
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
中国尾港Mawei Harbor, China
主机设计main engine design-power
主机设计main engine design-horsepower
亚拉巴造船和干船坞公司Alabama Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Corporation
射线测量仪gamma-ray gauge
使用service horse-power
克每力小时gram per horsepower-hour
公称horse-power nominal
出口大力拖轮export uprated tug
加拿大比席林造船公司B.C.Marine Shipbuilder Co.Ltd, Canada
船厂Rauma Shipyard
卡斯特立雷迪斯塔比亚船厂Castellammare di Stabia Shipyard
印度德拉斯港Madras Harbor, India
印度扎冈船坞有限公司Mazagon Dock ltd, India
危地拉城港Guatemala City Harbor
危地拉城港Guatemala City Harbor, Guatemala
埃塞俄比亚萨瓦港Massawa Harbor, Ethiopia
塔夫港Tamatave Harbor
塔科造船公司Tacoma Boat-building Corporation
备用reserve horsepower
力拖轮high-power tug
力拖轮uprated tug
委内瑞拉拉开波港Maracaibo Harbor, Venezuela
力电动机fractional horse-power motor
巡航cruising horsepower
巴哈拿骚港Nassau Harbor, Bahamas
巴拿城港Panama City Harbor
巴拿巴尔博亚港Balboa Harbor, Panama
巴拿巴拿马城港Panama City Harbor, Panama
巴拿科隆港Col' on Harbor, Panama
巴拿科隆港Colon Harbor, Panama
巴拿船东Panama ship-owner
巴拿船东协会Panama Ship-owner's Association
巴拿运河吨位证书Panama Canal tonnage certificate
巴西瑙斯港Manaus Harbor, Brazil
应急emergency horsepower
总、有效effective summed horsepower
总有效total effective horsepower
意大利卡斯特立雷迪斯塔比亚船厂Castellammare di Stabia Shipyard, Italy
意大利帕尔Parma Harbor, Italy
我们认为赛船上交货价每吨 250 法郎左右比较合理We think an appropriate price should be around 250 Francs per ton, FOB Marseilles.
扌旨示indicated horsepower
拖带drag horsepower
拖轮力利用率coefficient of tugboat horsepower
拖轮平均生产量每output per horsepower of tugboat
持续continuous horsepower
推进thrust power
提成费按生产的制动力数计算royalty on produced BHP
最大持续maximum continuous rating (MCR)
校验伽电路checking gamma circuit
正常normal horsepower
正常轴normal shaft power
正常轴normal shaft horsepower
比席林造船公司B. C. Marine Shipbuilder Co., Ltd
法国赛港Marseilles Harbor, France
测功计dynamometer horsepower
液压hydrostatic motor
现有拖轮horsepower of existing tugboats
现有船舶horsepower of existing ships
生产量每拖轮output per horsepower of tugboat
福建尾船厂Mawei Shipyard, Fujian
福建省尾造船股份有限公司Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding Ltd
福建省尾造船股份有限公司Fujian Province Mawei Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
尼亚加拉茨造船厂Galatz Shipyard, Romania
尼亚土尔努塞维林造船厂Turnu Severin Shipyard, Romania
尼亚奥尔他尼察造船厂Oltenita Shipyard, Romania
尼亚布加勒斯特港Bucharest Harbor, Romania
尼亚布勒伊拉造船厂Braila Shipyard, Romania
尼亚康斯坦萨造船厂Constantza Shipyard, Romania
尼亚朱尔朱造船厂Giurgiu Shipyard, Romania
尼亚船东Romania ship-owner
尼亚船舶登记局Registrul Naval Roman
尼亚造船企业加拉茨造船厂Galatz Shipyard
美国塔科Tacoma Harbor, America
航行通过巴拿运河navigating through the Panama Canal
芬兰劳船厂Rauma Shipyard, Finland
苏里南帕拉里博港Paramaribo Harbor, Suriname,
苏里南帕拉里博港Paramaribo Harbor, Suriname
菲律宾尼拉港Manila Harbor, Philippines,
菲律宾尼拉港Manila Harbor, Philippines
西班牙利奥尔卡船厂Mallorca Shipyard, Spain
西班牙塔戈尔达船厂Matagorda Shipyard, Spain
西班牙拉斯帕尔斯港Las Palmas Harbor, Spain
设计制动designed brake horsepower
设计的制动designed brake horsepower
设计的轴designed shaft-horsepower
设计轴designed shaft-horsepower
试航trial horsepower
试车test-bed horsepower
购买大力拖轮和驳船purchase uprated tug and barges
赤道几内亚拉博港Malabo Harbor, Equatorial Guinea
起重机crane motor
进口罗尼亚造油轮import oil tanker built by Romania
针状回火氏体acicular tempered martensite
铭牌nameplate horsepower
青岛即墨斯特造船有限公司Qingdao Jimo Mastek Shipping Co., Ltd
风动节流阀air operated throttle motor
利奥尔卡船厂Mallorca Shipyard
力指示器旋塞horsepower indicator cock
塔戈尔达船厂Matagorda Shipyard
士基中国航运有限公司Maersk China Shipping Co., Ltd
士基物流中国有限公司Maersk Logistic China Ltd
尔加什塔马塔夫港Tamatave Harbor, Malagasy
尼拉绳abaca rope
尼特沃克造船公司Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc
扎冈船坞有限公司Mazagon Dock Ltd
来西亚乔治市港George Town Harbor, Malaysia
来西亚古晋港Kuching Harbor, Malaysia
来西亚国际航运总公司Malaysia International Corporation BHD
来西亚船东Malaysia ship-owner
耳他干船坞公司Malta Dry-docks Corporation
耳他船东Malta ship-owner
耳他造船企业马耳他干船坞公司Malta Dry-docks Corporation
里兰造船和干船坞公司Maryland Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Corporation