
Terms for subject Technology containing 高速 | all forms | in specified order only
三缸高速three-throw high-speed pump
上坡时的高挡行驶速度top-gear speed on gradient
下降高速high load lowering speed
主轴高速滑动齿轮mainshaft high speed sliding gear
高速变换low-high speed change
低速高转矩传动slow-speed high-torque drive
低速高转矩撕碎机low-speed high-torque shredder
低速高转矩转换器slow-speed high-torque converter
低速高转矩驱动slow-speed high-torque drive
低钨高速low tungsten high speed steel
佩特罗式高速petro-forging machine
允许最高转速maximum allowable speed
光电高速记录高温计photoelectrical high-speed recording pyrometer
光电高速记录高温计photoelectric high-speed recording pyrometer
光纤高速绞合机high-speed fibre optics strander
克鲁普高速Krupp triple steel
克鲁普铬钼钒高速Krupp triple steel
全荷载时最高速maximum full load speed
具有景观的高速公路landscaped freeway
高速列车quasi-high-speed train
减速器的制动能高velocity head of retarder location
分域高速远距继电器multizone high-speed distance relay
分段限时高速距离继电器multizone high-speed distance relay
动态高速摄谱仪dynamical high-speed spectrograph
动态高速摄谱仪dynamic high-speed spectrograph
建筑混凝土的高速rate of placing
升高式高速公路elevated freeway
压缩空气高速petro-forge machine
双层高速干道double deck freeway
双工高速数据duplex high speed data
双幅式双车道高速公路dual two-lane motorway
双柱高速压力机double-sided high speed press
反射扫描高速照相机reflex sweep high speed camera
发动机的高速空转engine racing
变像管高速扫描照相机image converter streak camera
变像管高速摄影机image converter high-speed camera
地平式高速公路ground-levele freeway
城市高速交通urban rapid transit
城市高速公路urban express way
城市高速公路urban motorway
城市高速公路urban freeway
城市高速铁路urban rapid rail transit
城市高速铁路rapid transit railway
城市高速铁路运输urban rail transit
堑式高速公路depressed freeway
多车道高速公路auto route
大型高速电机large high speed machine
大容量高速电子计算机high-capacity and high-speed electronic computer
存入高速存储器store through cache
容许最高速permissible maximum speed
小型高速客运系统personal rapid transit system
市区高速公路urban expressway
市郊高速公路urban clearway
市际高速铁路high-speed intercity rail
感应环式高速继电路induction-ring type high-speed relay
手提式超高速喷水系统portable ultra-high-speed water spray system
按比例高速发展proportionate and speedy development
高速changing up
高速gear up
提高的发射速度increased rate of fire
摆轮式高速混砂机speed muller
收费高速汽车公路turnpike road
数据高速通路data highway
高速highest speed
高速top velocity
高速full speed
高速度试验maximum speed test
高速度调节器maximum speed governor
高速top speed
最高允许速度maximum permissible speed
最高允许速度maximum permissive speed
最高允许速度maximum permitted speed
最高允许速度maximum authorized speed
最高安全速度maximum safe velocity
最高安全速度maximum safe speed
最高容许速度permissible maximum speed
最高容许速度maximum permissible speed
最高流速peak flow
最高燃速混合物maximum speed mixture
最高航速highest speed
最高航速emergency speed
最高车速highest speed
最高转数调速器maximum speed regulator
最高转速maximum speed of revolution
最高转速maximum speed
最高运行速度maximum running speed
最高运行速度maximum service speed
最高运行速度maximum operating speed
最高齿加速度top gear acceleration
最高齿轮速比top gear ratio
高速记录示波器extremely high-speed oscilloscope
气垫式超高速列车aerotrain (法国)
气垫式超高速铁路air cushion high speed ground transportation
水位升高速level rise velocity
水平运行高中速度【机】high medium horizontal travelling speed
水平运行高中速度【机】high medium horizontal traveling speed
水平运行高低速度【机】high low horizontal travelling speed
水平运行高低速度【机】high low horizontal traveling speed
沿海岸的高速公路seashore freeway
沿海岸的高速公路bayshore freeway
法国高速列车Tres Grande Vitesse
法定最高速legal speed
洪峰最高流速peak rate of flood discharge
海湾地区高速公路bay area rapid transit
液压电机最高稳定转速maximum steady speed of hydraulic motor
液压电机最高转速maximum speed of hydraulic motor
爆炸高速快门explosive high-speed shutter
高速run-up height
高速very high-speed
环形高速公路circumferential freeway
玻璃润滑剂高速挤压法Ugine Sejournet process
玻璃润滑剂高速挤压法Sejournet process
琼斯高低速双转盘水力碎浆机Jones pulper
高速计算机very high speed computer
电动式高速阻抗继电器electrodynamical type high speed impedance relay
电动式高速阻抗继电器electrodynamic type high speed impedance relay
省际高速公路interprovincial freeway
省际高速公路interprovincial expressway
磁悬浮高速运输系统magnetically levitated high speed transportation system
磁浮式高速交通magnetic levitation high speed ground transportation
磁浮式超高速铁路magnetic levitation high speed railway
穿越建筑物的高速干道through building freeway
穿过建筑物下层的高速街道underbuilding freeway
立式高速vertical type high speed pump
粒子高能加速器electronuclear machine
精密高速专用机床precision high speed production machine
精密高速光学车床precision high speed optical lathe
精密高速光学车床precision high speed optic lathe
精密高速度工具车床precision high speed tool maker lathe
精密高速车床precision high speed lathe
线性高速试验台linear high-speed test bench
绕城高速公路around-the-city expressway
艾萨克斯高速采样器Isaacs high-speed sampler
调节器高速限制弹簧governor high limit spring
调速器高压油governor pressure oil
货叉伸缩high low extending/retracting speed of shuttle
高速传真机ultra-high speed facsimile
高速公路ultra-speed highway
高速公路thorough fare
高速公路thoro fare
高速切削super-high speed cutting
高速切削合金super-high speed cutting alloy
高速切削合金super-high speed alloy
高速列车ultra-speed train
高速图像拖尾摄像机ultra-speed streak camera
高速复印机ultra-high-speed copier
高速复印机extra-high speed copier
高速存储器系统cache system
高速存取存储器ultra-high access memory
高速射线照相术ultra-high speed radiography
高速巨型计算机ultra-high-speed computer
高速巨型计算机giant ultra-highspeed computer
高速扫描摄影机ultra-high speed streak camera
高速扫描摄影机streak camera
高速摄影术ultra-high speed photography
高速摄影机ultra-high speed camera
高速 X 放射自显影术ultra-high speed x-autoradiography
高速数字集成电路super-high speed digital intergrated circuit
高速气动离心机airfuge ultra-centrifuge
高速焊接ultra-speed welding
高速照相仪器ultra-high speed photographic instrument
高速照相器械ultra-high speed photographic instrument
高速super-high speed
高速瞬态记录仪ultra-high speed transient recorder
高速碰撞ultra-high velocity impact
高速碰撞hypervelocity impact
高速磁浮系统super-high speed magnetic levitation sytem
高速空气动力学hypervelocity aerodynamics
高速粒子ultra-high-speed particle
高速纺丝super-high-speed spinning
高速cache storage (储器)
高速cache buffer memory (储器)
高速cache (储器)
高速缓冲存储器告缺cache storage miss
高速缓冲存储器命中cache storage hit
高速缓冲存储器系统cache memory system
高速缓冲存储系统memory cache
高速缓存cache memory
高速缝纫机ultra-high speed sewing machine
高速脉冲再生器ultra-high speed pulse repeater
高速自由流hypervelocity free stream
高速自由流hypervelocity free flow
高速计算机very high speed computer
高速计算机ultra-fast computer
高速过滤ultra-high rate filtration
高速透镜ultra-rapid lens
高速super-high steel
高速切削super-high speed steel
高速铁路ultra-high speed railway
高速铁路super-high speed railway
高速闪光摄影ultra-rapid flash photography
高速闪光灯ultra-rapid flasher
高速高压规ultra-rapid high pressure gauge
高速高压规ultra-rapid high pressure gage
超晶格高速开关器件super-lattice high speed switch device
超硬高速钢立铣刀ultra-hard high speed steel end mill
超高场低颤回旋回速器ultra-high-field low-flutter cyclotron
超高能加速器ultra-high-energy accelerator
超高能粒子加速器super cosmotron
超高能质子同步加速器super-energy proton synchrotron
越过建筑物的高速公路overbuilding freeway
车辆速度能高velocity head of cars
车辆速度能高car velocity head
车辆速度能高的测定velocity head rating
转速升高度relative speed rise
转速相对升高relative increase of speed
过高流速excessive velocity
速度和高度优势speed and altitude supremacy
速度提高velocity increase
速度提高speed rise
速度能高velocity head
速度能高图velocity head graph
速度高度曲线图velocity versus altitude graph
速度高度比velocity/height ratio (值)
速度高度配平位置speed-altitude trim position
速高比speed-height ratio
高速cobalt high-speed steel
铁路高速运输railway high speed traffic
阿德勒高速射线管Adler tube
驼峰初速能高humping velocity head
高速high-velocity (度)
高速high-speed (的)
高速high-speed test
高速high speed
高速万能车床high-speed universal lathe
高速三辊磨high-speed three roller mill
高速中子炉fast reactor
高速串联断路法high-speed series tripping
高速串行打印机high-speed serial printer
高速会计机high-speed accounting machine
高速传动high-speed drive
高速传动high gear
高速传真high-speed fascimile
高速传真机high-speed facsimile apparatus
高速伺服电动机high-speed servo motor
高速先行进位发生器high-speed look ahead carry generator
高速光电探测器high-speed photodetector
高速刀具high-speed turning tool
高速刀具high-speed tool bit
高速分幅立体摄影机stereoscopic high-speed framing camera
高速分散high-speed dispersion
高速分散机high-speed dissolver
高速分流器开关high-speed diverter switch
高速分离锭子high-speed separating spindle
高速分配轮high-speed spinner
高速分高速波high-speed spectroscopy
高速切削quick cutting
高速切削free machining
高速切削high-speed cutting
高速切削free cutting
高速切削法high-speed metal cutting
高速切削钢free-machining steel
高速切削钢rapid steel
高速切削钢free cutting steel
高速切削黄铜high-speed brass
高速切割器high-speed knife
高速切割器high-speed cutterbar
高速切割砂轮high-speed cutting-off wheel
高速切纸机high-speed paper cutting machine
高速切纸机high-speed paper cutter
高速列车high-speed train
高速列车的先驱van of the advance
高速刨床high-speed planing machine
高速刨床high-speed planer
高速刨煤机high-speed plough
高速制动器high-speed brake
高速制版机high-speed plate drier
高速区段high-speed section
高速升降机high speed elevator
高速同步器high-speed synchroniser
高速商标印刷机high-speed trade-mark printing machine
高速圆形精磨机high-speed conical refiner
高速土壤压实机high-speed earth compactor
高速地下铁道high-speed underground railway
高速地下铁道high-speed underground railroad
高速地滚high-velocity ground roll (波)
高速堆肥化high-rate composting
高速复印机high-speed copying machine
高速复印机high-speed copier
高速复式终端机high-speed compound terminal
高速外围设备high-speed peripheral
高速外圆磨床high-speed external cylindrical grinder
高速多刀复刃切削法high-speed and multitool cutting method
高速多汽缸制冷机multi-cylinder high speed refrigerator
高速多路复用器high-speed multiplexer
高速大量运输铁路mass rapid transit railway
高速太阳风high-speed solar wind
高速失步继电器high-speed step-out relay
高速high-velocity head
高速high-speed head
高速射束扫描摄像管high-velocity beam scanning image pick-up tube
高速射流high-velocity shooting flow
高速射流high-velocity shooting jet
高速射流high-velocity jet flow
高速射流high-velocity jet
高速射流机加工high-velocity liquid jet machining
高速小仿形铣床high-speed small copy milling machine
高速小转矩液压马达low torque high-speed hydraulic motor
高速尘笼high-speed cage
高速层速度velocity in high velocity-layer
高速high-velocity layer
高速high-speed bed
高速带刀平缝机high-speed flat bed sewing machine with blade
高速开关speed-sensitive switch
高速光学开关high-speed optical switch
高速开关high-speed switch
高速光学开关high-speed optic switch
高速引爆剂high-velocity booster
高速弯曲力矩high-speed bending moment
高速强制搅拌机rapid action mixer
高速感光乳剂high-speed emulsion
高速成像装置high-speed imaging device
高速成型high-speed forming
高速成型机high energy rate forming machine
高速成形high-speed compaction
高速成形high-velocity forming
高速成形high rate forming
高速成形型high-speed forming machine
高速成形机high energy rate forming machine
高速成形模具high-velocity forming die
高速手压钻机sensitive drill
高速手摇砂轮high-speed hand grinder
高速指示器high-speed indicator
高速挖沟机high-speed trenching machine
高速挡换挡阀over-drive shift valve
高速挡换挡阀蓄能器over-drive shift valve accumulator
高速挡速度over-drive speed
高速挡齿轮over-drive gear
高速挤压high-speed extrusion
高速挤压机high-speed extruder
高速振动器high-speed vibrator
高速振动筛high-speed vibratory screen
高速搅拌器high-speed agitator
高速搅拌机high-speed mixer
高速搅拌筒high-speed conditioner
高速摄像管high-velocity camera tube
高速摄谱仪high-speed spectrograph
高速收报high-speed reception
高速放大器high-speed amplifier
高速放映机high-speed projector
高速显影high-speed development
高速显影液high-speed developer
高速望远镜high-speed telescope
高速机头high-speed handpiece
高速机构high-speed mechanism
高速机车high-speed locomotive
高速机车high-speed machine tool
高速机车express locomotive
高速标签织机high-speed label loom
高速模拟计算机high-speed analog computer
高速模数转换器high-speed analogue digital converter
高速模数转换器high-speed analog digital converter
高速气体动力学high-speed aerodynamics
高速气动工具high-speed pneumatic tool
高速气相色谱high-speed gas chromatography (法)
高速水平记录器high-speed level recorder
高速水流ultra-rapid flow
高速水流high-speed flow
高速水流轨迹线locus of high velocity flow
高速水流轨迹线locus of high-speed flow
高速水道high-velocity flow
高速水道ultra-rapid flow
高速水道high-velocity conduit
高速洗涤器high-speed scrubber
高速high current
高速流化床high-velocity fluidized bed
高速流气体激光器high flow gas laser
高速流水high-velocity water
高速球磨机high-speed ball mill
高速电力机车electrical express locomotive
高速电力机车electric high-speed locomotive
高速电力机车electrical high-speed locomotive
高速电力机车electric express locomotive
高速电动机high-speed motor
高速电压比较器high-speed voltage comparator
高速电子打印机high-speed electronic printer
高速电子扫描摄像管camera tube with high velocity scanning beam
高速电子摄像管high-velocity electron camera tube
高速电子束high-velocity electron beam
高速电子计算机high-speed electronic computer
高速电平记录仪high speed level recorder
高速电影摄影术ultra-rapid cinematography
高速电影摄影机ultra-rapid cinematograph
高速电影摄影机high-speed motion-picture camera
高速电影摄影机high-speed cinecamera
高速电影经纬仪high-speed cine theodolite
高速电摄影打印机high-speed xerographical printer
高速电摄影打印机high-speed xerographic printer
高速电梯high-speed lift
高速电梯high speed elevator
高速电梯gear less traction elevator system
高速电梯express lift
高速电梯high-speed elevator
高速电梯express elevator
高速电气化铁路high-speed electrified line
高速电火花小孔加工机床high-speed microhole electron discharge machining tool
高速电火花打孔电极管high-speed electrospark perforating electrode tube
高速真空封罐机high-speed vacuum seamer
高速砂滤法high-speed sand filtration
高速砂轮high-speed grinding wheel
高速砂轮切断机high-speed cutting machine
高速记录示波器high-speed oscilloscope
高速示波器high-speed oscillograph
高速示踪high-speed track
高速等温烧嘴iso-jet burner
高速等离子色谱high-speed plasma chromatography
高速等静压制high-speed isostatic pressing
高速缆道speedy cableway
高速缓冲器high-speed buffer
高速缓冲存储cache storage (器)
高速缓冲存储卡cache card
高速缓冲存储系统cache memory system
高速编带机rapid rotary braiding machine
高速缝合机extra-rapid stitching machine
高速缠绕机high-speed winding machine
高速缠绕机high-speed winder
高速耕耘铲flat-crowned sweep
高速脆性high-velocity brittleness
高速脆性high-speed brittleness
高速脱离滑行道high-speed exit taxiway
高速脱离滑行道rapid exit taxiway
高速脱离滑行道fast-exit taxiway
高速航空学high-speed aeronautics
高速航空火箭high-velocity aircraft rocket
高速船舶high-speed vessel
高速船舶high-speed ship
高速speed boat
高速high-velocity boat
高速high-velocity craft
高速high-speed craft
高速high-speed boat
高速调整high-speed adjustment
高速调节器high-speed regulator
高速调节器及柄式安全阀high-speed controller and lever safety valve
高速货车high-speed freight vehicle
高速货运定期列车freight liner
高速资料存储系统high data rate storage system
高速送风方式high velocity ventilating system
高速送风系统high-velocity supply air system
高速选择通道high-speed selector channel
高速透平曝气器high-speed turbine aerator
高速通气法high rate aeration process
高速通气法high rate aeration
高速通行rapid transit
高速通行地下铁道rapid transit subway
高速通行自行式车辆rapid transit self-propelled car
高速通行车rapid transit car
高速通道交通corridor traffic
高速通道交通控制corridor control
高速通道调查corridor study
高速造纸机high-speed paper machine
高速high-speed-energy forging machine
高速ram-and-inner frame machine
高速high energy rate forging hammer
高速锤磨机high-speed hammer mill
高速upper speed cone
高速锻造high-speed forging (法)
高速锻造high-velocity forging (法)
高速锻造high impact-velocity forging (法)
高速锻造机high-velocity forging machine
高速high-speed valve
高速high speed valve
高速fast valve
高速阅读机high speed reader
高速鼓包speed bulges
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