
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 预热 | all forms | in specified order only
发动机冷却液预热coolant preheater
双电极预热double pole heater plug
双电极预热double pole glow plug
发动机预热preheating of the engine
发动机预热控制engine-preheating control
发动机预热装置engine heating device
发动机进气预热engine inlet air pre-heat
密闭式预热sealed plug
封装式预热sheathed type glow plug
柴油机封装式火焰预热sheathed-element flame heater plug
柴油机封装式火焰预热sheathed-element flame glow plug
废热预热regenerative heating
预热系统fast glow system
快速预热装置quick glow system
空调排气预热式暖风装置exhaust-gas heater type
散热器冷却液预热加热装置radiator preheater
无冷却器和预热器的燃气涡轮发动机pure gas-turbine engine
柴油机预热diesel pre-heat
柴油机预热控制系统diesel glow control system
混合气mixture heating
进气系统混合气预热mixture preheating
进气系统混合气预热装置mixture preheating device
混合气预热装置mixture heater
柴油机火焰预热flame heater plug
柴油机火焰预热flame glow plug
柴油机燃油预热fuel preheater
燃烧预热控制模块combustion preheating control module
预热electric preheating
冷却系统预热electric preheater
冷却系统预热electric heater
柴油机电阻丝式预热wire heater plug
柴油机电阻丝式预热wire glow plug
柴油机笔型预热pencil-type glow plug
空调器预热的空气preheated air
自动预热automatic preheating
自动预热automatic preheater
自控型预热self-control type plug
蓄电池预热battery preheating
蓄电池预热battery preheater
装入油底壳中的机油预热oil-pan heater
起动预热开关start preheating switch
进气系统起动预热装置starting preheater system
进气预热charge heating
进气预热induction-air preheater
进气系统进气预热inlet-air heater
进气系统进气预热inlet-air preheater
进气预热induction-air heater
进气预热装置induction preheating device
进气系统进气预热装置air preheater
进气歧管装置manifold heater
进气歧管预热inlet-manifold preheating
进气歧管板式预热manifold plate heater
进气系统进气管预热suction-tube preheating
进气系统进气管预热inlet-pipe preheating
preheating zone
预备热处理conditioning treatment
发动机预热了的进吸入空preheated inlet
发动机预热了的进吸入空preheated intake air
发动机预热了的进吸入空preheated induction
毛坯预热后加工hot machining
柴油机控制预热起动机开关preheater starter switch
柴油机预热器控制装置heater control
预热器集气箱preheater scoop
柴油机预热heater plug
预热glow tube (ignition tube)
预热heating plug
发动机预热preheating plug
预热glow plug
柴油机预热工作指示信号heater-plug indicator
预热工作指示灯heater-plug tell-tale
预热塞定时器glow control unit
预热塞开关switch of glow plugs
预热塞控制glow plug control
预热塞控制模块glow plug control module
柴油机预热塞点火heater-plug ignition
柴油机预热塞电热丝heater-plug filament
柴油机预热塞电热丝heater filament
柴油机预热塞电阻器heater-plug resistor
柴油机预热塞电阻线圈heat coil
柴油机控制预热塞-起动开关heater-plug starting switch
发动机预热定时器preheat timer
发动机预热定时器preheating timer
预热定时器glow timer
柴油机预热延时继电器time-lag relay for preheating
发动机预热开关preheating switch
柴油机控制预热开关preheater switch
柴油机预热开关heater switch
电热塞预热指示器glow signal
发动机预热状态指示器preheating indicator
预热指示器glow indicator
发动机预热指示灯可起动时熄灭glow indicator lamp
发动机预热控制器preheating controller
柴油机预热控制器preheater control
发动机预热控制器preheating control
发动机预热控制器glow controller
发动机预热暖机时间warm-up time
柴油机预热时间preheating time
柴油机预热时间glow time
柴油机预热时间控制器glow control unit
预热warming-up phase
预热warming-up period
预热glow period
预热等待指示灯wait-to-glow lamp
柴油机预热系统preheater system
柴油机预热装置单元preheating unit
预热装置系统preheating system
预热起动双向钥匙reversible key
柴油机预热-起动开关heater starter switch
预热加热发动机运转initial running
发动机预热preheating valve
发动机预热preheating flap
比赛预热行驶阶段warm-up lap