
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
一维最优化问one-dimension optimization problem
上下文无关文法的等价问equivalence problem of context-free grammar
上下文有关文法的字问word problem of contextsensitive grammar
上下文有关文法的空问emptiness problem of contextsensitive grammar
不一致读问inconsistent read problem
不变性论invariance thesis
不可解问unsolvable problem
不同 质问inhomogeneous problem
讨论小组birds of feather
专家问求解器expert problem solver
丘吉论Church's thesis
两军问two-army problem
两千年问不顺应性Y2K noncompliant
两千年问顺应性Y2K compliant
topic maps
thematic map
抽取theme extraction
数据库subject database
topic tree
检索subject retrieval
森林topic forestTT
目录thematic bibliography
目录topical bibliography
目录subject catalogue
索引subject index
top term
subject word
词表构成thesaurus construction
主标main heading
事务记录标transaction record header
二义性问ambiguity problem
交互问控制系统interactive problem control system
传输标transmission header
信任赋予问confidence assignment problem
假命false statement
关键字日期问date-in-key problem
关键词主索引Keyword subject index
函数管理标function management header
3-分割问3-partition problem
分布式问求解distributed problem solving
分配问assignment problem
划分问partitioning problem
初边值问initial boundary value problem
别名问alias problem
半可判定问partially decidable problem
半可解问partially solvable problem
半图厄系统的判定问decision problem of semi-Thue system
卷标volume header
原子命atomic proposition
反特征值问inverse eigenvalue problem
发散问divergence problem
可寻址问addressability problem
公式的归纳定义inductive definition of propositional forms
proposition tree
演算系统propositional calculus system
哲学家就餐问dining philosophers problem
因特网标长度Internet header length
固定标前缀fixed header prefix
图同构完全问graph isomorphism-complete problem
图灵机的一致停机问uniform halting problem of Turing machines
图灵机的停机问halting problem of Turing machines
图灵论Turing's thesis
地址标address head
基于规则的问归约rule-based problem reduction
基本传输标basic transmission header
多键匹配问multiple-keyword pattern-matching problem
多项式等价的问polynomially equivalent problem
字问word problem
字顺主分类法alphabetical subject classification
完全性问totality problem
缩微胶片检索selected research in microfiche
封闭性问closed question
已仲裁分检的新闻专moderated newsgroup
面问frame problem
并行计算论parallel computation thesis
应答标response header
归约问描述reduction problem description
成员资格问membership problem
成批连续目处理stacked job processing
成批定情报服务group selective dissemination of information
批标文件batch-header document
故障定位问trouble-location problem
数据集标data set header
文件差异问file-difference problem
文件标file header
无界缓冲区问unbounded-buffer problem
映像问mapping problem
有界布瓦问bounded tiling problem
有界缓冲区问bounded-buffer problem
有限自动机的等价问equivalence problem of finite automate
本原问primitive problem
机器人问求解系统robot problem-solving system
信息heading information
关键词索引keyword from title index
区胶膜heading area coating
字体display face
控制heading control
banner page
校验问check problem
YUV模式Y2K两千年问YUV mode
正则文法的等价问equivalence problem of regular grammar
正则表达式匹配问regular expression matching problem
正视问困难face the challenge
水和罐问water-jug problem
永真问validity problem
河内塔问tower of Hanoi problem
混合式问分析hybrid problem analysis
点标dot leader
特征值问的条件数condition number of eigenvalue problem
现刊录服务current awareness service
生产线平衡问line balancing problem
生产者-消费者问producer-consumer problem
真命true proposition
知识获取瓶颈问bottleneck problem of knowledge acquisition
确定型图灵机接受问DTM acceptance problem
离散问discrete problem
程序等价问program equivalence problem
窗 口window title
算法问求解algorithmic problem solving
类比问求解analogical problem solving
类比问空间analogical problem space
约束问confinement problem
组合最优化问combinatorial optimization problem
编码encoded question
网络服务标network services header
网络问判断应用程序network problem determination application
网页标Web title
联机定检索online definite subject retrieval
自动化标和脚注automatic headers/footers
自动标搜索automatic title search
状态方式problem mode
路径学习法learning from solution path
解决问meet the challenge
认识论问epistemological problems
请求 / 应答标request / response header
句子topic sentence
货郎担旅行商travelling salesman problem
轮排主索引permuterm subject index
软件问报告单software problem report
输入输出问确定input/output problem determination
输入问input problem
输出标子组outheader subgroup
通用问求解程序general problem solver
部分结构化决策问partly structural decision problem
配置标configuration header region
链路问检测辅助程序link problem determination aids
决定过程problem determination procedure
分析图problem analysis diagram
分析法problem analysis method
分解problem decomposition
吞吐量problem throughput
定义语言problem-defining language
归约法problem reduction approach
描述语言problem-describing language
数据problem data
文件problem file
相关说明problem-dependent description
problem class
行为图problem-behavior graph
表示representation of problems
诊断problem diagnosis
陈述语言problem statement language
陈述语言/问题陈述分析器problem statement language/problem statement analyzer
面向问语言problem-oriented language
内关键字母key letter in context
内关键词组索引key phrase in context
标栏title bar
目文件run book