
Terms containing 驻地 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.他们从敝国驻伦敦使馆的商务参赞那儿获悉敝公司的地址They have obtained our address from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in London
econ.你们的地址是从你们国家驻东京大使馆,商务参赞处得到的Your address was obtained from the Commercial counsellor of your Embassy in Tokyo
IT光纤到驻地fiber to the premises
gen.使 两个以上部队等的共同驻扎一地co-locate
environ.农村居驻地rural habitat The biotopes located in areas where agriculture is practiced (在生产农作物的地方建立的小区。)
consult.驻地工程师deputy resident engineer
tech.劳工驻地labour camp
tech.劳工驻地labor camp
tech.驻地proper station
el.商业客户驻地business customer premises network
comp., net.商业用户驻地business customer premises network
el.国内客户驻地domestic customer premises network
tech.地壳驻波crustal standing wave
space地球驻留轨道Earth parking orbit
econ.它的常驻代理商一直是当地信誉卓著的照相机大经销商Its resident agent has been highly reputed as a large camera dealer in that district
el.客户驻地customer premises network
telecom.客户驻地设备customer station equipment
telecom.客户驻地设备customer provided equipment
telecom.客户驻地设备customer terminal equipment
telecom.客户驻地设备customer premises equipment
comp., net.宽带用户驻地broadband customer premises network
comp., net.宽带用户驻地网运营商operator of broadband customer premises network
China, law当地驻军local garrisons
tech.拖车式活动住房驻地污水管道trailer park sewer
el.无线客户驻地wireless customer premises network
comp., net.无线用户驻地网络wireless customer premises network
IT用户驻地customer premises network
el.用户驻地subscriber premises network
comp., net.用户驻地网业务customer premises network service
telecom.用户驻地设备customer station equipment
telecom.用户驻地设备customer provided equipment
IT用户驻地设备customer premises equipment
telecom.用户驻地设备customer terminal equipment
telecom.用户驻地设备customer premises equipment (CPE)
el.移动客户驻地mobile customer premises network
comp., net.移动用户驻地mobile customer premises network
org.name.粮农组织驻危地马拉代表处FAO Representation in Guatemala
org.name.粮农组织驻海地代表处FAO Representation in Haiti
avia.航空兵驻地air force station
UN, afr.进驻营地cantonment site
space铁道驻防基地rail garrison basing (美国洲际弹道导弹部队部署在境内铁路上的)
dril.驻井地质师field geologist
tech.驻地主任工程师chief resident engineer
interntl.trade.驻地代表resident representative
tech.驻地代表团resident mission
econ.驻地办事处field office
consult.驻地协调专员resident co-ordinator
UN, h.rghts.act.驻地和人道主义协调员Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator
tech.驻地实验室campsite laboratory
hydroel.st.驻地工程师resident engineer
tech.驻地工程师resident engineer
tech.驻地总工程师chief resident engineer
tech.驻地监工员resident inspector
tech.驻地补给品储存量station stock level
proj.manag.驻地项目代表resident project representative
proj.manag.驻地首席工程师chief resident engineer
consult.驻工地专家resident expert
tech.驻工地主任建筑师chief resident architect
tech.驻工地代表field representative
bridg.constr.驻工地工程师resident engineer
consult.驻工地工程师resident engineers
tech.驻工地总工程师chief resident engineer
hydroel.st.驻工地设计代表design representative at site
UN, afr.驻扎营地cantonment areas
China, polit.驻港澳地区内派工作人员personnel assigned to work in Hong Kong and Macao