
Terms for subject Plastics containing 高温 | all forms | in specified order only
二苯胺和丙酮的高温反应产物抗氧剂high temperature reaction product of diphenylamine and acetone
允许最高使用温度maximum permissible service temperature
最高的放热温度〈热固性树脂〉peak exothermic temperature
最高黏度温度maximum viscosity temperature
温度升高〈指所升髙程度〉temperature increment
热焊具高温焊接high temperature heated tool welding
状耐高温黏合剂Powdered high-temperature adhesive
高温不饱和聚酯树脂high temperature resistant unsaturated polyester resin
高温塑料high temperature resistant plastic
高温撕裂性hot tear resistance
高温树脂high temperature resistant resin
高温纤维high temperature resistance fibre
高温黏合剂high temperature resistant adhesive
耐超高温环境hyperthermal environmental resistance
薄膜高温收缩film memory
高温沸腾器1350°C沸腾superhigh boiler
高低温交变试验high-low temperature cycles test
高温high temperature
高温使用寿命high temperature life
高温high temperature zone
高温压缩试验compression test at elevated temperatures
高温发泡剂high temperature blowing agent
高温固化时间curing time under temperature
高温塑料high-temperature plastics
高温增塑剂high temperature plasticizers
高温定形high temperature setting
高温应变100°C 以上时high-temperature strain
高温强度high temperature strengh
高温拉伸强度100°Chot tensile strength
高温撕裂强度hot tear strength
高温染色机high temperature dyeing machine
高温橡胶hot rubber
高温泡沫塑料high-temperature foam
高温热定形high temperature thermo-setting
高温粉碎high temperature crushing
高温聚合high temperature polymerization
高温聚合物hot polymer
高温试验装置high temperature test assembly
高温高压改性木材indurated wood