
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
固定翼fixed-wing aeroplane
在地面效应区外像飞机一样模式flying mode beyond the GEZ as an airplane
地效WIG or ekranoplan
地效区 GEZ行模式flying mode in the ground effect zone (GEZ)
方向、姿态和高控制系统directional, attitude and altitude control system
浪头高耸,开化碎浪白沫开始随风吹成条纹 成串sea heaps up and white foam from breaking wakes begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind.
焊渣weld splatter
狂浪,沿风向出现密集的白流化条纹波峰开始 翻滚,沫可能影响能见度。high waves. dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind. crests of waves begin to topple and roll over. spray may affect visibility.
狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.
空中充满白沫和溅水雾,风吹飞沫使海面白 茫茫一片,能见度严重受影响。the air is filled with foam and spray. sea completely white with driving spray. visibility very seriously affected
空天space aircraft
航母舰#机起方式take-off mode for carrier-borne aircraft
船舶和vessels and aircraft
区域final approach and take-off area (FATO)
/着陆状态take off/landing mode
载人宇宙manned space vehicle
较长是中高浪,波峰边缘开始破碎成为浪花, 白沫明显地随风成串溅。moderately high waves of greater, edges of crests begin to break into spindrift. the foam is blown tin well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind.
降落和起touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF)
预警和控制系统airborne early warning aircraft
剪型首cut water bow
剪型首fiddle bow
剪型首knee bow
剪型首overhanging bow
剪型首clipper bow
机式水翼系统airplane system
机状态aircraft mode
机用大功率发电机及供电系统airborne high power generator power supply system and power supply system
机螺旋桨aerial propeller
溅阻力spray resistance
球调速器ball governor
行数据记录仪black box
行状态fly-over mode
行纵倾flight trim
行纵倾角flight-trim angle
行纵倾速度flight-trim speed
行高度operating height
轮式调速器蒸汽机用flywheel governor
高超声速滑翔行器hypersonic glide vehicle