
Terms for subject Securities containing 预测 | all forms | in specified order only
不可预测的股票市场unpredictable stock market
业绩预测机制performance prediction mechanism
中期预测medium range forecast
主要预测假设key forecast assumption
会计预测accounting estimate
依靠直觉进行预测intuitive approach to forecast
公司买主预测corporate buyer projections
典型的预测typical projection
内部预测披露disclosure of internal projections
准备独立预测preparing stand-alone projection
分析师预测能力analyst coverage
利润预测招股书附录profit forecast
呈报预测forecast submission
国际经纪预测概览international broker estimate survey
基本状况预测base case forecast
基本面预测fundamental forecast
基础波动的可预测on predictability of basis fluctuations
基线加预测baseline-plus forecast
基线及额外支出预测baseline-plus forecast
完美预测线perfect forecast line
定性预测qualitative forecast techniques
定量审计预测quantitative auditing prediction
实际业绩与预测业绩的比较results compared to forecast
对周期性公司的预测cyclical company forecast
建立在预测基础上的市场market-based forecasting
投人/产出分析与预测input /output analysis and forecast
提交预测forecast submission
收支预测income and expense projection
收益不合预测earnings surprises
无差错预测unbiased predictor (股市上)
时点预测point forecast
时间序列分析预测方法time series analysis forecast technique
曲棍球球棍预测hockey stick projection
标准化不可预测收益standardized unexpected earnings
现金流预测cash flow projection
种种预测情况forecasts cascade
种种预测结果cascade of forecast
管理层预测假设management's forecast assumption
APICS 美国生产及库存控制协议 经济前景预测指数APICS Business Outlook Index
经营预测business forecast
致性预测consensus forecast
行情预测market forecast
评估财务预测evaluating financial projections
谣言预测whisper forecast
财务预测financial projections
财务分析预测proforma financial statement
趋同预测consensus forecast
长期普通股预测证券long-term equity anticipation securities
长期趋势预测trend projection
预测特指英国关于利息比率、证券价格和证券收益的预测taking a view
预测与贴现率projection and discount rate
预测价格随机波动anticipated prices fluctuate randomly
预测兼并分析pro forma merger analysis
预测到期日projected maturity date
预测失准fail to predict
预测年度forecast year
预测性信息forward looking information
预测现金projecting cash flow
预测的定量方法quantitative approach to forecasting
预测的市场indicated market
预测的梯形流程cascade of forecast
预测财务报表pro forma financial statement
预测财务表pro forma statement
预测问题projection problem