
Terms for subject Business containing 预期 | all forms | in specified order only
两年期方案和预算biennial programme and budget
个人预期储蓄intended personal savings
中期预测medium-term prediction
中期预测medium projection
中期预测intermediate range forecast
中期预测指 1 至 4 年的商情预测medium forecast
事项预期完成时间变异数event expected time variance
债券预期票据bond anticipation notes
分期累积预付货款提货法layaway plan
分期预算计划budget plan
利率预期调换interest rate anticipation swap
到期预付金额matured repayment
合理预期理论theory of rational expectation
商业周期平衡预算个别年份有盈亏cyclically balanced budget
固定资产预期寿命life expectancy of fixed assets
多周期预测multiperiod forecast
多周期预测multi-period forecast
定期预算编制periodic budgeting
实际预期的标准成本actual expected standard cost
当期预测值current forecast
扩大预期augmented expectation
接近预期anticipation approach
提前一期预测one-period-ahead forecast
早期预报earliness of forecast
最大预期损失额maximum loss expectancy
最早预期日期earliest expected date
最早预期日程earliest expected date
最早预期时间earliest expected time
有效预期价格effective expected price
期初预付保费initial deposit premium
期待结果:预期结果expected outcome
未来预期数据future expected data
未确定条件下的预期成本expected cost under uncertainty
消费者预期购买额consumer buying expectations
用户预期user's expectation method
盈利和股息预期增长率expected growth rate of earnings and dividends
短期经济预测short-term economic forecast
短期经济预测模式short-term economic forecast model
短期预支bridging advance
短期预测short-range forecast
短期预算near-term prospects
确定条件下的预期成本expected cost under certainty
租税预期tax anticipation
税收预期票据tax-anticipation note
经济周期预测晴雨表barometer of economic cycle forecasting
结息期前预计余额anticipate balance
结息期前预计利息anticipate interest
臆测性预期收入expected income hypothesis
行为预期behavioral expectations
补充信息预期成本expected cost of additional information
近期预测confunctural forecast
远期预算计划工作forward budget-planning
追加信息的预期净收益expected net gain of additional information
长期部门间预测工具long-term interindustry forecasting tool
长期预付款long-term advance
长期预测long-run prediction
长期预测long-run forecast
长期预测long-range projection
预期价格上涨中的滞后变量lagged variable of unanticipated inflation
预期运费保障contingency freight insurance
定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
预填日期dating forward
预填日期dating ahead
预定交货日期estimated date of delivery
预定出发日期estimated date of departure
预定完工日期estimated date of completion
预定完成日期estimated completion date
预定日期付款scheduled payment
预定期付款的汇票bill payable at a definite time
预定期限intended duration
预定计划完成日期target date for accomplishment of the plan
预定飞行日期estimated date of flight
预期与目标数据anticipations and intentions data
预期买主intending buyer
预期交税债券tax anticipation bill
预期交货日期expected date of delivery
预期交货时间expected time of delivery
预期产量prospective yield
预期付款汇票bill payable at a definite time
预期价格antedated price
预期作业时间expected activity time
预期使用年限expectation of life
预期供求平衡prospective supply/demand balance
预期停机时间expected down time
预期出发时间expected time of departure
预期函数expectation function
预期分配数anticipated allotment
预期利息expected interest
预期利息点desired profit point
预期利润imaginary profit
预期利润保险insurance on imaginary profit
预期利润保险insurance on expected profit
预期利率anticipated profit rate
预期利用值expected utility value
预期利益anticipatory interest
预期利益antedated profit
预期利益prospective advantage
预期到达时间expected time of arrival
预期到达率expected arrival rate
预期右油储量prospective oil
预期存货anticipation stock
预期完成时间expected time of completion
预期实际标准成本expected-actual standard cost
预期寿命expectation of life at birth
预期寿命分析life expectancy analysis
预期差别成本expected differential cost
预期差别收益expected differential revenue
预期平均寿命expected mean life
预期年限总数折旧法depreciation-sum of expected life
预期开支antedated expenditure
预期成本anticipated cost
预期成本antedated cost
预期投资回收率prospective rate of return
预期投资报酬desired-return on investment
预期投资收益率expected rate of return on investment
预期折扣antedated discount
预期抵达时间expected the time of arrival
预期拒绝执行anticipatory repudiation
预期指数forward index
预期损失expectancy damage
预期排队长度expected length of the waiting line
预期收入anticipated income
预期收入antedated revenue
预期收益expectant revenue
预期收益赢利prospective earnings
预期收益率prospective yield
预期收益率expect yield
预期效应expectation effect
预期expected number
预期数据anticipatory data
预期日期expected date
预期机会损失expected opportunity loss
预期机器使用年限expected machine life
预期权利expectant right
预期校正日期expected date of correction
预期校正时间expected time of correction
预期正态曲线频率expected normal curve frequency
预期消费desired consumption
预期消费expected consumption
预期激励模式expectancy motivation model
预期生产成本expected cost of production
预期的买主prospective buyer
预期的实际标准成本expected actual standard cost
预期短缺expected shortage
预期社会劳动节省程度anticipated extent to which social labour is economized
预期税收债券tax-anticipation bond
预期缺货价值expected value of stock-out
预期缺货额expected value of stock-out
预期膨胀数列anticipated inflation series
预期营销成本expected cost of marketing
预期落空disconfirmed expectancy
预期行为anticipatory behavior
预期行为anticipatory action
预期调查anticipation survey
预期购买anticipating buying
预期购买antedated buying
预期返回时间expected time of return
预期追加信息净收益expected net gain of additional information
预期途中时间expected time en route
预期通货膨胀anticipated inflation
预期通货膨胀anticipated currency inflation
预期造价expected cost of manufacturing
预期间隔时间expected elapsed time
预期需求demand expected
预期需求ex ante demand
预期风险anticipating risk
预测期projection period
预测期forecasting period
预测期均方误差forecast period mean squared error
预测期幅度time span of forecast
预留期advance dating
预算周期budgetary cycle
预算年度与预算期间fiscal year and fiscal period
预算执行期implementation period of the budget
预算支出延期budget deferral
预算时期budget period
预算期长度length of budget period
预算期长度length of budget
预算期限budget period
预计保存期anticipated holding period
预计初期损失initial loss estimated
预计日期expected date