
Terms for subject International trade containing 风 险 | all forms | in specified order only
一切其他风险all other perils
一般风险normal risk
不可保的风险uninsurable risk
不履行风险default risk
不负任何风险assume no risk
业主的风险owner's risk
串味风险taint of odour risk
买方负担风险caveat emptor
交货不到风险failure to delivery risks
企业风险business risk
风险all risk form
公司的风险company's risk
其他一切风险all other perils
风险的资本venture capital
减少和转移风险reduce or transfer risks
分散风险spread risk
分派风险assigned risk
包装破裂风险breakage of packing risks
单独海损,有限风险restricted risks, with average
卖方负担风险caveat venditor
受潮受热风险sweating heating risks
可保风险insurable risks
可保险风险risk insurable
可避免之风险unsystematic risk
可避免之风险available risk
可避免的风险unsystematic risk
商业风险trade risks
商业风险commercial risks
外币折算风险translation risk
外来风险extraneous risks
外汇风险exchange risks
外汇交易风险transaction risk
外汇汇率方面所承担的风险exchange rate risks
实际风险risk plan basis
进出口的履行合同的风险performance risk
巨额风险peak risk
巨额风险large risk
平衡分担风险balanced allocation of risks
库房至库房风险条款door to door risk
建设者风险builder's risk
忍受风险risk bearing
所提证据无用的风险risk of non-persuasion
扩大风险保证extended risk guarantees
承包商风险builder's risk
承受风险take a risk
承受汇兑风险exposure to exchange risk
承担风险take a risk
承担风险bear risk
投资配搭风险portfolio risk
担保装船时的驳运风险including all risks of crafts and boats while loading
担保装船驳运风险及起驳运风险including all risks of crafts to and from the vessel
拒保风险prohibited risk
放款风险担保计划extended risk guarantee programme
政治性风险政治危险事故political risks
风险折现率risk free rate
无法避免的风险unavoidable risk
暴风雨保险storm and tempest insurance
风险的运费freight at risk
正常风险normal risk
正常的风险natural risk
汇兑风险exchange risks
海上风险marine risks
海上风险sea risk
海上风险risk of the sea
海上风险perils of the sea
海洋风险risk and perils of the sea
淡水雨淋风险fresh and/or rain water damage risks
灭失的风险risk of loss
特种风险保证specific risk guaranties
甲级风险alpha risk
破碎风险clash & breakage risks
社会风险social risks
租税市价变动等所引起的社会风险social risks
系统风险systematic risk
风险pure risk
罢工、暴动和民变风险risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions
自然风险natural hazards
自然的风险natural risk
舱货物风险on deck risks
舱面货物由货主担风险deck cargo shipper’s account
船东自负风险owner's risk
证券投资风险portfolio risk
证据无用的风险risk of non-persuasion
负担风险risk bearing
货主之风险owner's risks
货币风险报告exposure report
贸易风险trade risks
跌价风险risk of price decline
转让风险transfer risk
边缘风险border-line risk
运输的风险risk of carriage
运输途中的风险risk in transit
进口关税风险import duty risks
钩损风险hook damage risk
锈损风险rust risks
附加风险additional risk
风暴保险单windstorm insurance policy
风暴险windstorm insurance
风灾保险单windstorm insurance policy
风险与报酬率权衡trade-off between risk and rate of return
风险企业venture business
风险分担allocation of risks
风险合同risk bearing system
风险存续期限duration of risk
风险投资risk investment
风险收益分析risk return analysis
风险收购venture buyout
风险溢价risk premium
风险由货主负担at owner’s risk
风险的结合combination of risks
风险类别class of risk
风险调整折现率risk adjusted discount rate
风险赔偿indemnity for risk
风险转移passing of the risk
驳运风险担保条款craft risk clause