
Terms for subject Commerce containing 食品 | all forms | in specified order only
世界食品市场world food market
中国粮油食品进出口公司China National Cereals, Oils and Food-Stuffs Import and Export Corp
买主接洽食品的供货be approached by buyers for the supply of foodstuffs
以国际价格表示的食品food at international prices
保健食品nutritious food
保持体力食品sustaining food
国内食品价格通胀domestic food price inflation
基本食品basic food commodities
方便食品fast goods
方便食品convenience food (指蒸煮袋装食品 (food in retort-pouch),罐头食品 (tinned food))
有关食品的询盘正在全力办理中Enquiries for foodstuffs are receiving our full attention
比阿特丽斯食品公司Beatrice Foods Company (1924)
消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各自国家努力改善食品质量和安全Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food
精制焙烤食品fine baked good
精美食品delicate food
美国食品与药物管理局United States Food and Drug Administration
美国联邦食品、药品及化妆品法Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
腌渍醋渍食品pickled food
船用食品装载申报单victualling bill
英国联合食品公司Associated British Food PLC
衍生食品derived edible product
认证的有机食品certified organic food
设定零售食品最咼限价set price ceilings on retail foodstuffs
速冻食品quick frozen food
速溶含乳谷物食品instant cereal milk food
酸化罐头食品acidified canned food
酸化罐装食品acidified canned food
食品类商品non-food item
食品类商品non-food commodity
非食物产品non-food good
食品价格动向food commodity price swing
食品价格动向food commodity price movement
食品价格变动food commodity price swing
食品价格变动food commodity price movement
食品价格暴跌a collapse of food prices
食品价格波动food price fluctuation
食品价格飙升surge in food prices
食品供应系统food service system
食品分销代理distributive agency for foodstuffs
食品加工业food-processing industry
美国食品及药物条例Food and Drug Act
美国食品及药物管理局Food and Drug Administration
食品杂货业grocery trade
食品food category
食品级明胶food grade gelatine
美国食品药物管理局Food and Drug Administration
食品进口汇票food import bill
食品配给票food stamp (美国政府发给接受福利或失业救济者的配给票,比较: food card 配粮券)