
Terms containing 预收款 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.买方不得收回预付的货款The buyer cannot recover the advance paid on the purchase price when the contract is not frustrated
busin.代销商品预收款advance consignment-out
China, law预收款方式for advance payment
econ.以预付款形式提供的收获前贷款pre-season loans in the form of advances
busin.出口预收货款证书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
tech.出口预收货款证明书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
busin.包工合同预收款contract deposit received
busin.发出委托销售商品预收款advances received on consignment-out
busin.合同预收款advance received on contract
busin.委托购买预收款advances received on indents
tech.应收及预付款项的审计receivable and advanced payment audit
econ.我方支付了一笔不可回收的预付款作为专利使用费We made a non-refundable advance payment for royalties
tech.托销商品预收款advance consignment-out
earth.sc.按合同预收款advance received on contract
busin.收货人预缴款advances from consignees
econ.未收作物预付款advance on standing crops
econ.由纳税人选定的税收预提款tax withheld on taxpayer's option
interntl.trade.运费:预付/由收货人付款freight:prepaid /collect
tech.长期租贷预收款deposite on long-term lease
tech.长期租贷预收款deposit on long-term lease
econ.长期租赁预收款deposit on long-term leases
corp.gov.预付款回收imprest returned
telecom.预付款收费制prepayment tariff
securit.预先收款advance collections
busin.预收账户advance collection accounts
interntl.trade.预收催缴股款calls in advance
fin.预收催缴股款call in advance
proj.manag.预收合同款contract price received in advance
busin.预收售货款sales received in advance
commer.预收国外定货款advance on indent
busin.预收委托销售款advance on consignment
busin.预收子公司款advance from controlled companies
busin.预收客户顾主advances from customers
econ.预收客户款advances from customers
tech.预收工料款advances on materials
busin.预收托售款advances on consignment
tech.预收款deposit received
fin.预收款advance receipt
busin.预收款advanced receipt
tech.预收款deposite received
fin.预收款items received in advance
fin.预收款money received in advance
textile预收款advances received
archit.预收款item received in advance
tech.预收款deferred liabilities
econ.预收款登记簿advances register
busin.预收款账户advances received account
proj.manag.预收款advance collections
proj.manag.预收款account collected in advance
tech.预收款items received in advance
tech.预收款advance collection
textile预收税款tax collected in advance
tech.预收税款taxes collected in advance
busin.预收认股款subscription received in advance
tech.预收账款审计audit of accounts received in advance
tech.预收货款deposite received on sale
tech.预收货款deposit received on sale
econ.预收货款sales received advance
econ.预收货款sales received in advance
econ.预收货款advance on transactions
fin.预收货款advances on sales
tech.预收货款advance on sale
tech.预收货款账户advance collection account
fin.预收贷款帐户advance collection accounts
IMF.预收贷款折扣unearned discount on loan
busin.预收贷款账户advance collection account
econ.预收进度款the advance received according to percentage of completion
busin.预收进度款advance received according to percentage of completion
interntl.trade.预收进款prepaid income
busin.预收销货款advances on sales