
Terms for subject Project management containing 预支 | all forms | in specified order only
修订开支预算revised estimates of expenditure
基线开支及额外开支预测baseline-plus forecast
实际开支低于原预算shortfall in expenditure
开支预算estimates of expenditure
开支预算准则budgetary criterion
开支预算的指引spending guideline
开支预算草案draft estimates of expenditure
所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account
按服务分类的预算开支estimated expenditure by service
暂定预算开支上限provisionally acceptable levels of expenditure
来年的开支预算草案何时公布?When will the Draft Estimates of Expenditure for the coming year be published?
核准开支预算approved estimates of expenditure
核准开支预算的变动change to the approved estimates of expenditure
集中预算及支付制度centralized budgetary and payments system
预付款的支付payment of advance
预支pay in advance
预支以待日后付还advance pending reimbursement
预算内支出budgeted expenses
预算开支estimated expenditure
预计的合同支付estimated contract payment