
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一个超频转换器bullet transformer
一次性聚物primary high polymer
一次最容许浓度single exposure maximum allowable concentration
一次最容许浓度momentary maximum allowable concentration
一次采全full-seam mining
一种塑性黏土botting clay
一级压涡轮机primary high-pressure turbine
一级压透平primary high-pressure turbine
一般大潮水位high water of ordinary spring tide
一般大潮high water of ordinary spring tide (位)
一般小潮high water of ordinary neap tide
knife height
刀光knife height
分割球式超压高温装置divided sphere ultra high pressure and high temperature device
分块斯一赛德尔法block Gauss-Seidel method
分域速远距继电器multizone high-speed distance relay
分子印迹分子膜molecularly imprinted polymer membrane
分子沸点升molecular elevation
分层设色度表altitude tint legend
分层设色等线hypsometrical curve
分层设色等线hypsometric curve
分层设色等线hypsometrical contour
分层设色等线hypsometric contour
分店存货估价额准备allowance for overvaluation of branch inventory
分挡式波step-type recording wave gauge
分挡式波step-type recording wave gage
分挡电阻式波step-type recording wave gage
分挡电阻式波step resistance type wave gauge
分挡电阻式波step-type recording wave gauge
分挡电阻式波step resistance type wave gage
分挡电阻式波step-type recording wave gage
分挡电阻式波step resistance type wave gauge
分挡电阻式波step-type recording wave gauge
分挡电阻式波step resistance type wave gage
分时equinoctial high water
分枝点height of the lowest branch
分段height of lift
分段限时速距离继电器multizone high-speed distance relay
分水岭watershed elevation
分水岭summit level
分水岭peak level
分潮height of component tide
分点大潮潮位high water equinoctial spring tide
分禾器度调节器divider height adjuster
分米波测decimeter height finder
分路升shunt peaking
包核铅酸钙颜料calcium plumbate-coated silica
包装垫pack up
圆锥丘式样sugar-loaf fashion
圆锥形sugar loaf
圆锥的cone height
堆放cell height
堆置stacking height
堆装stack height
堆货tiering height
威吉伍德温计Wedgwood pyrometer
封闭于部位的不整合面下圈闭trap sealed high below unconformity
射击operational height
射束beam height
射流height of jet
射流有效effective height of jet
X 射线温照相机X-ray high temperature camera
射频压电源radio-frequency power supply
射频振荡器型压电源radio-frequency oscillator high-voltage supply
币值currency of over valuation
市区峰时禁止停车道路urban clearway
市区速公路urban expressway
市郊级住宅区cocktail belt
市郊速公路urban clearway
市际速铁路high-speed intercity rail
布里阿雷铬钢Brearley steel
开口opening height
开始水头initial height of water
开孔height cut-out
开挖到指定标cut to line
开挖面极限critical height of face
开采漏斗中水位标water-level altitude mining funnel
异常水位anomalous high water-level
异常水位unusual high water level
异常水位extraordinary high tide level
异常水位abnormal high water-level
异常extraordinary high tide
异常tidal wave (位)
异常extraordinary high tide level (位)
异常anomalous high water-level (位)
异常潮位tidal wave crest
持续峰质量荷载sustained peak mass loading
持续平均峰流量sustained average peak flow
搁滩沉船绞至较位置heaving a beached wreck to higher position
一层房屋top flight
楼梯的一级踏步竖板top riser
上游水位maximum headwater level
上诉法院court of last resort
产率maximum output
产量maximum output
产量maximum production
产量peak yield
产量maximizing production potential
产量与允许产量之差shut in production
亮度maximum brightness
absolute valence
top price (格)
price ceiling (格)
maximum valency
maximum valence
maximum price (格)
highest valence
ceiling price (格)
absolute valency
价投标人highest bidder
价格ceiling rate
价格法highest price method
价竞买人highest bidder
价订价法skimming-the-cream price
估计outside estimate
most significant bit
位数位high order digit
位置extreme higher position
低水位highest low water
低潮位highest low water
低潮位highest low tide level
使用压力maximum operation pressure
使用极限application limit
使用温度maximum service temperature
使用温度maximum operation temperature
信道频带利用率maximum data rate-to-band-width ratio
peaking value
ceiling value
值指示器maximum value indicator
倾点upper pour point
允许工程造价fixed limit of construction cost
允许值threshold limit value
允许利率usury ceiling
允许压力maximum working pressure
允许速度maximum permitted speed
允许速度maximum permissive speed
允许速度maximum permissible speed
允许速度maximum authorized speed
共沸混合物maximum azeotropic mixture
内在水分moisture-colding capacity
出价highest bid
出价best bid
出力maximum output
剂量maximum dose level
力矩peak moment
功率maximum power
功率因数highest power factor
升水位top surge water level
压力extreme pressure
压力指示器peak pressure indicator
压力调节器maximum pressure governor
发展crest development
可及频率highest-probable frequency
可用负载maximum useful load
可能的频率highest possible frequency
可采灰分admissible maximum of ash content
含氧量maximum amount of oxygen
吸入压力maximum suction pressure
和最低ceiling and floor (限度)
和最低电压差voltage spread
图像电流频率maximum frequency of picture current
地方税征收额maximum rating
垂直分解力limiting vertical resolution
声压级peak sound pressure level
大气浓度maximum atmospheric concentration
存活时间maximum survival time
安全速度maximum safe velocity
安全速度maximum safe speed
容许标准maximum allowable standard
容许沾染水平maximum permissible contamination level
容许的胶质含量gum tolerance
容许速度permissible maximum speed
容许速度maximum permissible speed
容许量maximum permissible dose
小时交通量maximum hourly traffic volume
多层建筑的highest floor
topmost storey
top story
uppermost storey
uppermost story
topmost story
层管理者chief executive
岩芯收获率maximum core recovery
岩芯采取率maximum percentage recovery of core
sharp peak (值)
peak-peak (值)
climax (值)
工作水位maximum operating level
工作温度maximum working temperature
帧频maximum picture frequency
平均气温maximum mean temperature
平均温度maximum average temperature
序列highest order
库存量maximum quantity of stores
度光泽full gloss
开动钻机数maximum amount of operating rigs
扬程top lift head
报价highest quotation
报价highest tender
报价highest bid
拉伸倍率maximum draw ratio
持续出力maximum continuous output
振型highest mode
振幅crest amplitude
排出压力maximum output pressure
接收效率maximum receiving efficiency
操作温度maximum allowable operating temperature
收益highest yield
故障率maximum failure rate
效率曲线maximum efficiency curve
数位most significant position
无烟火焰高度maximum flame height without smoking
日供水量water output on maximum day
日供水量maximum water daily output
日供水量maximum daily water supply output
日供水量maximum daily output
日剂量maximum daily dose
日射温度solar maximum temperature
日耗量maximum daily consumption
日进尺maximum daily footage
显著差highest significant difference
曰供水量daily maximum water consumption
最低温度计maximum-minimum thermometer
最低温度计maximum and minimum thermometer
最低税则maximum and minimum tariff
月份价格peak monthly price
月效率maximum monthly efficiency
月进尺maximum monthly footage
有效位most significant digit (数字)
有效位highest significant position
有效数most significant digit
有效水量field capacity
有效温度maximum effective temperature
有效频率the highest effective frequency
maximum phase
卷材涂装板温peak metal temperature
极限upper limit
标价highest bid
梯级last step
水位highest water-level
水位highest high water lever
水位peak stage
水位maximum surface elevation
水位maximum high water (level)
水位highest water table
水位crest stage
水位出现时间time of maximum water level
水位指示器high water alarm
水位水尺crest gauge
水位水尺crest gage
水位线highest water mark
水位预报crest forecast
水库水位highest reservoir level
污染物水平maximum polluted level
污染物水平指标maximum polluted level goal
沸点混maximum boiling-point mixture
波峰highest wave crest
洪峰highest flood peak
洪水位extreme high water
洪水位线maximum flood line
洪水期highest flood period
流冰水位highest ice floe water level
流动点upper pour point
流速peak flow
流量maximum flow
消化效率maximum nitrification efficiency
涌浪top surge
涌浪highest upsurge
涌浪extreme upsurge
淬火硬度maximum quenching hardness
混浊区turbidity maximum zone
混浊区maximum turbidity zone
温升maximum temperature-rise
温度extreme temperature
温度期period of maximum temperature
温度期period at maximum temperature
maximum tide
grand climax
潮位maximum tide level
潮位maximum water level
潮位maximum high water (level)
潮位线sea mark
潮位线high water line
潮位线high tide limit
灵敏度ultimate sensibility
top point
culminating point
highest elevation
熔化率maximum melting rate
燃气温度maximum gas temperature
燃烧压力maximum combustion pressure
燃烧温度peak firing temperature
燃速混合物maximum speed mixture
班进尺maximum shift footage
生产率maximum productivity
生产能力maximum capacity
生产能量成本capacity cost
生长期maximum growth period
用水量maximum water rate
用水量maximum water consumption
电位maximum potential
电压maximum voltage
电压ceiling voltage
电容maximum capacity
电流maximum current
电阻maximum resistance
电阻截止频率maximum resistive cutoff frequencies
的估计outside estimate
瞬间燃料变动率maximum instantaneous fuel change
破波带zone of highest breakers
碎波带zone of highest breaks
碎波带zone of highest breakers
磁化率maximum susceptibility
租价ceiling rent
税率maximum tariff
管理阶层top management
系统电压maximum system voltage
top class
级的de luxe
纪录年份peak year
纲领maximum programme
纲领maximum program
经济收益maximum economical yield
聚集人数maximum number of passengers in peak hours
能量maximum energy
能量highest energy
自记温度表maximum recording thermometer
致死氧浓度maximum lethal oxygen concentration
致死温度fatal high temperature
航速highest speed
航速emergency speed
荣誉的blue ribbon
荷载peak load
蒸压温度期限maximum temperature period (指养护期限)
蒸煮压力maximum cooking pressure
蓄水位top water level
观测频率highest observed frequency
记录all-time high
记录水位highest recorded water level
记录水位highest recorded stage
记录磁平maximum recording level
设计压力extreme design pressure
设计电压maximum design voltage
调制频率maximum modulation frequency
负荷maximum loading
负载指示器maximum load indicator
质量extra best
质量或光泽最纯first-water (钻石或珍珠等宝石)
费用ultimate expenses
车速highest speed
转化率maximum conversion
转数maximum number of revolutions
转数调速器maximum speed regulator
转速maximum speed of revolution
转速maximum speed
载重peak load
辐射maximum radiation
输出功率maximum power output
输出量maximum output
运行水位maximum operating water level
运行温度maximum operating temperature
运行速度maximum running speed
运行速度maximum service speed
运行速度maximum operating speed
连续出力maximum continuous output
退磁温度the highest demagnetizing temperature
递价highest bid
通航水位highest navigable stage
通航水位highest navigable flood level
通航水位保证率guaranteed rate of the highest navigable water level
通航水位保证率guaranteed rate of the highest navigable stage
通过瞬间电流peak let-through current
速度highest speed
速度top velocity
速度full speed
速度试验maximum speed test
速度调节器maximum speed governor
速率top speed
maximum keying frequency (率)
闪点指数max flash temperature index
防洪运行水位maximum flood control operating level
阶段maximum stage
限价担保合同guaranteed maximum cost contract
限断路器maximum breaker
限额upper limit
限额numeric ceiling
障碍物容许限额dominant obstacle allowance
需水量maximum water demand
需量maximum demand
需量记录装置maximum recording attachment
ceiling amount
额发行法maximum issue method
高水位high tide high water
高潮high tide high water
高潮extreme high water (位)
高潮位highest high tide level
高潮痕water mark
高潮痕tide mark
齿加速度top gear acceleration
齿轮速比top gear ratio
最低水位lowest high water
最低lowest level
最低lowest elevation
最低标lowest level
最低离地minimum terrain clearance altitude
最佳optimum height
最佳地面optimum ground elevation
最佳挖掘optimum height of cut
最佳照明optimum burning altitude
最后new or finished (土建项目)
最大水位maximum high water (level)
最大highest elevation
最大举升maximum lifting height above ground
最大允许maximum allowable level
最大刨削maximum planing height
最大动力maximum power altitude
最大半径时的卸料dumping height at maximum radius
最大卸载maximum dump clearance
最大喷射maximum jet height
最大图像maximum picture height
最大堆码maximum stacking height
最大挖掘maximum cutting height
最大排排距时的泥浆排量mixture output at maximum height and distance
最大排泥maximum spoil-discharge height
最大波peak wave height
最大波maximum wave height
最大波均值average height of the highest wave
最大浪maximum wave height
最大海拔maximum height above sea level
最大烟囱maximum stack height
最大航maximum flight height
最大蓄水capacity level
最大装模maximum die set height
最大超maximum superelevation (度)
最大超maximum superelevation rate
最小可住房间minimum habitable room height
最小填土minimum fill height
最小有效minimum effective height
模具的最小闭合minimum shut height
最弱点程中误差mean square error of height of the weakest point
最终开挖标final dredged level
最终挖成标final dredged level
最终水头final height of water head
最终疏浚标final dredged level
栅栏height of fence
清偿能力high-level of liquidity
球型斯轨道spherical Gaussian orbital
球型斯轨道spheric Gaussian orbital
省际速公路interprovincial freeway
省际速公路interprovincial expressway
码头前沿elevation of wharf apron
码头前沿cope elevation along wharf
码头堆货tiering height
码头面cope level
码头面quay level
码头面quay surface level
码头面wharf surface level
码头面berth level
砂质岭土矿床sandy kaolin deposit
稀缺程度high degree of scarcity
蜂窝状级硅砖honeycomb super silica brick
物价水平upward adjustments of prices
调制度增modulation rise
调整trued for level
调整标trued for level
调节器速限制弹簧governor high limit spring
调质强度钢板quenched and tempered high tensile strength plate
调速器压油governor pressure oil
调频无线电测frequency modulation radio altimeter
适用模die height range
阀门开启valve lift
需水峰时间peak demand time
需要峰necessary height of hump
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