
Terms containing 高精度 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.以对党对国家对人民高度负责的精神maintain a strong sense of responsibility toward to the Party, the country and the people
China, polit.以对党对国家对人民高度负责的精神maintain a high sense of responsibility toward to the Party, the country and the people
China, polit.以高度负责的精神show a keen sense of responsibility
tech.低噪声高精度运算放大器low-noise high precision calculating amplifier
tech.军用高精度测图仪military high-precision plotter
met.冷轧带钢经过加工的圆的、直角的或倒角的高精度或高光洁边No.1 edge
busin.可能的高精度capable of high precision
tech.固定式高精度模具no-draft close-tolerance die
tech.高精度范围内within close tolerance
mil., air.def.地面反射和测高精度surface reflections and height finding accuracy
commer.得岀高于1%的精确度give an accuracy of better than 1 in a hundred
tech.技术上的高度精良化technological sophistication
tech.技术上的高度精良化technologic sophistication
construct.高精度公差within close tolerance
gen.按照高精度公差来生产produce to close tolerance
el.提高的精度extended precision
watchm.摆轮是手表的主要零件。但由于它的尺寸小,精度要求高,在我国手表产业中其合格率较低The balance wheel is the main part of a wrist watch. However, now its percent of pass is relatively low in our watch industry because of its small size and high precision
proj.manag.文中提出使用匹配选通门提高低频信号频率测量精度The match strobe gate is presented to improve the measurement precision of low frequency signal
el.高精度maximum accuracy
el.最高平均精度maximum mean accuracy
China, polit.本着对党和人民高度负责的精神show a keen sense of responsibility to the Party and the people
el.机载高精度通信定位系统communication high accuracy airborne location system
el.S 波段高精度测距与导航S-band high-accuracy ranging and navigation
avia.S 波段高精度测距与导航S-band high accuracy ranging and navigation
earth.sc.S-波段高精度测距与导航系统S-band high-accuracy ranging and navigation
spaceS 波段高精度测距导航系统S-band high-accuracy ranging and navigation
space高精度height-detection accuracy
mil., air.def.测高雷达的测量精度accuracy in height finding radar
space激光测高精度laser height accuracy
shipb.用于高精度测量use for high accuracy measuring
shipb.用于高精度测量use for high-accuracy measuring
avia.目标上空精确高度precision height above target
el., tools砂轮机可以提高工件的精度及其表面的光洁度The grinding machine could raise the precision of a workpiece and improve its surface finish
tech.程控高精度拉床programme controlled high precision broacher
tech.程控高精度拉床program controlled high precision broacher
cartogr.等高线绘制精度contouring accuracy
tech.等高线描绘精度contouring accuracy
tech.等高线测量精度contouring accuracy
tech.等高线绘制精度contouring accuracy
space简化的高精度制导simplified high accuracy guidance
el.简易高精度制导simple high accuracy guidance
avia.简易高精度制导simplified high accuracy guidance
oil精制高黏度润滑油的基础油bright stock
avia.精密高度与着陆监控器precision altitude and landing monitor
avia.精密高度及着陆监控设备precision altitude and landing monitor
space精密高度表precision altimeter
tech.精密高速度工具车床precision high speed tool maker lathe
tech.精度提高increase of accuracy
expl.精确度高pin-point accuracy
el.精确高度与着陆监视器precision altitude and landing monitor
sport.精神高度集中intensive concentration of attention
sport., psychol.精神高度集中intensive concentration
tech.红外线高精度测温仪infrared high precision thermometer
pack.该液体灌装机性价比高,小容量填充十分精确,主要用于水性和其他低黏度产品的充填This liquid filling machine is the machine of choice for high value; small volume fills at very high accuracy. It is primarily suitable for aqueous and other light viscosity products
tech.高精度pinpoint accuracy
tech.近程高精度无线电导航设备high precision short range equipment in electronic navigation
mil., air.def.通信高精度定位系统communication high accuracy locating system
tech.高度精制油highly refined oil
tech.高度精制的highly refined
gen.高度精制的high purified
tech.高度精密high precision
met.高度精炼法superrefining process
hydroel.st.高度精确性pinpoint accuracy
tech.高度精细结构hyperfine structure
China, polit.高度负责的精神a high sense of responsibility (toward)
met.高碱度精炼渣white refining slag
tech.高程控制测量精度accuracy of vertical control survey
tech.高程控制精度accuracy for vertical control
oil高程精度height accuracy
cartogr.高程精度heightening accuracy
tech.高程精度vertical accuracy
tech.高程精度因子vertical dilution of precision
agric.高程精确度heightening accuracy
telecom.高精high precision
tech.高精high accuracy
tech.高精公式high accuracy formula
mil.高精数据high-accuracy data
agric.高精水准测量high-precision leveling
agric.高精测量high accuracy survey
gen.高精〔准〕确度pinpoint accuracy
tech.高精密度切削工具high precision cutting tool
shipb.高精密度机床high precision machine tool
shipb.高精密度的产品high precision product
shipb.高精密度的产品high-precision product
tech.高精密度部件high precision components
wind.高精度high precision
el.高精度precise level
consult.高精度high accuracy
tech.高精度high degree of accuracy
busin.高精度split-hair accuracy
desert.高精度high standard of accuracy
tech.高精度万能车床high precision universal lathe
tech.高精度丝杠车床high precision lead-screw cutting lathe
geophys.高精度井温测井temperature log, precision
tech.高精度交流伺服数控机械滑台high precision AC servo number-control mechanical slide unit
shipb.高精度仪表high precision instrument
el.高精度伏特计high accuracy voltmeter
tech.高精度低频信号发生器high precision low frequency signal generator
tech.高精度光学平板high precision optical plate
tech.高精度光学平板high precision optic plate
el.高精度光学跟踪仪定向目标阵列cinetheodolite orientation target array
el.mach.高精度公差close tolerance
agric.高精度公式high accuracy formula
tech.高精度减压阀high limit relay
shipb.高精度加工high accuracy machining
tech.高精度半自动万能外圆磨床high fine semi-auto universal cylindrical grinder
el.高精度单工系统super accuracy simplex
space高精度卫星定位系统high accuracy satellite positioning system
space高精度卫星间测距系统high accuracy inter-satellite ranging system
el.mach.高精度压入配合finest force fit
tech.高精度压力计high grade pressure gauge
tech.高精度压力计high grade pressure gage
el.高精度可变电阻器high-precision variable resistor
el.高精度合成孔径雷达天线synthetic aperture high-accuracy radar antenna
chem.高精度同位素比质谱计high precision isotope ratio mass spectrometer
forestr.高精度圆锯拨料器high-precision circular saw-setting apparatus
tech.高精度坐标测量机high precision coordinate measuring instrument
tech.高精度塑料连接器high precision plastic connector
tech.高精度外圆磨床high precision cylindrical grinder
tech.高精度多功能转速计high precision and multifunction speed meter
space高精度多目标跟踪系统high accuracy,multiple objects tracking system
space高精度多目标跟踪系统high accuracy multiple objects tracking system
avia.高精度多目标跟踪系统high accuracy multiple object tracking system
tech.高精度大地测量学high precision geodesy
tech.高精度太阳传感器high precision sun sensor
space高精度太阳敏感器fine sun sensor
tech.高精度定位系统high accuracy position system
tech.高精度定位系统high fix
tech.高精度定向装置highly directional device
expl.高精度定时雷管detonator with high precision in timing
expl.高精度导火线爆破high-precision fuse blasting
tech.高精度小横数式滚齿机high precision small-module horizontal gear hobber
met.高精度尺寸公差结晶器mold with close dimensional tolerance
dril.高精度工具tool master
met.高精度带钢high-accuracy strip steel
met.高精度带钢high-accuracy steel strip
tech.高精度平面磨床high precision surface grinding machine
tech.高精度平面磨床high precision face grinder
expl.高精度延时雷管high-accuracy delay detonator
tech.高精度弹簧夹头high precision collet chuck
tech.高精度微机控制坐标镗床high precision micro computer-controlled jig borer
tech.高精度快速绘图机high accuracy and fast edit plotter
tech.高精度恒流源high precise current source
space高精度惯性导航系统high-accuracy inertial navigation system
el.高精度惯性导航系统high accuracy inertial navigation system
tech.高精度控制点rigid point
tech.高精度控制点high accuracy control point
tech.高精度摄影测量学high precision photogrammetry
space高精度敏感器high accuracy sensor
avia.高精度数字传感器high accuracy digital sensor
tech.高精度数字式万用表high precision digital multimeter
space高精度数字敏感器high-accuracy digital sensor
geophys.高精度数据high accuracy data
el.高精度数据系统high accuracy data system
space高精度数据传输系统high-accuracy data transmission system
geophys.高精度数据传输系统high accurate data transmission system
el.高精度数据传输系统high accuracy data transmission system
space高精度数据系统high accuracy data system
tech.高精度数控镗头high precision number-control boring head
tech.高精度无心磨床high precision centerless grinder
tech.高精度无心磨床high accuracy centerless grinding machine
tech.高精度无线电定位high accuracy radio-fix
space高精度星敏感器high accuracy star sensor (航天器姿态测量用的)
busin.高精度机器high-precision machine
auto.高精度机床high accuracy machine tool
tech.高精度标准齿轮high precision master gear
polym.高精度模塑high precision molding
avia.高精度气压发生器high precision air pressure generator
tech.高精度气流测试系统high accuracy air flow measuring system
tech.高精度水准仪high precision level (instrument)
tech.高精度水准尺meter rod
archit.高精度水准测量high-precision leveling
tech.高精度水准测量high precision levelling
tech.高精度水准测量high precision leveling
tech.高精度油膜轴承组high precision kelmet set
tech.高精度测头系统high precision probe and its system
tech.高精度测重仪precision weighing equipment
tech.高精度测量high precision survey
archit.高精度测量high-quality measuring
met.高精度测量high precision measurement
met.高精度测量high-precision measurement
tech.高精度测量high accuracy survey
shipb.高精度测量high quality measuring
space高精度测量带high accuracy measurement corridor
el.高精度测量雷达high accuracy instrumentation radar
cryptogr.高精度浮点幂运算high-precision floating point exponentiation
oil高精度深度记录仪high-precision depth recorder
tech.高精度深度记录仪high precision depth recorder
tech.高精度滚刀刃磨床high precision hob sharpening grinding machine
tech.高精度滚刀刃磨床high accuracy hob sharpening machine
tech.高精度滚齿机high precision gear hobber
el.高精度潜水惯性导航系统high accuracy submersible inertial navigation system
tech.高精度激光器high precision laser
tech.高精度激光装置high precision laser installation
expl.高精度点火爆破high-precision fuse blasting
avia.高精度环形激光陀螺仪high accuracy ring laser gyro
space高精度目标选定分系统high-accuracy targeting subsystem
tech.高精度硬质合金工具磨床high precision hard alloy cutter grinder
geophys.高精度磁化率测井high-precision magnetic susceptibility logging
met.高精度磨削seal ground finish
tech.高精度磨床high precision grinding machine
space高精度空间位置编码敏感器spatial, high-accuracy position encoding sensor
tech.高精度立体量测仪high precision stereometer
tech.高精度立式圆盘锯床high precision vertical circular sawing machine
tech.高精度等级的high class
tech.高精度high precision tube
tech.高精度high class
geophys.高精度组合式磁性探测器combination high accuracy magnetic probe
met.高精度结晶器壁high-accuracy mold wall
expl.高精度编程电子雷管highly accurate and programmable electronic detonators
tech.高精度肖兰hiran (导航系统)
space高精度肖兰Hiran high precision Shoran
tech.高精度肖兰high precision shoran (导航系统)
oil高精度肖兰导航系统high-precision shoran
tech.高精度肖兰导航系统short-range navigation
med.appl.高精度脑立体定向仪high precision stereotaxic
space高精度航天器分离系统high-accuracy spacecraft separation system
el.高精度航天器分离系统high accuracy spacecraft separation system
avia.高精度航天器脱离系统high accuracy spacecraft separation system
tech.高精度航空磁测high precision aeromagnetic survey
tech.高精度花岗岩平台high precision granite surface plate
space高精度视差采集卫星Hipparcos high precision parallax collecting satellite (西欧天文卫星,以古希腊天文学家伊巴谷命名)
tech.高精度计算high precision computation
busin.高精度设备high quality precision equipment
tech.高精度调谐hair-breadth tuning
tech.高精度调谐high accuracy tuning
mil., air.def.高精度调谐hair breadth tuning
shipb.高精度调谐hairbreadth tuning
tech.高精度谐波测微仪high precision harmonic micrometer
met.高精度轧制high-precision rolling
met.高精度轧制high precision rolling
met.高精度轧制high>precision rolling
met.高精度轧制工艺high-precision rolling process
met.高精度轧制钢产品high-accuracy rolled steel product
met.高精度轧机high-precision rolling mill
met.高精度轧机high precision rolling mill
met.高精度轧制轧机HPR mill
met.高精度轧制轧机high-precision rolling mill
tech.高精度轨道衡high precision track scale
met.高精度辊型轧机high crown mill
met.高精度辊型轧机HC mill
met.高精度辊式矫直机high-precision roller straightener
tech.高精度运算high precision arithmetic
tech.高精度运算high accuracy arithmetic
el.高精度近程导航high-precision short-range navigation
avia.高精度近程导航high precision range navigation
space高精度近程无线电导航系统Hiran high precision Shoran
el.高精度通信定位系统communication high accuracy location system
space高精度遥测系统high accuracy telemetry system
shipb.高精度配合high class fit
eng.geol.高精度重力仪precision gravimeter
tech.高精度重力仪high accuracy gravimeter
met.高精度钢材high-accuracy finished steel product
met.高精度钢管high-accuracy steel pipe
eng.geol.高精度钻进high degree of drilling accuracy
nautic., tech.高精度长丝杆磨床precision long screw grinder
el.高精度雷达high accuracy radar
tech.高精度雷达数据传输high accuracy radar data transmission
space高精度雷达数据传输系统high accuracy radar data transmission system
avia.高精度雷达数据系统high accuracy radar data system
tech.高精度齿轮high precision gear
oil高精确度pin-point accuracy
avia.高精确度high accuracy
CNC高精确度high precision
hydroel.st.高精确度pinpoint accuracy
busin.高精确度公式high-accuracy formula
tech.高精确度调整fine control
tech.高级精度配high class fit
shipb.高级精度配合high class fit
tech.高速度高密度精密压铸法accurate rapid dense method
earth.sc.高速度高密度精密铸造法accurate rapid dense method
oil高阶精度higher order accuracy
tech.高黏度溶剂精制油high-viscosity solvent refined oil