
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 验定 | all forms | in specified order only
产品或材料为制定说明书而进行的试验documentation test
为确定损坏线的试验damage line test
冷/热起动定容取样试验constant volume sampling-cold/hot test
冷起动定容取样试验cold start CVS test
冷起动定容取样试验cold-start CVS test
制动稳定性试验test of braking stability
加速、定速、怠速、减速试验循环acceleration, cruise, idle,deceleration
加速、定速、怠速、减速试验循环acceleration, cruise, idle, deceleration system
参数稳定性试验drift test
车辆定型试验type approval test
定型试验production-type test
定容取样试验测定排气成分时的取样方法constant volume samples test
定期抽样试验sampling test on term
定点检验spot inspection
审定认可的试验方法approved test method
工程定型试验engineering approval evaluation
横风稳定性试验test of cross wind stability
正面固定障壁碰撞试验head-on collision with fixed wall
汽车列车验定总质指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量combination test weight
汽车列车验定总重量指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量gross combination test weight
测定试验determination test
热起动定容取样试验hot start CVS test
直线行驶撒手稳定性试验见 GB/T 12549-90 中 9.1.9test of stability of steer off motion on a straight ahead driving
确定裂纹延伸速度试验crack propagation test
确定附着力的试验adhesion test
发动机稳定性试验steadiness test
经试验确定test determination
美国测定在用车排气排放物质量的240秒检查试验方法inspection/maintenance VM240
规定性法定,必须遵循的试验mandatory test
试验台测定test-rig measurement
试验性设定pilot setting
超额定负荷工况试验uprated test
车辆试验规定的行驶英里数mileage bogey
鉴定检验,审查性试验audit test
鉴定认可试验validation test
鉴定检查,验收试验approval test
质量鉴定验收试验合格鉴定qualification test
鉴定试验homologation test
额定标称功率工作稳定性试验rated power stability test
额定平均实验室寿命average rated lab life