
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 频率 | all forms | in specified order only
振动临界频率critical frequency
车辆事故频率accident frequency
交叉过渡,互换频率crossover frequency
交变频率alternative frequencies code
交变频率AF code
车身侧倾横摇频率在横向平面内的角振动频率roll frequency
公称频率nominal frequency
频率resonant frequency
频率resonance frequency (resonant frequency)
刮水频率wiping frequency
刮水器/窗玻璃刮水频率速度sweep rate
刮水器刮水频率wiper frequency
制动频率braking frequency
频率ignition frequency
无线电发射器频率transmitter frequency
某事件发生频率frequency of occurrence
公交发车频率departure frequency
电子学取样脉冲调制发送,扫描频率sampling frequency
迫振动频率foreign frequency
检测站用语喷油脉冲频率injector sensor pulse frequency
固有频率own frequency
基准参考频率reference frequency
导致弹簧振动的周期性负载频率spring surge frequency
小修频率minor repair frequency
小修频率frequency of current repair
工作台最高振荡频率maximum oscillating frequency of table
应用功率频谱applied power spectrum
弯曲振动频率bending frequency
电子学扫描频率scanning frequency
扫描频率速度sampling rate
扰动受迫振动频率forcing frequency
振动频率oscillation frequency
振荡频率rate of oscillation
换档频率gear shift frequency
换档频率shift frequency
换档频率shifting frequency
换档频率gear-change frequency
无线电接收频率received frequency
无线电接收频率incoming frequency
故障频率分布failure distribution
旋转频率circular frequency
无线电频率骚扰见 GB/T 2900.1-2008 中 3.4.12radio frequency disturbance
电子学时钟频率clock frequency
时钟脉冲频率clock-pulse rate
电子学时钟脉冲频率clock-pulse rate
易损零件更换频率removal rate
检查频率inspection frequency
气缸发火频率Cylinder firing frequency
气门传动机构固有频率valve gear natural frequency
发动机气门传动机构固有频率valve-gear natural frequency
汽车小修频率frequency of current repair of vehicle
油泵供油频率pump frequency
电气滤波频率filter frequency
振动激发频率exciting frequency
火花跳火频率spark frequency
点火火花频率spark raterating
点火火花放电频率sparking rate
点火频率spark-generation rate
电压频率转换器voltage-frequency converter
人体眨眼频率eye blinking frequencyrate
车辆纵倾俯仰振动频率pitch frequency
纹波频率整流器中纹波电流的频率ripple frequency
肇事频率accident frequency
脉冲频率脉冲次数每秒impulse rate
自振固有频率natural frequency
自由振动频率free frequency
自由振荡频率free vibration frequency
公共交通行车频率service frequency
频率如振动circular frequency
谐振频率harmonic frequency
声学谐波频率分量harmonic frequency component
重大事故频率fatal accident frequency rate
转向信号灯闪光频率flash rate
转向信号灯闪光频率flasher frequency
分布frequency distribution
频率number of cycles
频率FQ CY= frequency
频率准确frequency accuracy
频率分布函数frequency function
声学频率分量frequency component
频率响应特性frequency response
振动频率极限范围frequency limit
频率frequency ratio
频率范围range of frequencies
减振器频率行程控制frequency travel control
频率补偿特性compensated frequency characteristic
频率frequency meter
连续燃油喷射频率frequency valve