
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三相速电动机three-phase high-speed motor
中心shaft height
中心centre height
主极main pole height
低频压试验low frequency high-voltage test
全国超压电力网national supergrid
净空clear height
励磁机最电压exciter ceiling voltage
励磁线圈height of exciting coil
电压试验step-up voltage test
发电机安装elevation of generator (centerline)
发电机总total height of generator
叠片stacking height
坝顶elevation of dam top
大型速发电机large highspeed generator
大型速电动机large highspeed motor
安装overhung height
安装altitude of site
安装overhang height
安装setting height
安装elevation of installation
定子槽stator slot height
定子槽height of stator slot
定子线棒height of stator bar
定子齿stator tooth highness
定子齿height of stator tooth
导体height of conductor
平均峰谷center-line average
平均粗糙center-line average
恒定最出力firm peak capability
感应电压试验induced high voltage test
持续最额定值continuous maximum rating
换向器升commutator riser
换向器升commutator lugtag
换向极compole height
换向极commutating pole height
出力output uprating
出力increased output
功率increase of power
功率因数电容器power-factor capacitor
输出功率output uprating
效率曲线平均planimetric average efficiency
整流子升commutator riser
无套管式户内压变压器elephant transformer
允许温升maximum permissible temperature-rise
允许转速maximum permissible revolution
出力maximum capacity
励磁电压maximum exciting voltage
反向峰值电压maximum peak inverse voltage
容许含尘量maximum permissible dustiness
容许温度maximum permissible temperature
容量peak capacity
峰值电压maximum peak voltage
工作电压maximum running voltage
工作电压maximum operation voltage
效率top efficiency
整定电压maximum setting voltage
整定转速maximum setting speed
水头maximum level
水头maximal head
浪涌电压maximum surge voltage
电势maximum potential
相电势maximum phase emf
相电压maximum phase voltage
空载电动势maximum open-circuit emf
空载电动势maximum no-load emf
空载电压maximum open-circuit voltage
空载电压maximum no-load voltage
转矩maximum torque
转速top speed
转速maximal revolution
过电压maximum overvoltage
过速maximum overspeed
运行效率maximum running efficiency
运行温度maximum operation temperature
运行温度maximum running temperature
运行转速maximum running speed
运行转速maximum operation speed
顺向峰值电压maximum peak forward voltage
高水位maximum high-water-level
最大maximum level
月平均最温度monthly mean of daily maximum temperature
有效吸水available suction head
机座height of frame
height of pole
pole height
极端最温度extra maximum temperature
极身height of pole body
极靴pole-shoe height
height of slot
slot height
槽口tip height
槽口lip height
槽口mouth height
槽口slot opening height
槽口mouth depth
正常最水位normal top water level
每单位度的漏磁导leakage permeance per unit height
水轮机安装elevation of turbine (centerline)
液体标传感器liquid level sensor
片间最电压换向器peak voltage between segments
片间最电压换向器bar-to-bar voltage peak
甚低频压试验very low frequency high-potential test
电压升increase of voltage
电压升voltage boost
电机中心centre height of electric machine
电枢导体height of armature conductor
电枢槽height of armature slot
电枢铁芯轭armature core depth
电枢齿armature tooth length
电枢齿armature tooth highness
电阻温计resistance thermometer
直流压发生器high voltage direct current generator
直流压试验DC high potential test
瞬时最转速instantaneous maximum speed
磁轭rim height
磁轭depth of core
等齿齿轮gear with equal-addendum teeth
线棒height of bar
压继电器high voltage relay
温绝缘high temperature insulation
股线strand height
脉冲pulse altitude
英国压电网British Grid
补偿线棒height of compensation bar
贝斯诺德-拉图尔频发电机Bethenod-Latour high frequency generator
压发生器extreme pressure generator
压电力网supertension network
压电动机Ultra high voltage motor
压电网变电站supergrid substation
压线路super tension line
压装置super pressure plant
压设备super pressure plant
压风力发电机Ultra high voltage wind turbine
电压super high tension
电压extreme pressure
电压super high voltage
电压设备装置super high voltage equipment
频变压器super high frequency transformer
转子导体height of rotor conductor
转子槽height of rotor slot
转子齿rotor tooth highness
转子齿height of rotor tooth
yoke height
shaft height
轴中心center-height of shaft
轴中心height of shaft center
轴心center-height of shaft
轴心pitch of center
轴承bearing height
轴的中心center height of shaft
轴的中心pitch of center
铁芯core depth
铁芯stacking height
铁芯core height
铁芯径向depth of core
铁芯窗core window height
静止压起电机static generator
顶尖pitch of center
额定rated high voltage
临界转速high-critical speed
介电常数电容器high K capacitor
位冷却水箱cooling water head tank
低频发电机high-low frequency generator
high potential
相关条目, 相关条目high tension
相关条目, 相关条目high voltage
压互感器high-voltage transformer
压侧-tension side
压分接头电压high-voltage branch joint
压加热器high-pressure feed-water heater
压发电机-tension generator
压变压器-tension transformer
压复式汽轮机high-pressure compounded turbine
压定子线圈-voltage stator coil
压定子线棒high-voltage stator bar
压定子绕组high-voltage stator winding
压开关-tension switch
压开关柜high-voltage switch-cabinet
压开关箱high-voltage box
压开关箱high-voltage switch
压开关装置high-tension switch-gear
压引线-tension lead
压引线high-voltage lead
压微量喷油断路器orthojector circuit-breaker
压感应电动机high-voltage induction motor
压感应电机high-voltage induction machine
压母线high-tension bus
压油extreme pressure oil
压油顶起pressure oil lifting
压油顶起油管oil lifting pipe
压油顶起油管oil lift pipe
压油顶起装置high-pressure oil lift device
压油顶起轴承oil-lift bearing
压浪涌high-voltage surge
压浸渍high-pressure impregnation
压润滑系统high pressure lubrication system
压添加剂extreme pressure agent
压电力网high-voltage grid
压电机-tension machine
压电机high-voltage machine
压电源-tension supply
压电源high-voltage supply
压电路-voltage circuit
压直流DC high voltage
压直流试验装置high-voltage DC test set
压直流输电系统high-voltage direct-current transmission
压短路器primary cut-out
压硅整流装置high-voltage silicon device
压线棒high-voltage line
压线棒-tension bar
压线棒-tension line
压线棒-tension coil
压线棒high-voltage coil
压线棒high-voltage bar
压绕线式异步电动机high-voltage wound asynchronous motor
压绕线式异步电机high-voltage wound asynchronous machine
压绕组-tension winding
压绝缘子high-tension insulator
压绝缘试验high-voltage insulation test
压试验tension test
压试验器high-tension tester
压试验设备high-tension testing apparatus
压负荷开关high-voltage load switch
压轴承润滑high-pressure bearing lubrication
压输电high-voltage transmission
压配电系统high-tension distribution system
压配电设备high-tension distribution equipment
原变压器plateau type transformer
原电机high-altitude machine
可靠性绝缘high-stability insulation
启动转矩high starting torque
启动转矩电动机motor with high starting torque
导电无氧铜oxygen-free high conductance copper
导磁性能high magnetic conductivity
导磁率合金钢high-permeability alloy steel
导磁率材料high-permeability material
导磁硅钢片high-permeability silicon steel sheet
尔希米特高频发电机Goldschmidt reflection generator
层代号higher level designation
峰负荷top load
峰负荷maximum load
峰负荷时的供电要求on-peak demand
峰负载发电厂peak-load power station
应力转子highly stressed rotor
强度热处理high-strength heat-treatment
强度螺母high-strength nut
强度转子highly-stressed rotor
强度钢-strength steel
推力电动机high-thrust motor
效电机high-efficient machine
效风机high performance fan
斯主元消去法Gauss elimination pivoting
斯制单位Gaussian unit
斯-勒让德积分法Gauss-Legendre integration
斯定律Gauss' law
斯消去法Gauss elimination method
斯-约丹消去法Gauss-Jodan elimination (method)
斯计Gauss meter
斯-赛德尔迭代法Gauss-Seidel method
次波型耦合higher model coupling
次谐波higher-order wave
次谐波higher-order harmonic
次谐波次数order of harmonic
次谐波电压higher-harmonic voltage
次谐波磁励high-harmonic excitation
比转速high specific speed
水头水泵水轮机high head pump-turbine
水头水电站high-head hydropower station
水头试验台high-head test stand
海拔变压器high-altitude transformer
海拔电机high-altitude machine
海拔试验high-altitude test
温屈服点elevated temperature yield point
温抗拉试验elevated temperature tensile test
温气冷堆high temperature gas-cooled reactor
温测试high temperature test
温超导体high-temperature super-conductor
滑差率high slip
滑差率电动机high-slip motor
漏磁变压器high-leakage transformer
电势high potential
电压 相关条目high tension
电压 相关条目high voltage
电压侧hot side
电压技术high voltage technique
电压试验-potential test
电压试验hypot test
电压试验设备high-voltage testing equipment
电平up lever
电平high lever
电抗变压器low power-factor transformer
电阻率材料high-resistivity material
直流电压high direct voltage
瞬态过载能力high momentary overload capacity
硅钢片high-silicon sheet
磁密铁芯high-flux core
磁阻换向极high-reluctance commutating pole
稳定绝缘high stability insulation
精度公差close tolerance
精度压入配合finest force fit
级云母high-grade mica
级绝缘high-grade insulation
级铸铁high-grade cast iron
能 γ 发射器high energy gamma emitter
质量铁high duty iron
起始反应速度的励磁机high initial response exciter
转差电动机high-slip motor
通滤波器high-pass filter
通量堆芯high-flux core
速冲床high-speed puncher
速冲床high-speed punching-machine
速同步发电机high-speed alternator
速异步电动机high-speed asynchronous motor
速异步电机high-speed asynchronous machine
速汽轮机high-speed steam turbine
速电机high-speed electric machine
速笼型电动机high-speed squirrel-cage motor
速调节high-speed governor
速钢high-speed steel rapid steel
阶有限元法high-order finite element method
阶电路higher order circuit
阻内鼠笼high-resistance inner cage
阻内鼠笼条high-resistance inner cage-bar
阻内鼠笼绕组high-resistance inner cage winding
阻抗转子high-impedance rotor
阻线棒high-resistance bar
阻绕组high-resistance winding
阻鼠笼high-resistance squirrel cage
阻鼠笼条high-resistance squirrel-cage bar
阻鼠笼条high-resistance cage bar
阻鼠笼绕组high-resistance squirrel cage winding
阻鼠笼转子high-resistance squirrel-cage rotor
阻鼠笼转子high-resistance cage rotor
频发电机high-frequency alternator
频变压器oscillating transformer
频振动电动机dither motor
频电抗器radio frequency reactor
频铁耗high-frequency core loss
频防振电动机high-frequency and vibrationproof motor
频颤动电动机dither motor
齿顶addendum (of tooth)
齿顶tooth tip height
齿顶修正系数addendum modification coefficient