涂层、抗燃气腐蚀涂层、抗燃油腐蚀涂层等;防热熔体腐蚀,有防热碱腐蚀涂层、防熔金属腐蚀涂层、防熔渣腐蚀涂层等;抗高温固相腐蚀,有抗扩散腐蚀涂层等。防腐蚀涂层可用喷涂、烧结、涂抹、电镀、渗镀等工艺方法形成。)
温陶瓷high-temperature ceramic
温陶瓷材料heat-resistant ceramic material
温陶瓷材料heat resistant ceramic materials
温黏土砖high heat duty fireclay brick
耐蚀镍铸铁Ni-resist (14-22或28 〜32Ni,例:3C, 14Ni, 6Cu, 2Cr, 1.5Si,余量Fe)
脆性锌黄铜brittle white brass
脱铜压釜copper stripping autoclave
航空用强度钢magnaflux steel
落下drop height
表面温计surface pyrometer
衬铅压釜lead lining autoclave
调质强度钢heat treated high strength steel
谢里特-尔顿加压浸出镍、钴、铜粉Sherritt-Gordon process
豪斯纳频镀铬法Hausner process
赫姆斯速锻造机Clearing Hermes
轧件height of rolled material
轧件厚度height of rolled material
轧件平均mean height of material
轨道超cant of track
转炉拉碳钢tapped-on-carbon steel
软水位槽soft water header tank
软熔带height of cohesive zone
软熔带cohesive zone elevation
速浸式温计quick-immersion pyrometer
遥控速爆炸成形standoff high-velocity operation
锤头内架式速锤ram-and-inner-frame machine
锤头内架式速锤ram-and-inner-frame machine
锤-架式速锤ram-and-inner-frame machine
ingot height
锰的价氧化物higher oxide of manganese (At the temperature in the upper part of the blast furnace stack the higher oxides of manganese are reduced by CO. 在高炉炉身的上部温度下,锰的高价氧化物被 CO 还原。)
锰铁ferromanganese blast furnace
high nickel matte
high grade nickel matte
镍还原压釜nickel reduction autoclave
镍钴基抗氧化强度合金Nivco alloy
镍铁铜系导磁率合金Mumetal (75Ni,20Fe,5Cu)
镍铬电阻合金Peerless alloy
阿利格尼导磁率镍铁合金Allegheny electric metal
阿卢西尔硅耐热铝合金Alusil (20Si, 余量Al)
阿尔布拉克强度铝黄铜Albrac (2Al, 0.3Si, 0.05As, 19.15Zn,余量 Cu)
阿尔帕姆磁导率铁铝合金Alperm (16Al,余量 Fe)
阿尔德雷强度铝合金线Aldrey wire (0.5~0.6Si,0.4Mg,0.3Fe,余量 Al)
阿尔迪克强度低合金钢Aldecor (【技】一种高强度低合金钢,化学成分为: w(Cr)0.5% - 1.25%, w(Mo)0.08% - 0. 28%, w (Cu) 0. 25% - 1.3%, w(Ni)0% -2%, w(C) ≤0. 15%, w(S) ≤0.05%,余为 Fe。)
阿尔迪科强度低合金钢Aldecor (≤ 0.15C, ≤0.05S, 0.25-1.3Cu, 0~ 2Ni, 0.5 ~ 1.25Cr, 0.08 ~ 0.28Mo,余量 Fe)
阿库拉德速精密压铸法Acurad (accurate rapid dense)
降低lowering distance
降低炉焦比的措施measures to reduce coke rate of blast furnace
降低炉焦比的措施measures of reducing coke rate of BF
除铜压釜copper-stripping autoclave
霍尔伯恩温计Holborn pyrometer
霍尔博恩温计Holborn pyrometer
静止床static bed depth
炉炼铁non-BF ironmaking (【技】鉴于现代高炉对矿石和焦炭均有严格要求,人们期望研究出不用高炉的炼铁方法,即使用普通煤和铁矿粉的非高炉炼铁法。目前已投人生产或正在试验中的各类直接还原法、金属化球团法、生铁水泥法和熔融还原炼铁法等均属非高炉炼铁法。)
炉炼铁法alternative iron-making process
非接触式温计non-contact pyrometer
杜拉非磁性耐蚀强度镍铝合金Duranickel (4.4Al, 0.5Si, 0.4Ti, 0.35Fe, 0.3Mn,0.05Cu,余量 Ni)
马克赛特含钻 18-4-1 型速钢maxite
马特里克斯超强度钢matrix steel (【技】成分与高速钢淬火组织中基体的化学成分相同的钢种。它既具有高速钢的高硬度、高强度,又因不含大量碳化物而具有高于高速钢的韧性与疲劳强度。凡在高速钢基体成分中添加少量其他元素,并适当增减含碳量以适应某些用途的钢种,均称为基体钢。)
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