
Terms containing 预期率 | all forms | in specified order only
manag.不能预期的意外情况下的收益率ROI under unforeseeable contingencies
fin.利率预期互换rate anticipation swap
securit.利率预期互换rate anticipation swaps
securit.利率预期交换rate anticipation swaps
securit.利率预期理论expectation theory of interest rates
busin.利率预期调换interest rate anticipation swap
proj.manag.如果预期通胀率上升1〜2 个点、则工资与利率调整率应与之相匹配If the expected inflation rate rose by a notch or two, wages and interest rates would shift up to match it
securit.定期预付比率constant prepayment rate
telecom.定期频率预报periodic frequency forecast
securit.成长性预期和高市盈率股票growth expectations and high P/E stocks
proj.manag.最低预期回报率hurdle rate
econ.最低预期回报率cut-off rate of return
tech.最低预期报酬率minimum desired rate of return
fin.最低预期收益率hurdle rate
econ.最低预期资本回收率hurdle rate
IMF.最低预期资本回收率cutoff rate
commer.最低预期资本回收率cutoff discount rate
el.电站预期功率plant expected capability
busin.盈利和股息预期增长率expected growth rate of earnings and dividends
econ.管理部门预期亏损率在下月会下降The management expects that the rate of lossmaking will come down next month
proj.manag.纽约的方案强调的是冒险、很有代表性的就是创业资本基金的高失败率的预期New York's scheme emphasizes taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture capital fund
securit.资产的预期收益率expected return of asset
fin.较长期通胀预测的利率expected longer term inflation rate
fin.远低于预期的利率much lower-than-expected interest rates
tech.1~5 年内的通过预付款降低贷款初期利率buydown
econ.预期利润率the expected rate of profit
textile预期利润率projected profit rate
tech.预期利润率expected rate of profit
textile预期利率expected rate of interest
busin.预期利率anticipated profit rate
busin.预期到达率expected arrival rate
el.预期功率anticipated capability
oil预期原油采收率anticipated oil recovery factor
met.预期吸收效率predicted absorption efficiency
proj.manag.预期回报率expected return
proj.manag.预期回报率desired percentage return
cryptogr.预期差分概率expected differential probability
sport., med.预期心率predicated target heart rate
sport., med.预期心率predicted target heart rate
ecol.预期患病率expected morbidity rate
oil预期投资回报率expected return on investment
busin.预期投资回收率prospective rate of return
tech.预期投资回收率expected rate of return on investment
econ.预期投资报酬率prospective rate of return
econ.预期投资收益报酬expected rate of return on investment
busin.预期投资收益率expected rate of return on investment
tech.预期报酬率expected rate of return
busin.预期收益率prospective yield
econ.预期收益率expected yield
econ.预期收益率the rate of expected yield
proj.manag.预期收益率required rate of return
busin.预期收益率expect yield
securit.预期收益率expected rates of return
securit.预期收益率与实现的收益率expected vs. realized rate of return
tech.预期最低收益率minimum desired rate of return
securit.预期最低资本回收率cut off rate of return
sport., med.预期最大心率predicted maximum heart rate
busin.预期正态曲线频率expected normal curve frequency
ecol.预期死亡率expected mortality
interntl.trade.预期死亡率人身保险用语expected mortality
ecol.预期死亡率expected death rate
textile预期汇率expected rate of exchange
IMF.预期率expected rate
el.预期生产率anticipated capability
IMF.预期的增长率anticipated growth rate
commer.预期误差率expected error rate
securit.预期违约频率expected default frequency
fin.预期通货膨胀率expected inflation rate
oil预期釆收率anticipated recovery
proj.manag.预期零售利润率desired percentage mark-up on retail