
Terms for subject Plastics containing 高度 | all forms | in specified order only
允许最高使用温度maximum permissible service temperature
冷却线高度frost line height
压延辊中高度补偿crown compensating
口模高度die space
回声高度程度height of echo
坠落高度falling height
外廓高度overall height
外廓高度clearance height
峰谷间高度peak-to-valley height
压机底板高度height of lower platen
径向中高度radial crown
最高的放热温度〈热固性树脂〉peak exothermic temperature
最高黏度温度maximum viscosity temperature
模具高度mould height
模具高度调节螺丝mould height adjustment screw
模具高度调节螺丝die height adjustment screw
模具安装高度mould installation height
涂抹高黏度黏合剂trowel adhesive
温度升高〈指所升髙程度〉temperature increment
滚筒高度凸度,鼓度camber curving of cylinder
焊缝高度weld throat
螺纹高度height of thread
闭合高度上下压模closed height
间隙高度clear height
降落高度falling height
高剥离强度黏合剂high-peel strength adhesive
高剪切黏度high-shear viscosity
高压毛细管黏度计high pressure capillary viscosimeter
高密度木材high-duty wood
高密度泡沫塑料high density foam
高密度聚乙烯polyethylene of high density
高密度胶合板high density plywood
高密度薄膜high-density film
高度不渗透性衬里吹塑成型high-impermeability lining system blow molding
高度不渗透性衬里吹塑成型high-impermeability lining system blow moulding
高度交联聚合物highly cross-linked polymer
高度伸张的high stretched
高度光泽high polish
高度光泽high-gloss finish
高度分散highly dispersed
高度分散二氧化硅增稠剂pyrogenic silica
高度分散二氧化硅增稠剂fumed silica
高度分散的硅酸highly disperse silicic acid
高度加工性能high-level performance
高度取向的highly oriented
高度取向纤维highly oriented fibre
高度取向薄膜highly oriented film
高度可调的adjustable in height
高度填料接受能力high filler loading capacity
高度定向的highly oriented
高度定向纤维highly oriented fibre
高度定向薄膜highly oriented film
高度真空high vacuum
高度镜面抛光high-mirror polish
高延伸度纤维high extensibility fibre
高强度塑料high-strength plastic
高强度塑料high-performance plastic
高强度塑料heavy-duty plastic
高强度模塑料high moulding compound
高强度模塑料high-strength moulding compound
高强度模塑料high molding compound
高强度的high intensity
高强度耐火纤维high-strength flame resistant fibre
高强度薄膜high-tenacity film
高强度连接high-duty joint
高强度黏合剂high-performance adhesive
高态拉伸强度〈玻璃纤维〉high tensile strength
高态拉伸强度high tensile strength
高温强度high temperature strengh
高温拉伸强度〈100°C〉hot tensile strength
高温撕裂强度hot tear strength
高纯度级high purity grade
高速拉伸强度high speed tensile strength