
Terms for subject Business containing 预测 | all forms | in specified order only
三级共态预测three level costate prediction
不准确预测inaccurate forecast
不可预测的损失incalculable loss
不可预测的故障undetectable failure
专业行情预测professional forecasting
世界市场预测forecasting of international market
世界经济预测world economic forecasting
个人直观预测individual intuitive forecast
个别值预测individual prediction
中位预测central forecast
中期预测medium projection
中期预测medium-term prediction
中期预测intermediate range forecast
中期预测指 1 至 4 年的商情预测medium forecast
主观预测subjective forecast
主观预测subjective forecasting method
事前预测误差ex ante forecasting error
事后预测ex post forecasting
事后预测误差ex post forecasting error
产量预测yield forecast
产量预测prediction of the outputs
人力预测manpower projection
人力预测manpower forecast
人口预测推算population projection
人口动态预测模型model of population dynamic forecast
价格预测price forecasting
企业市场预测market forecast of enterprise
企业市场预测market forecast of business
企业总体预测overall business forecast
信息分类与预测information sort and predict
傅立叶数列预测Fourier series forecasting method
储备与收益预测projection of reserves and revenues
公司投资预测corporate investment prediction
公司收益预测corporate earning prediction
公司收益预测模式corporate earning prediction model
关键预测key forecast
出口市场预测export market forecast
分析预测中心center of forecasting and analysis
分类预测disaggregated prediction
初步预测initial forecast
判断预测judgment forecast
利润预测forecast of profit
加权移动平均数预测weighted moving average forecast
动态同时预测dynamical simultaneous forecasts
动态同时预测dynamic simultaneous forecasts
单一方程回归预测single equation regression prediction
单回归预测simple regression forecast
博克斯—詹金斯预测Box-Jenkins forecasting
博克斯—詹金斯预测Box-Jenkins forecasting method
预测original prediction
双阶段销量预测two-step sales forecasting method
反馈性预测feedback forecast
预测的需求foreseeable demand
可靠预测reliable forecasting
可靠性预测reliability forecast
后向预测back forecast
后向预测back forecasting
商情预测forecasting of business conditions
商情预测conjuncture forecast
商情预测机构business forecasting service
回归预测regression prediction
回归模式预测forecasting with regression model
因果预测模式causal forecasting model
国内总需求预测total domestic-demand forecast
国际市场预测international market forecast
国际金融市场预测international financial market forecast
均方根预测误差root mean square prediction error
基准预测benchmark forecast
基准预测bench mark forecast
复回归预测multiple regression forecasting
多周期预测multiperiod forecast
多周期预测multi-period forecast
多重回归预测multiple regression forecasting
"天才"预测genius forecasting
完全预测perfect forecast
完全预测直线perfect forecast line
完全预测线line of perfect forecast
宏观预测macro forecast
工业产品需求量预测industrial product demand forecast
工业品市场预测industrial product market forecast
巴卜生预测Babson chart
巴卜生商业预测Babson chart of US business
市场预测技术market forecast technique
市场预测方法method of market forecasting
市场预测的可靠性dependability of market forecast
市场预测程序market forecast procedure
市场与销售预测market and sale forecasting
市场份额预测market share forecasting
市场因素预测market factors derivation
市场广幅预测market multi-forecasting
市场规模预测market size forecasting
市场趋势预测forecast for market tendency
常规预测normal forecast
幻想预测visionary forecast
广告效果预测testing of advertising result
当期预测current forecast
微观经济预测microeconomic forecasting
微观经济预测micro-economic forecasting
德尔菲预测Delphi method
预测total forecast
总体预测macro forecast
总合预测aggregate prediction
成本预测高低点法high-low method of cost estimation
我们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
技术预测technical forecast
技术预测predictors of technology
投入产出预测input-output forecast
投入产出预测模式input-output forecast model
投入产出模式应用于预测application of the input-output model to forecasts
投资风险预测forecasting of investment risk
持续预测persistence forecast
指数修匀预测forecasting by the exponential smoothing
指数平滑预测模式exponential smoothing forecasting model
指示性预测indicative projection
指示性预测资料indicative projection
探索性预测exploratory forecast
探索性预测exploration forecast
探索性预测技术exploring forecasting technique
探索性预测exploratory forecasting method
探索性预测exploration forecasting technique
提前一期预测one-period-ahead forecast
政府预测government forecast
数量预测quantitative forecasting
数量预测quantitative forecast
新产品预测new product forecasting
新产品经济预测economic forecasting of new product
新产品获利能力预测new product profitability forecasting
新技术经济预测economic forecasting of new technology
旅游市场预测tour market forecasting
无偏预测unbiased predictor
无条件预测unconditional prediction
无条件预测unconditional forecast
时序预测time series projection
时序预测time series forecast
景气预测barometer method
最佳线形预测best linear predictor
最佳线性无偏预测best linear unbiased prediction
最佳线性无偏预测best linear unbiased forecast
最佳线性无偏预测公式best linear unbiased predictor formula
最佳线性无偏预测best linear unbiased predictor
最小均方误差预测minimum mean-square-error forecasting
最小均方误差预测minimum mean-square-error forecast
最近预测current forecast
有效性预测predictive validity
有条件统计预测conditional statistical forecast
有限预测limited prediction
有限可预测limited predictability
未来各种趋势预测alternative future forecast
条件预测conditioned forecast
条件预测conditional prediction
标准预测standard forecast
概率预测probability forecast
概率分布预测probability distribution forecast
模型预测效能forecasting performance of a model
比率趋势预测ratio trend forecast
比较性与预测性信息comparative and predictive information
比较静态预测comparative static forecast
渗透预测penetration prediction
渗透预测模式penetration prediction model
预测point prediction
预测point predictor
环境预测environmental forecast
环境预测conditional forecast
现在预测current forecast
现金预测cash projection
现金预测cash forecasting method
现金收支数据与现金预测cash flow data and cash forecasting
现金收支状况预测forecast of cash position
现金流动数据与预测cash flow data and cash forecasting
现金状况预测cash projection
现金状况预测forecast of cash position
现金预算及预测cash budgeted and forecast
理性预测theoretical forecast
理论性要求预测theoretical requirement forecasting
用保本分析法预测利润forecasting profit by break-even analysis
用外推法预测forecasting by extra olation
用指数修匀法预测forecasting by the exponential smoothing
用时间数列预测forecasting with time series
电力负荷预测power load forecast
目的论预测teleological forecast
直观预测intuitive forecast
直观预测intuitive forecasting technique
直观预测intuitive forecasting method
短期预测short-range forecast
短期经济预测short-term economic forecast
短期经济预测模式short-term economic forecast model
确定性预测deterministic forecast
确定性预测模式deterministic forecasting model
社会预测social forecast
科技预测与评估Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology
简化型预测reduced-form prediction
简化型预测reduced-form forecast
简单平均值预测simple-average forecast
管理评价用预测和估算法Forecast and Appraisal for Management Evaluation
管理评价用的预测和估算forecast and appraisal for management evaluation
系列预测series forecast
系统动态预测模式system dynamics predictive model
系统可靠性预测system reliability prediction
纵向预测longitudinal prediction
纵向预测模式longitudinal predictor model
线性预测linear prediction method
线性预测linear prediction code
组织预测organization expectation
经济预测中心economic projection centre
经济预测可靠性reliability of economic forecasting
经济发展预测forecast on economic development
经济周期预测晴雨表barometer of economic cycle forecasting
经济计量预测econometric forecasting
经济计量预测模式econometric forecasting model
经济计量学预测方法econometric forecasting methods
经费和拨款控制及开支预测系统appropriation and allotment control and expenditure projection system
统计预测模式statistical forecasting model
综合意见预测brick-by-brick forecasting
联接预测articulation-predication approach
臆测性预期收入expected income hypothesis
自动预测automatic forecast
自动预测程序automatic forecasting procedure
自回归综合移动平均数预测ARIMA forecasts
自我实现预测self-fulfilling prophecy
营销预测差异marketing forecast variance
营销预测差异分析marketing forecast variance analysis
蒙特卡罗预测Monte Carlo forecast
证实市场趋势的预测confirm the prediction in regard to the trend of the market
预测tentative forecast
贝叶斯预测Bayesian forecasting
财政预测financial forecast
质量预测qualitative prediction
质量预测qualitative forecast
贸易预测trade forecast
费用预测forecast of expenses
资源预测resource forecast
趋势预测trend projection
近期预测confunctural forecast
适应性预测adaptive forecast
预测back forecast
部门间预测inter-industry forecasting
"野生"预测"wild" observation
金融预测financial forecast
金融风险预测forecasting of financial risk
销售预测selling forecast
forecasting销售预测sales forecast
销售人员预测估算salesmen's estimates
长期预测long-run prediction
长期预测long-run forecast
长期预测long-range projection
长期部门间预测工具long-term interindustry forecasting tool
难以预测的风险incalculable risk
零变化预测zero change prediction
需求预测need forecast
需求预测needing forecast
需求预测demand projection
需求预测技术demand forecasting technique
需求预测方法demand forecasting method
需求预测needing forecasting method
需求预测need forecasting method
需求量预测的消费水平法consumption level method of demand forecasting
非随机预测模型nonstochastic forecasting model
项目预测item forecast
项目预测item forecasting method
预测中心center of forecasting
预测中的直观程序intuitive procedure in forecasting
预测中的贝叶斯分析Bayesian analysis in forecasting
预测事件forecasting events
预测forecast value
预测偏倚prediction bias
预测偏倚bias in forecasting
预测储量quantity of forecasted stock
预测准确度forecast accuracy
预测准确性forecast precision
预测准确性accuracy of forecast
预测函数forecasting function
预测利润estimate of profit
预测功效predictive power
预测功率forecasting power
预测区间forecasting interval
预测变差forecast variation
预测可靠性forecasting reliability
预测和目标数据anticipation and intention data
预测实现图prediction-realization diagram
预测差异forecasted variance
预测性研究predictive research
预测成本标准成本predicted cost
预测技术准确度accuracy of forecasting techniques
预测指数forecasting index
预测收益率indicated yield
预测数据forecasting data
预测方法prediction technique
预测projection period
预测forecasting period
预测期均方误差forecast period mean squared error
预测期幅度time span of forecast
预测检验forecast test
预测检验设计design of forecasting tests
预测概率forecast probability
预测模式predictive model
预测模式forecasting model
预测水平forecasting horizon
预测projective method
预测method of prediction
预测projection method
预测method of forecast
预测forecasting technique
预测物价forecast price
预测的不确定性uncertainty in forecasting
预测的可检验性verifiability of prediction
预测的平均绝对差average absolute forecast error
预测的有效性forecasting validity
预测研究prediction research
预测程序prediction procedure
预测精度precision of prediction
预测系统标准化calibrating a forecasting system
预测线line of prediction
预测置信度forecast confidence
预测置信度区间forecast confidence interval
预测能力predictive ability
预测范围prediction range
预测prediction theory
预测评定technology assessment
预测试验forecasting trail
预测误差控制图control chart of forecasting error
预测销售forecasting sales
预测销售额forecasting sales
预测需求forecast demand
预测forecasting events
预测验证verification of forecast
预算预测budgetary forecast
马尔可夫预测forecasting by Markov chain