
Terms containing 预算成本 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.供销成本预算distribution cost budget
busin.偏离预算成本差异variation from budgeted cost
proj.manag.分批成本预算法basket costing
proj.manag.分批成本预算法batch costing
busin.分配成本预算distribution cost budget
fin.制成品预算成本statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本预算cost of goods manufactured budget
busin.制成品预计成本计算书statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品预计成本计算表statement of the budgeted cost of goods manufactured
tech.制造成本预算manufacturing cost budget
commer.原材料成本预算materials cost budget
textile完成产品的预算成本budgeted cost for work performed
avia.完成的工作预算成本budgeted cost of work performed
tech.实际预算标准成本actual expected standard cost
space工作完成的预算成本budgeted cost of work performed
proj.manag.工程成本预算work cost budget
proj.manag.已完工作预算成本budgeted cost of work performed
econ.已竣工程预算成本budgeted cost of work performed
tech.建筑成本预算construction cost estimating
tech.建筑成本预算construction cost estimate
busin.弹性预算中的固定成本fixed costs on flexible budget
oil成本预算cost budgeting
textile成本预算cost budget
fin.成本预算计划cost budget plan
avia.成本预算关系cost estimation relationship
busin.成本预算图cost budget diagram
fin.成本预算图表cost budget in diagrams
busin.成本预算图表cost budget in diagram
busin.成本预算图表cost budget diagrams
busin.成本预算线cost budget line
exhib.成本预算表cost sheet
interntl.trade.预算成本规定奖惩取费细则合同target estimate with penalty and incentive-fee contract
busin.按成本编制预算cost based budgeting
econ.按成本编制预算cost-based budgeting (budgets)
tech.按成本编制预算cost-based budgeting
fin.推销成本预算distribution cost budget
proj.manag.施工成本预算construction cost estimating
econ.未竣工程预算成本budgeted cost of work scheduled
fin.材料成本预算materials cost budget
busin.材料成本预算material cost budget
fin.生产成本预算production cost budget
tech.生产成本预算cost of production budget
interntl.trade.用料成本预算material cost budget
tech.直接人工成本预算direct labour cost budget
tech.直接人工成本预算direct labor cost budget
busin.经销成本预算distribution cost budget
busin.编制预算计划中的固定成本fixed cost on planning budget
avia.自动化成本预算automated cost estimate
busin.营销成本预算marketing cost budgeting
textile计划产品的预算成本budgeted cost for work scheduled
space计划工作预算成本budgeted cost or work scheduled
proj.manag.计划工作预算成本budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS)
tech.货物制造预算成本计算表statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
fin.销售成本预算selling cost budget
shipb.销售成本预算selling budget
fin.销货成本预算cost of goods sold budget
avia.长期成本预算long term costing
avia.预定工作预算成本budgeted cost of work scheduled
tech.预定成本计算predetermined cost accounting
econ.预定的成本计算the predetermined cost accounting
busin.预算成本budgeted cost
proj.manag.预算与成本控制budget and cost control
proj.manag.预算与成本管制budgetary and cost control
proj.manag.预算和成本核算estimating and costing
commer.预算成本predicted cost
fin.预算成本budget cost
fin.预算成本budgeted costs
interntl.trade.预算成本estimated cost
exhib.预算成本budgeted cost
hydroel.st.预算成本budget coat
textile预算成本budget costs
textile预算成本cost for budget
tech.预算成本estimated capital
tech.预算成本budgetary cost
bridg.constr.预算成本计算estimated cost account
busin.预算控制成本cost for budgetary control
busin.预算控制成本cost for budget control
tech.预算费用预算成本estimated cost
fin.预计成本计算predetermined costing
econ.预计成本项目计算办法ex ante cost-centre accounting scheme