
Terms for subject Space containing 验定 | all forms | in specified order only
不定期检验casual inspection
产品定型试验product-type test
产品评定试验production assessment test
产品鉴定试验product verification test
产品鉴定试验production evaluation test
作战[操作]试验与鉴定operational test and evaluation
作战使用试验与鉴定operational employment testing and evaluation
作战性试验和鉴定operational test and evaluation
作战试验与鉴定operational test and evaluation
作战试验与鉴定计划operational test and evaluation plan
作战试验与鉴定部队operational test and evaluation force
全尺寸鉴定试验full-scale qualification test
准鉴定试验protoflight test
初始作战试验和评定initial operational test and evaluation
制造[生产]定型试验manufacture evaluation test
制造[生产]定型飞行实验manufacture type flight test
动态稳定性试验dynamic stability test
发动机定型试验engine final approval test
取证鉴定试验certification trial
可靠性鉴定试验reliability qualification tests
可靠性鉴定试验reliability evaluation test
合格试验与鉴定qualification test and evaluation
后继试验与鉴定follow-on test and evaluation
固定试验台fixed bed
型号鉴定试验model qualification test
多军种试验与鉴定multi-service test and evaluation
太阳电池标定实验solar cell calibration experiment
定向试验orientation test
定型试验type approval test
定型试验弹missile for design finalization
定型飞行试验type approval flight test
定失效数寿命试验fixed failure number test
定性试验[测试]qualitative test
定数试验方案fixed number test plan
定时试验方案fixed time test plan
定期检验测试periodic checkout and test
定期环境试验periodic environmental test
定比抽样检验fixed rate sampling inspection
实验室鉴定laboratory qualification
导引头评定试验系统seeker evaluation test system
导弹固定装置/野外试验台missile restraint device/field tester
导弹鉴定[评价]试验missile evaluation test
导弹鉴定飞行试验missile qualification flight test
引信解除保险和起爆试验鉴定fuzing, arming, test and evaluation
США.弹道试验评定系统药柱ballistic test evaluation system grain (一种内外表面同时燃烧的管状药柱)
恒定应力试验constant stress test
恒定湿热试验constant damp heat test
承包商研制试验与鉴定CDT &E con tractor development test and evaluation
技术鉴定试验engineering evaluation test
操作试验和鉴定operational test and evaluation
改型鉴定试验modification approval test
最初杀伤力评定试验项目preliminary lethality assessment test object (美国 SDI 计划中的)
标度因数标定试验calibrated test for scale factor
校核、验证与鉴定verification validation and certification
正式鉴定试验formal qualification testing
正弦定频试验sine dwell test
气热动力结构系统鉴定试验aerothermodynamic structural system evaluation test
测试鉴定实验室test and evaluation laboratory
热标定试验hot calibration test
状态鉴定与试验status evaluation and test
独立评审、试验和鉴定independent review, test and evaluation
环境试验和评定environmental test and evaluation
生产定型试验production typification test
真空安定性试验vacuum stability test (火工品的)
真空稳定性试验vacuum stability test
研制性试验与鉴定development test and evaluation
研制试验与鉴定靶场developmental test and evaluation range
研究试验与鉴定research test and evaluation
研究、发展、试验和鉴定research,development,test and evaluation
纵向稳定性试验longitudinal stability test
结构热稳定性试验structural thermal stability test
联合试验与鉴定joint test and evaluation
腐蚀鉴定与试验区域corrosion evaluation and test area
航空航天系统试验与鉴定综合设施aerospace system test and evaluation complex
被动射频干扰定位试验Profile passive radio frequency interfere ence location experiment (卫星,美国海军)
设计定型试验design typification test
设计定型试验design evaluation test
设计定型飞行试验design type flight test
设计、研制、试验和鉴定design, development, test and evaluation
评定[鉴定]试验evaluation test
试验与评定test and evaluation
试验和鉴定总计划test & evaluation master plan (美国空军武器系统研究部)
试验评定计划test evaluation plan
试验鉴定中心Test and Evaluation Command (美国陆军)
试验鉴定卫星test evaluation satellite (印度照相侦察卫星)
质量合格取证的使用试验与鉴定qualification operational test and evaluation
质量鉴定试验报告qualification test report
质量鉴定试验程序qualification test procedure
跟踪和定向实验tracking and pointing experiments
重力梯度稳定试验卫星gravity gradient stabilization experiment (美国空、海军)
重力稳定空间实验卫星gravity anchored space experiment satellite
重复实验定experiment-repetition theorem
鉴定试验发射qualification test launch
鉴定试验后评审post qualification test review
鉴定试验说明书evaluation test specification
鉴定飞行试验qualification flight test
鉴定、验证和确认validation verification and accreditation
防热层鉴定试验heat shield qualification
验收、合格、鉴定试验acceptance, conforming and qualification test
验收振动试验鉴定qualification for acceptance vibration testing
验收热试验鉴定qualification for acceptance thermal testing
高能 X 射线定时实验high energy X-ray timing experiment