
Terms for subject Steel production containing 高潮 | all forms
低合金高强度钢high strength low alloy steel
哈德菲尔高锰钢hadfield steel
孔型高度pass height
最高油位oil level max
最高油雾输送压力oil mist delivery pressure high
最高负荷maximum load
活套量/活套高度loop height
炉顶高压high top pressure
焦炉与高炉混合煤气mixed coke oven and blast furnace gas
矮高炉low shaft furnace
红外线高温计infrared pyrometer
表面最高温度hot face temperature
超高强度合金superstrength alloy
超高强度钢ultrahigh strength steel
钻高速钢cobalt high speed steel
阿达迈特高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊adamite roll
霍尔朋高温计holborn pyrometer
高位high order
高位水箱head water tunk
高位水箱系统head tank system
高凸度控制HC high crown
高压容器钢high pressure vessel steel
高压接头high pressure coupling
高压操作high top pressure operation
高压操作高炉high top pressure blast furnace
高压气瓶用管tube for high-pressure vessel
高压水除鳞hydraulic jet descaler
高压水除鳞系统high pressure descaling system
高压泵high-pressure pumps
高压液压系统hydraulic system
高压清洗装置pressure washing unit
高压热水清洗hot water pressure washing
高压相high pressure phase
高压金属加工high pressure metal working
高合金钢high quality steel
高合金钢high grade steel
高导磁合金high permeability alloy
高度耐火砖highly refractory brick
高度调整height adjustable
高强合金high strength alloy
高强度耐蚀铬镍钢chromium nickel steel
高强度铸铁high tensile cast iron
高强度青铜high strength bronze
高强度黄铜high tensile brass
高强螺栓high dynamically loaded bolt
高斯织构goss texture
高次high order
高氧化铝耐火材料high alumina refractory
高温屈服应力high temperature yield stress
高温度猛钢A R steel
高温形变热处理high temperature thermomechanical treatment
高温性质high temperature properties
高温浸出high temperature leaching
高温液静挤压high temperature hydrostatic extrusion
高温渗碳high temperature carburizing
高温疲劳high temperature fatigue
高温破坏high temperature fracture
高温硬度high temperature hardness
高温等压压制high temperature isostatic pressing
高温蒸馏high temperature distillation
高温退火high temperature annealing
高温鼓风high temperature blast
高炉煤气blast furnace gas
高电压电子显微术high voltage electron microscopy
高电流密度电解清洗high current density electrolytic cleaning
高真空熔炼炉high vacuum melting furnace
高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron
高碳锰铁high carbon ferromanganese
高级精加工fine finish
高级耐火材料high grade refractory
高级铸铁high duty cast iron
高纯度金属high purity metal
高纯锌high purity zinc
高纯镍high purity nickel
高还原性烧结矿high reducibility sinter
高速压下系统high-speed screw down system
高速拉拔high speed drawing
高速穿带装置high speed strip threading device
高速线材轧机high speed wire rod mill
高速飞剪high speed strip shear
高速高能成形high energy rate metal forming
高铝渣high alumina slag
高铬离心铸造轧辊high chromium and centrifugally cast rolls
高铭钢high chromium steel
高镍耐热耐蚀合金ni resist iron
高频率感应炉high frequency induction furnace
高频率淬火induction quenching
高频率淬火induction hardening
高频铁芯干燥炉high frequency core stove