
Terms containing 高潮位 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一般大潮高水位high water of ordinary spring tide
tech.低水位高潮low-water spring tide
tech.低潮高水位higher low water
tech.分点大潮高潮位high water equinoctial spring tide
tech.历史最高潮位historical highest tidal level
tech.历史最高潮位historic highest tidal level
tech.历史最高潮位highest recorded water level
tech.历史最高潮位highest high water level on record
tech.历史最高潮位highest ever-known water level
tech.历史最高潮位historical highest water level
tech.历史最高潮位historic highest water level
tech.历史最高潮位highest ever-known tide level
tech.可能最高高潮位highest possible high water
UN, polit.地震或风暴潮所引起的异常高潮位tidal wave
tech.多年平均较高高潮位mean annual higher high water
tech.大潮高潮位spring high water
tech.大潮高潮位high water level of spring tide
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean spring high water
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean high water springs
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean high of ordinary spring tide
tech.大潮平均高潮位height of mean high water of spring tide
tech.大潮平均高水位mean high water spring tides
gen.大潮平均高水位mean high water springs
tech.大潮最高潮位maximum high water springs
tech.大潮极高水位extremely high water level spring tide
navig.大潮高水位high water on spring tide
navig.大潮高水位high water spring
navig.大潮高水位high water spring tide
earth.sc.大潮高水位high water, springs tide
tech.大潮高水位标记spring tide mark
tech.小潮高潮位neap high water
tech.小潮平均高潮位high water of ordinary neap tide
tech.小潮平均高潮位mean high water neaps
tech.小潮平均高潮位height of mean high water of neap tide
gen.小潮平均高水位mean high water neaps
tech.小潮最高潮位maximum high water level of neaps
earth.sc.小潮最高低水位highest low water of neaptides
tech.小潮的最高低潮位highest low water of neap tides
navig.小潮高水位high water neaps
tech.平均高潮位mean high water (level)
agric.平均高潮位high water mean
geol.平均高潮位mean high tide
geol.平均低潮高水位mean lower high water
tech.平均大潮高潮位mean high water spring tides
tech.平均大潮高潮位mean high water springs
geol.平均大潮高潮水位mean high water springs
archit.平均小潮高潮位mean high water neap tides
tech.平均小潮高潮位mean high water of ordinary neap tide
tech.平均小潮高潮位mean high water neaps
geol.平均小潮高潮水位mean high water neap
tech.平均潮位升高mean tide level rise
tech.平均潮位升高mean rise
tech.平均潮位升高average rise
geol.平均较高高潮位mean higher high water
tech.平均高高潮位mean higher high water
tech.平均高高潮位average higher high water tide
tech.平均高潮水位mean high water tides
geol.平均高潮水位mean high water level
desert.平均高潮潮位average high tidal level
hydroel.st.异常高潮位anomalous high water level
tech.异常高潮位tidal wave crest
hydroel.st.异常高潮水位anomalous high tide level
tech.感应高潮位induced highwater
tech.高潮位daily high tide
tech.春潮的最高高水位highest high water spring tides
tech.潮位maximum high water (level)
tech.高潮位maximum water level
oil高潮位highest tide level
tech.高潮位maximum tide level
tech.高潮位线high water line
tech.高潮位线sea mark
tech.高潮位线high tide limit
desert.最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage
desert.最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage
tech.最高高潮位highest high tide level
desert.最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum high tidal stage
tech.最高低潮位highest low water
tech.最高低潮位highest low tide level
desert.最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage
geol.最高高潮水位highest high water level
tech.月平均最高潮位mean monthly highest tidal level
tech.朔望低水位高潮low-water spring tide
tech.朔望平均高潮位mean monthly highest water level
tech.高潮位extreme high water
tech.正常高潮位normal top-water level
tech.正常高潮位normal maximum level
tech.正常高潮位normal high tide level
port.facil.正常大潮高水位high water level of ordinary spring tide
tech.设计高潮位design high water-level
desert.高潮位extra-high tide
tech.高低潮位high lower water
tech.高低潮位high low tide
tech.高低潮位higher low water
archit.高低潮位之间的竖直区intertidal zone
tech.高水位春潮high water spring tide
tech.高潮high tide level
tech.高潮位height of tide
oil高潮位high-water level
tech.高潮位high water (level)
busin.高潮位high-water mark
tech.高潮位tidal high water
earth.sc.高潮位high water
earth.sc.高潮位high tide level
desert.高潮位high water level
el.高潮位报警器high-water alarm
shipb.高潮位报警器high water-level alarm
el.高潮位线high-water line
tech.高潮水位high water stage
tech.高潮水位full seamark
tech.高潮水位high tide stage
earth.sc.高潮水位tide high water
navig.高潮水位high tide level
hydroel.st.高潮水位high tide
environ.高潮水位high tide water The level of water when the tide is at its highest level (潮汐达到其最高程度时的水位。)
geol.高潮水位high water level
desert.高潮潮位high tidal level
desert.高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level
tech.高潮高水位higher high water
tech.高潮高水位height of high water
tech.高潮高水位height of high tide