
Terms for subject Statistics containing | all forms
一般多式形式generalized polynomial
一般多式形式polynomial in generalized form
一般多式形式generalized form of the polynomial
分类dichotomous classification
加权平均数binomially-weighted average
展开式binomial expansion
平均值差的显著性检验test of the significance of a difference between two means
式分布binomial distribution
式展开binomial expansion
式概率分布Bernoulli distribution
分布bimodal distribution
分配函数binomial distribution
展开式bimodal expansion
展开式Binomial formula
展开式binomial expansion
式分解binomial expansion
式定理bimodal theorem
式曲线binomial curve
式系数binomial coefficient
二元二分布bivariate binomial distribution
二元二*植1/4bivariate binomial distribution
二维负二*植1/4bivariate negative binomial distribution
仁果与核果, 未列入其他pome and stone fruit
修正correction term
修正correct term
切贝谢夫―埃尔米特多Tchebychev-Hermite polynomials
如未包括时not elsewhere included
相关系数tetrachoric value of r
相关系数tetrachoric correlation coefficient
地区分列出regional breakdown
分类manifold classification
分类基准multiple-criteria for classification
柑桔类水果, 未列入其他citrus fruit
正交多orthogonal polynomial
热带水果, 未列入其他tropical fruit
贝塔β式分布compound binomial distribution
负二分布negative binomial distribution
负二*植1/4negative binomial distribution
负指数两binomial of negative exponent
随机扰动stochastic disturbance term
目评审技术图PERT chart