
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不按面值收款non-par item (要扣除费用)
借款special Ioans
基金special fund
基金存款special fund deposit
基金应付款accounts payable -special funds
基金拨款账户special fund appropriation accounts
基金收人账户special fund receipt accounts
存款cash in bank-special deposit (funds)
成本分析special cost analysis
成本调查special cost investigation
抽样法specific item sampling
拨款special appropriation
拨款审计audit for special appropriation funds
资金借贷合同contract of loans for special funds
专用基金未完成uncompleted projects of specific fund
业务资金帐business fund account
两个付息曰间的发行issuances between interest dates
个人融资private financing project
个别individual items
临时non-recurring items
主要经费main appropriation line
式期权binomial option
式期权定价模式binomial option pricing model
交换事exchange transactions
产权会计事equity transaction
人民币资本目可兑换RMB's convertibility under capital accounts
从贷款下提款drawing on a loan
creditor side
金额amount of credit side
代放款loan made on behalf of customers or other banks
目性质为基础base of nature of the item
以资产抵销offsets against assets
以资产抵销offset against assets
优惠目最低税额minimum tax on items of preference
会计事accounting events
会计事审计transaction auditing
会计事审计transaction audit
信托基金投资trust-funded project
debit items
估价账目debit valuation account
凭单debt memo
利息debit interest
帐单debit note
通知书debit advice
通知单debt memo
通知单debit advice (note)
催收款overdue accounts
允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
公司间应收及应付款inter-company receivables and payable
公司间账抵销inter-company elimination
公司间转略事inter company transfer
《关于审核跟单信用证下单据的国际标准银行实务》International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP 是银行、进出口商、律师、法官和仲裁员在使用 UCP500 处理信用证实务和解决争端时的重要依据,对各国国际业务从业人员正确理解和使用 UCP500,统一和规范信用证单据的审核实务,减少不必要的争议,具有重要意义,也是 UCP600 订立的重要标准)
其他应收款receivable others
其它杂收入other miscellaneous receipts
具增值作用的收购accretive acquisition (能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目)
再保险合同形成的或有事contingencies formed by reinsurance contracts
冲转盈余的借surplus charge
净误差与遗漏net errors & omissions
减少庞大的经常目盈余reduce high current account surplus
减少经常目盈余reduce current account surplus
减损盈利的收购dilutive acquisition
会计item accounting
信托基金subtrust funds
分录式日记帐compound journal entry (composite entry)
拨款itemized appropriation
预付款subimprest (account)
预付款帐户subimprest account
分摊给各成本apportioned to cost centres
分期付款中的每期应付款付讫installment paid
分部line item
initial term
判决应付款judgments payable
判决应收款judgement's receivable
制定一强有力且系统化的危机对策formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis
前期累结帐brought forward account
利息single interest
金融资产single financial assets
杂费overhead cost
合作cooperation projects
同业借due from banks
同业借入欠,应收银行款due from banks
同业贷due to banks
同业贷欠入due to bank
名义帐总帐nominal ledger
后发事events subsequent to balance sheet date
后发事event subsequent to balance sheet date
国内银行浮动利率杂存款户sundry deposit with native banks, floating account
国库计算分subitems of treasury account
国库计算分帐户subitems of treasury account
国际international project
国际目收支往来帐户current account balance-of-payment
国际比较目法International Comparison Program (也称"购买力平价法 (purchasing power parity)",是由联合国统计局、世界银行等组织主持的一项旨在提供 GDP 及其组成部分的国际一致价格和物量的跨国比较体系,它是以国内商品价格同基准国家同种商品价格比率的加权平均值为购买力平价进行计算、衡量使用不同货币的两个国家或地区的经济水平、收人水平的一种计算法)
在建work in progress
在建目后续融资follow-up financing for ongoing projects
垫付普通基金款充作预算支出advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure
垫付款advance money for another
垫付款充作临时及额外费用advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense
基金会计中的目结构program structure in fund accounting
外币货币性foreign currency monetary items
外币非货币性foreign currency non-monetary items
外资foreign-funded project
式分录compound journal entry (composite entry)
套利arbitrage project
目帐户child project account
目帐户baby account
目帐户baby project account
存放中央银行款deposit in the central bank
完成在建complete work on projects now under construction
完整会计事complete transaction
审计目短期计划short-term plan of auditing projects
审计的要求事auditing postulates
对周转基金预缴款advance to the working capital fund
对应收款供应贤金financing receivables
将各商品分别列记itemize the articles
少报债understatement of liabilities
就业专资金special employment funds
工程最后验收前扣发工程款payment without prior to final acceptance of work
已拨款allotment issued
已结束terminated project
accounting item
account items
account form
名称account title
附注notes on the accounts
帐列应领款recorded entitlement
带息投资interest-bearing investment
平衡balancing account (是为平衡经常项目和资本项目借贷双方的差额而设立的项目,是指经常项目与资本项目收支发生的差额)
应付accrued payable
应付专基金payable-special funds
应付客户到期款account due to customers
应付未付accrued payable
应付款bills and accounts payable
应付款accrual accounts
应付款accrual account
应付贸易帐trade payables
应付贸易帐trade payable
应付顾主的款account due to customer
应收目和应付项目receivables and payables
应收目和应付项目receivable and payables
应收专基金receivable-special funds
应收分期款instalment receivables
应收未收accrued receivables
应收款accounts or notes receivables
应收款account or notes receivables
应收款周转率turnover of receivable
应收款平均收款期average collection period of receivables
应收款的因素分类factoring of receivables
应收款让售factoring of receivables
应收贸易帐trade receivables
应收追加认缴款amount due on additional subscription
应表达事disclosure matters
应计accrued items
应计应收款accrued receivable
异常偶发unusual and nonrecurring items
循环经济recycling projects
总税total tax
意外事准备contingent reserve
意外事准备contingency reserve
意外事准备金reserve for contingencies
意外开支指定款contingency earmarking
成本支出实体资产,非货币性流动资产cost outlay items physical assets; current non-monetary assets
成本添加cost additions
房地产开发property development projects
所得款用途use of proceeds
托收item sent for collection
托收款due from collection
托收款items remitted for collection
扣除利息及税前收益earnings before interest and tax
扣除利息、税及折旧前收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation
扣除利息、税、折旧及摊销前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization
扣除利息、税、折旧、摊销及租赁成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost
扣除利息、税、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、税、摊销及例外项目费用前收益earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items
扣除非常目前净收益net income before extraordinary items
批准的贷款statement of loans approved
承担此费用absorb these charges
把…归于某一项charge off
把账记人某人的借debit to one's account
把这笔款记入他的帐内place the sum to his account
投保insurance cover
投资贷investment credit
投资贷的流程flow through of investment credit
抵补已完扩建目的盈余appreciated for accomplished expansion
抹去帐to strike off write off an entry
拖欠延付分期款delinquent instalment
拖欠应收款delinquent receivables
拖欠款payment in arrears
拖欠款payment of arrears
指定用途款earmarked funds
目的成本或市价孰低lower of cost or market by item
按揭事mortgage undertaking
按明细目拨款itemized appropriation
损益事profit and loss transactions
推出一庞大的刺激计划unleash a massive stimulus program
推进人民币资本下可兑换工作press ahead with making the RMB convertible under capital accounts
支出heads of expenditure
支出articles of expenditure
支出款drawing account
debtor side
估价帐户debit valuation a/c
帐目debtor account
收入下支出expense against revenue
新投资目审批approval of new investment projects
无定用途的结余款uncommitted balance
无担保债权债务,无担保帐unsecured accounts
无纸化目处理系统paperless item processing system
普通general item
暂付款temporary payments
暂定款notional amount
暂时款temporary receipt
暂记借suspense debits
暂记贷suspense credits
有争议的款amount in dispute
有效开发信贷未拨款undisbursed balance of effective development credit
有条件期付款bill and accounts payable with terms
有选择地推动资本目改革push forward with selective capital account reforms
期收款bill and accounts receivable
期权估价二分布法binomial method for option valuation
期货购买选forward purchase option
未支配专用款uncommitted earmarkings
未支配款uncommitted amount
未清账outstanding item
未用完的款余额unspent balance
未计特殊目前之净利income before extraordinary item
未调整借unadjusted debit
交换票据miscellaneous exchange order
准备sundry reserves
存款sundry deposit
帐户sundry account
帐户miscellaneous accounts
开支miscellaneous expenses a/c
开支miscellaneous expenses
成本incidental costs
损失miscellaneous loss
损益petty loss and gain
支出帐户miscellaneous expenditure account
收入sundry receipts
收入overhead earning
收入miscellaneous revenue
收入miscellaneous income
收入帐户miscellaneous receipt account
收益miscellaneous income
贷项借项sundry credits debits
费用overhead expense
费用miscellaneous expenses
检查目表check list
欠银行的款owing to bank
交收费money settlement fee
的提供provision of funds
过户系统money transfer system
追领retroactive of payments
预缴服务cash prepayment service
汇人款inward remittance
汇总帐summary entry
汇编报表:杂问题consolidated statements: miscellaneous matters
法定债statutory debt
浮动利率杂存款户sundry deposit account floating
滚存借deferred debit items
特定事审计feature audit
特殊exceptional item
特殊extraordinary items
特殊abnormal item
独立independent projects
现金帐cash items
由逐审计到系统审计transaction audit to system-based auditing
电子款交收服务electronic money settlement service
电子款交收费electronic money settlement fee
相抵减offsetting deductions
短期供应short-supply item
票据要essential elements
减免tax concession
减免tax break
税损贷tax-loss credit
project approval
簿记事book keeping transaction
线上目支出above-the -line expenditure
经常current account (指本国与外国进行经济交易而经常发生的项目,如对外贸易收支、非贸易往来和无偿转让等)
经常目失衡current account imbalance
经常目差额current account balance (经常项目差额是在贸易差额的基础上加上收人项目和经常转移项目的差额构成的,它概括了一国的净债务人或债权人的地位,能够清楚地反映出一国内、外经济的紧密联系)
经常目顺差surplus of current account
经常目顺差favorable balance of current account
经常无形current invisibles
经济开发专基金special fund for economic development
结账后事subsequent event
结账后会计事post-statement event
缓追债stall a debt
自筹资金self-financed projects
营业收入款revenue receipts
营业收益贷earned income credit
虚拟记fictitious entry
融资目.finance project
表外off-balance-sheet items
被套利arbitrage items
被套期hedged items
计划目支出project fact sheet
计划目支出project expenditure
计算特殊目前之净收益net income before extraordinary items
认缴款与补充资金报吿书statement of voting power and subscription and supplementary resource
认缴款及补充资金帐户应收款项receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources
认缴资本帐户下应收款项receivable on account of subscribed capital
证券交易所另交易系统stock exchange alternative trading system
详细目单itemized list
负债item of liabilities
负债资本liabilities and capital item
account item
平均计算averaging of accounts
货币目按物价水平调整price-level adjustment of monetary items
货币目按物价水平调整price level adjusted of monetary items
货币价值money-value items
货币价值货币性流动资产money value items current monetary assets
货币存额保值所需之暂定款notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding
货币性monetary items
货币性目的汇兑损失exchange loss of monetary items
货币性目的汇兑收益exchange gain of monetary items
credit item
凭单credit memorandum
凭单credit memo
清单credit memo
通知credit memo
贷款portfolio of project
资产减科目assets reduction account
资产减科目asset reduction account
资产抵账户asset reduction account
资产类item of the assets
资产负债表balance sheet accounts
资产负债表目分类classification of balance sheet items
资产负债表目的分类classification of balance sheet
资产负债表外off-balance-sheet items
资产负债表日后事events subsequent to balance sheet date
资产负债表日后事events occurring after the balance sheet date
资产负债表日后调整事adjusting events occurring after the balance sheet date
资产负债表日后非调整事non-adjusting events occurring after the balance sheet date
资本和金融capital and financial account
资本帐户结算,资本capital account
资本投资capital investment program
资本投资的目选择project selection in capital investment
资本预算目评估project evaluation for capital budget
转拨款transfer payment
转拨款transfer of appropriations
转放款funds received for participation in loans made through us
运价表items in tariff
增值税input VAT
适宜列为本金或收益items applicable to principal (or to income)
point by point
交收trade-for-trade settlement
比较item by item comparison
逐步实现人民币资本目可兑换gradually achieve the RMB's convertibility under capital accounts
递延deferred item
递延借deferred debit item
递延帐deferral (or deferment)
递延投资贷deferred-investment credit
递延税deferred tax
递延税款借deferred-tax debit
递延税款贷deferred-tax credit
递延税金贷或借项deferred tax credits or debits
递延贷deferred credit item
重复事的处理processing repetitive transactions
重点key items
重要事告知书notification of material facts
金融financial items
银行借bank debit
银行未达账bank float
银行贷款bankable project
增值税output VAT
销货之抵销deduction from sales
销货减扣除额sales deductions
长期投资long-term investment project
非常abnormal item
非成本non-cost items
非流动性应收款non-current receivables
非现金non-cash item
非现金non-cash entries
非生产目投资investment in non-productive projects
非经常non-recurring items
非经常目前收益income before extraordinary item
非经常性non-recurring item
非经常性extraordinary item
非货币性non-monetary item
目之分归segregation of items
目前期支持阶段pre-project support phase
目基金project funds
目执行情况审计报告project performance audit report
目支持program support
目支持费用project servicing costs
目支持费用project support cost
目核对法check list
目的划分segregation of items
目的实际投资者project entity
目的比值ratio of elements
目的试验研究费用累计accumulated experimental development cost in project
目筹资finances a project
目筹资缩写为FTK, 财务系统project call for funds
目群风险管理risk management of programs
目融资模式rehabilitate-operate-transfer ROT
目融资模式rehabilitate-operate-maintain-transfer ROMT
目融资模式contract-add-operate CAO
目贷款和非项目贷款project versus nonproject Sending
目预算program budget
目预算project budget
须报告事reportable matter
付款payment on account
预付工料款advances for work in process and construction materials
预付款advanced payment
预存款advance deposit
预留款earmarked funds
预算budget items
预算budget accounts
预购选择forward purchase option
风险risky projects