
Terms for subject Economy containing 预期 | all forms | in specified order only
不完全信息预期价值expected value of imperfect information
两年期方案和预算the biennial programme and budget
两年预算周期the biennial budget cycle
中期现金流通预算medium-term cash flow budget
中期预测medium forecast
制造商预期的销售和库存manufacturer's sales and inventory expectations
发展和我们预期的相反The development went counter to that we expected
如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule
完全信息预期价值expected value of perfect information
定期资金预付制度imprest system
实际预期成本actual expected standard cost
对投资决策的预期expectation of investment decisions
对需求变动的预期expectation for demand changes
将来预期数据future expected data
影响预期的因素factors affecting expectations
很快会有不少预期的买主来购买我们的新产品There is no shortage of prospective buyers for our new product in the near future
我们预期不久可以完成你们的订货We expect to finish your order very soon
我们的利润比预期的少Our profits are less than expected
投产准备期间的预计需求expected demand during lead time
接近预期an anticipation approach
最低预期回报率cut-off rate of return
最低预期资本回收率hurdle rate
期间预算的编制periodic budgeting
根据近期资料预测last-period forecast
毫无疑问,他们的努力将产生预期的结果Their efforts will undoubtedly yield the desired result
短期现金流转预算short-term cash flow budget
税收预期票据tax anticipation note
税收预期票据revenue anticipation note
管理部门预期亏损率在下月会下降The management expects that the rate of lossmaking will come down next month
粗税预期tax anticipation
经济预期变化分析ex-ante analysis
航空预期利益保险the aviation contingency insurance
美国长期必需的预支证券long-term requisite anticipation securities
长期现金流动预算long-term cash flow budget
长期租赁预收款deposit on long-term leases
长期预测a long-run prediction
长期预测a long-range projection
长期预测longrange forecast
静态预期信贷static anticipatory credit
预期的价格上涨中的滞后变量lagged variable of unanticipated inflation
预先期望和意向企图的资料anticipations and intentions data
预先期望资料anticipation data
预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票a memorandum check
预定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity
预定期间stated time
预定生产日期desired production date
预定装运日期estimated shipping date
预期价格price expectation
预期伸缩性elasticity of expectation
预期使用年数expected life
预期使用期限life expectancy
预期借款人prospective borrower
预期债券票据bond-anticipation note
美国海关预期关税存款指反倾销税, 在商品进口到美国时必须存人deposit of estimated duties
预期分配数the anticipated allotment
预期利息anticipated interest
预期利润点desired profit point
预期利润率the expected rate of profit
预期卸完时间expected time of finishing discharge
预期及已证实的储量prospected and proven reserves
预期反馈规则activist policy rule
预期因素expectational factor
预期在12月上旬该批新寄售的货物能备妥装运It is expected that the new consignment will be ready for shipment in the early December
预期存款anticipated savings
预期完成desired performance
预期实际标准成本the expected actual standard cost
预期寿命the expectation of life
预期差别收入expected differential revenue
预期市场价格expected market prices
预期平均寿命expected average life
预期平衡expectational equilibrium
预期弹性the elasticity of expectation
预期影响expected impact
预期心理psychological expectations
预期成就desired performance
预期成效planned performance
预期成本antedated costs
预期投资报酬率prospective rate of return
预期投资收益报酬expected rate of return on investment
预期探酬expected return
预期收人anticipated revenue
预期收入expected income
预期收益prospective earnings
预期收益expected revenue
预期收益expected yield (率)
预期收益expected earning
预期收益率the rate of expected yield
预期收益率expected yield
预期收益表expected yield
预期效果expected results
预期效果expectation effect
预期效果intended effect
预期效用prospective utility
预期效用假说expected utility hypothesis
预期的供平稳prospective supply demand balance
预期的实际标准expected-actual standard
预期的社会劳动节省程度the anticipated extent to which social labour is economized
预期的重要性expectations significance of
预期的重要性significance of expectation
预期的重要性expectation significance of
预期的销售额anticipated sales
预期税收国存券tax anticipation
预期税收国库券tax anticipation
预期精确度anticipated accuracy
预期缺货值expected value of stockout
预期缺货数量expected value of stockout
预期行动an anticipatory action
预期装完时间expected time of finishing loading
预期订货至交货的时间qualified lead
预期试验时间expected test time
预期购买the anticipating buying
预期购买the antedated buying
预期资产效果expected wealth effect
预期运费保险contingency freight insurance
预期违约the anticipatory breach of contract
预测时期a projection period
预签日期dating forward
预计交割日期expected date of delivery
预计收到日期estimated receive date
预计竣工日期estimated completion date
预计还船日期expected time of redelivery