
Terms for subject Commerce containing 风险 | all forms | in specified order only
不可避风险危险unavoidable risk
主权风险限制sovereign risk limit
buyer's risk拉丁语买方风险caveat emptor
交易风险transaction exposure
交易风险transaction risk
人为风险human risk
以市场为基础的风险管理工具market-based risk management tool
共担风险equally share the benefits as well as the risks
其他风险miscellaneous risks
减少风险risk reduction
分担风险与亏损share risks and losses
分摊的风险assigned risk
风险all and every risk all perils
制造厂商风险producer's risk
制造厂商风险manufacturer's risk
卸船后风险post-shipment risk (指按仓至仓 (warehouse to warehouse) 承保货物时,货物卸船后运往买方仓库过程中可能遇到的风险)
可避风险avoidable risk
同类风险allied perils
商业风险business risks
国际贸易风险risks of foreign trade
基本风险basic peril
外来风险extraneous risk
外汇折算风险conventional risk
外汇转移风险exchange transfer risk
履约风险performance risk
市场风险在我们仔细考虑的范围之内The market risk is within our contemplation
市场风险管理工具market-based risk management tool
承保的风险peril insured
承担一切风险和费用bear all risks and expenses
承担价格波动风险undertake responsibility for the risk of price fluctuation
承担贷款风险责任bear responsibility for consequences of loans
投机性风险speculative risk
数量进口风险分析缩写为QIRAquantitative import risk analysis
最大风险原则principle of maximum risk
检验前风险pretest risk
海上风险perils of the ocean (包括:事故 (accidents),自然灾害 (natural calamities))
海上风险perils of the sea (包括:事故 (accidents),自然灾害 (natural calamities))
海上风险包括自然灾害与意外事故Perils of sea include natural calamities and accidents
消费者风险purchaser's risk
特别风险abnormal risk
生产者风险manufacturer's risk (指在抽样检验 (sampling inspection) 中,一批合格概率很高的产品因抽样不合格而被整批判为不合格,故亦称第一类错判)
生产者风险producer's risk (指在抽样检验 (sampling inspection) 中,一批合格概率很高的产品因抽样不合格而被整批判为不合格,故亦称第一类错判)
经营风险trading risk
考虑企业管理规划中的确定情况、不确定情况及风险take into account certainty, uncertainty and risk in planning of business management
自然风险natural risks
船主负风险条款owner's risk clause
英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
装运前风险preshipment risk (指使用仓库至仓库条款 (warehouse to warehouse clause) 时,货物由卖方仓库运出至装船时的风险)
规定风险水平specified risk level
货主风险owner's risk
保险货主承担风险owner's risk
购买者风险purchaser's risk
运输风险transportation risk
运输风险transit risk
避免渗漏风险obviate the risk of leakage
陆上风险land risks
除外风险excepted perils
须予批准,无风险subject to approval, no risk
预计的风险calculated risk
风险与不确定性risk and uncertainty
风险承保条risk note
风险条款peril clause
风险由买方承担at the buyer's risk
风险资本公司risk capital company
风险酬金risk reward
风险酬金premium for risk