
Terms for subject Oil processing plants containing 高潮 | all forms
传质单元等效高度height equivalent to mass transfer unit
催化装置高度height of catalytic unit
内高inside height
分离高度disengaging height
反应单元高度height of reaction unit
反相式高效薄层色谱法reverse phase-high performance thin-layer chromatography
塔板等效高度height equivalent to an effective plate
壳 牌乙烯低【齐】聚制高级α-烯烃工艺Shell higher olefin process
壳 牌乙烯低【齐】聚制高级α-烯烃工艺Shell high olefin process
平均压力吸入高度mean pressure suction head
最高允许浓度maximum acceptable concentration
最高允许浓度maximum allowable concentration
最高允许浓度maximum admissible concentration
最高有效压缩比highest useful compression ratio
最高沸点maximum boiling point
氧高压high oxygen pressure
沸点升高值boiling point elevation
沸点升高观测值boiling point elevation observed
沸点升高计算值boiling point elevation calculated
特【超】高强度extra high strength
特高粘度指数very high viscosity index
理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to a theoretical plate
理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to effective theoretical plate
理论等板填充高度height packing equivalent to one theoretical plate
理论级当量填料层高度height of packing equivalent to a theoretical stage
移动床热载体高温裂解Thermofor pyrolytic cracking
等板高度height equivalent to a theoretical plate
萨索尔集团高级合成油过程Sasol Advanced Synthol process
记录式高温温度计recording pyrometer
超高压润滑剂extreme pressure lubricant
超高真空减压系统ultra-high vacuum system
超高真空室ultra high vacuum chamber
超高粘度指数ultra-high viscosity index
转折点【分离】高度turning point height
对燃料辛烷值的要求提高octane requirement increase
对燃料辛烷值的高要求octane number requirement increase
高乙烯基聚丁二烯橡胶high vinyl polybutadiene rubber
高分子的high molecular
高分子量烃类high molecular weight hydrocarbons
高分子量组分high molecular weight component
高分子量芳香烃high molecular weight aromatics
高十六烷值标准high-cetane standard
高压一低温high pressure-low temperative
高压加氢high-pressure hydrogenation
高压加氢裂化high-pressure hydrocracking
高压喷嘴high-pressure jet
高压X射线光电子能谱法high pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
高压氧oxygen at high pressure
高压氧high-pressure oxygen
高压氧high oxygen pressure
高压水high-pressure water
高压润滑脂管high-pressure grease tuber
高压溶液high-pressure solution
高压燃料过滤器high-pressure fuel filter
高压燃烧室high-pressure combustion chamber
高压空气管线high-pressure air line
高压锅炉high boilers
高压锅炉high boiler
高压锅炉给水泵high-pressure boiler-feed pump
高含水型液压油【流体】high water-based fluid
高密度烃high-density hydrocarbon
高性能柴油机油high performance diesel oil
高挥发度high volatile
高挥发性液体high volatile liquids
高支链烷烃highly branched paraffins
高效制备级液相色谱法high-performance preparative liquid chromatography
高效疏水互作用色谱high-performance hydrophobic interaction chromatography
高效离子色谱high-performance ion chromatography
高断裂强度high rupturing capacity
高梯度磁性分离法high gradient magnetic separation
高梯度磁性过滤器high gradient magnetic filter
高沸点high-boiling point
高温高压热水high temperature high pressure hot water
高温变换high-temperature shift
高温强度high temperature strength
高温报警temperature alarm high
高温指示温度计indicating pyrometer
高温模拟蒸馏high-temperature simulated distillation
高温气冷反应器high-temperature gas-cooled reactor
高温空气high-temperature air
高温蒸汽high-temperature steam
高温裂解high-temperature pyrolytic craking
高温设备high-temperature equipment
高温费一托合成过程high temperature Fischer-Tropsch process
高温费一托合成过程high temperature F-T process
高温阶段分离thermal phase separation
高温/高压起泡性high-temperature/high-pressure foamability
高热high heat
高热值high heating value
高热值higher heating value
高热值high calorific value
高熔点high melting point
高熔点high melting
高真空泵high-vacuum pump
高真空蒸发系统high vacuum evaporation system
高真空装置high-vacuum unit
高硫原油high-sulphur crude
高硫燃料油high-sulfur fuel oil
高硫燃料油fuel oil high sulfur
高端死区higher dead band
高粘度指数high viscosity index
高粘度齿轮泵high viscosity gear pump
高粘性燃料high viscosity fuel
高级车用汽油premium motor gasoline
高能固体氧化剂high energy solid oxidizer
高能液体氧化剂high-energy liquid oxidizer
高能燃料high-energy fuels
高能量文丘里管high-energy Venturi
高色散摄谱仪high dispersion spectrograph
高芳族【烃】油highly aromatic oil
高芳烃石油溶剂high aromatic white spirit
高苛刻度裂化high-severity cracking
高蒸气压产品high vapor pressure products
高负荷柴油机油heavy duty diesel oil
高转【扭】矩high torque
高转化率热裂化high-conversion soaking cracking
高辛烷值调合成分high-octane blended component
高选择性长运转周期high selectivity long run length
高速关闭阀high flow shut-off valve
高速柴油机油high-speed diesel oil
高速液相色谱法high-speed liquid chromatography
高铝催化剂high-alumina catalyst
高闪点石脑油high flash naphtha
高频气体high-frequency gas