
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
a monomial expression
获得许可证的产品可以涉及到多项专利权,但只能收取一项专利费A licensed product may involve several patents, but only one royalty can be due
一包到底turnkey operation
一家私有企业同意为此目提供资金A private enterprise agrees to fund the project
"一揽子" umbrella project
一揽子工程umbrella project
一次性节余款one-time savings
一笔款与序列款项的时间价值time value of sums and series
上下两议院均批准了该议案Both the upper and lower chambers have approved the bill
上述各规定在本协议终止后仍属有效The above-mentioned stipulations will survive termination of this agreement
不允许卖方为其自身利益而利用此信息The seller isn't allowed to utilize the information for its advantages
不等disparity items
不许把此情报提供给任何未经认可的人员The information is not allowed to supply to any unauthorized persons
目无关表示与股票行市牌无关的信息off topic
与该目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away
借款specific item loan
外汇reserve sum of foreign exchange
存款bank deposit under specific fund
存款special deposits
工程支出special works expenditures
工程支出construction expenditure special funds
工程支岀specific project expenditure
应收款receivables under specific fund
物资physical assets under specific fund
货款special-purpose loan
贷款基金special funds for lending
资产earmarked assets
资金special-purpose funds
专利propriety item
业主将迅速调査这预算This budget will be investigated promptly by the owner
业主澄清了引起争议的各事宜The owner cleaned the objectionable matters
业务改进business improvement project
东欧市场出现一次购买中国珍珠链热潮There was a rush for Chinese pearl necklaces in East European markets
投入模式two-input model
个人专贷款individually tailored loans
中型建设medium construction item
临界链式目管理critical chain project management
为一事务与经理接洽approach the manager on a business
为鼓励你方做出更大成绩,我们赋于你方这特权We accord you this privilege in order to encourage you to make more achievements
买卖双方同意尽力促使加快各债务的更替Both the buyer and the seller agree to make every effort to expedite novations of the obligations
买方对这业务是新手,一切由你酌办The buyer is a fresh hand at the line and would leave everything to your discretion
优先发展的priority item
优惠目的最低税额minimum tax on preference items
会上他们通过一使工资稳定的提议They passed a proposal to stabilize wages at the meeting
会计事accounting event (业务)
会计事accounting transacting
会计事accounting transaction (账务)
会计事an accountable event
会计事的充分表达the adequate disclosure
会计事的正确反映the accurate presentation
会议以10票赞成20票反对否决一继续罢工的决议The meeting rejected the resolution to go on strike by 10 votes to 20
但按管理租约规定,此费用应由租赁公司承担With a finance lease, the leasee is responsible for maintaining the equipment, while under an operating lease, the leasing company should bear the cost
作业支作业events in operation
作业支作业event in operation
你可从这三批货中任选接受一作为补偿You can single out any item for acceptance among the three cargoes for remedy
?你对我们公司赢得该合同有多大把握?How sure are you about our chance of winning the contract
你方不得减少此处随附的单子中的任何You should not subtract anything from the list attached here to
你方发票中有几货物未到Several items on your invoice are found not included in the goods arrived
你方必须忠实信守和履行合同中各规则You shall faithfully keep, observe and perform the rules in the contract
你方第 215 号发票所列以下目多收了费用You have overcharged on the following items specified in your invoice No215
debit entry
凭单memo debt
凭单debit memorandum (memo)
分配debit distribution
借方debit item
停业目收益income from discontinued operations
儿童成活child alive project
免责事和条件exception and condition
免除款waive a payment
全包grass-root project
全球化目行动小组Globalization Project Action Team
全部工程目所需资金total finance requirements
全部建成投入生产的建设the fully completed project-turned over for production
公司开发了一提高产量的新技术The company has developed a new technique for improving output
公司间抵消账inter-company elimination
公司间转账事inter-company transfer
共同商定一政策concert a policy
价值条款multiple values clause
技术the unpacked technology
分配款的未支配余额uncommitted balance of an allocation
创建a turn key project (包括规划、设计、管理)
初始original project
删除deletion of items
判决应付款judgements payable
判决应收款judgements receivable
利率封买方支付一笔费用或保险金,以保证一种特定利率上涨幅度不超过一定水平interest rate cap
银行提取款make a draft on (a bank)
制定目计划project programming
化工chemical project
医疗保险medical coverage
凭单制house voucher system
奖金bonus for single items of merit
表式single tabular form
表式single-step form
运算monadic operation
卖方应在三日之内答复此申诉The vendor shall reply to such claim within 3 days
比率的尖塔式图表a pyramid diagram of ratios
比率的尖塔式图表pyramid diagram of ratio
费用自工程开工之日起核算The charges were calculated from the date of the beginning of the project
费用预付charges prepaid
资产individual asset
合伙公司在对任何目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects
合同条款contract item
合资joint venture project
同一目连续性的收入continuing nature relating to the same item of income
同一类的family of items
同类a like term
名义账总额nominal ledger
last term
后备pipeline of projects
后接事ending event (successor)
否决一提案put a veto on a proposal
售主应遵守事vendor to conform
商品merchandise account (账户)
美国的商品交易会公证Trade Fair Certification Program
商品对应收款之比ratio of merchandise to receivable
在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该工程所需做出的变动During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings
在建工程目经理负责制the manager responsibility system of key project under construction
在建的工业industrial project
在收现金cash items in process of collection
在本合同有效期间,我公司有权独家销售该货物Our company shall have the right to sell the goods exclusively during the subsistence of this contract
在此ex nomine
在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各计划提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
在这次机构调整中你的各权利将不受任何权利转移的影响Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure
地区一级的project at regional level
美国塔尔萨大学油藏开发Tulsa University Petroleum Reservoir Exploitation Projects
目模式multi-item model
美国外国买主Foreign Buyer Program
外国来源的优惠foreign source preference item
外国税收抵免的分限额per item limitation
外地field projects
产品分析multiproduct analysis
使用的包装the reusable tare
分类the manifold classification
分配the polynomial distribution
分配the multinomial distribution
展开式multinomial expansion
式系数the multinomial coefficient
目平衡multiproject leveling
目模式a multi-item model
目资源分配resource allocation of multi-project
贸易和竞争条例Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act.
预算调整法案Omnibus Budge Reconciliation Act
多捐资方multidonor project
多期工程a multiphase project
多期工程multiphase project
多种目调度法the multiproject scheduling
多种目的multipurpose project
多科性长期multidisciplinary longterm project
多计款amount overcharged
多重双边multibilateral project
多阶段a multiphase project
计划program (me)
大规模开发large-scale development project
大规模生产该产品的成本应予评定The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale
失调a disturbance term
她创造了今年第一季度一销售的新记录She has set a new record for sales in the first quarter this year
存款下负债deposit liabilities
存货对应收款的比率inventory to receivable ratio
就我看来,该公司不会按最低价把该商品卖给我们My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price
希给予合作推销我方这新工艺We hope you will cooperate in fostering interest for this new technology of ours
平衡balance sheet figures
平衡above line accounts (国家预算)
并附上本工程的第80号合同书一式两份,请签署后退回一份We enclose our contract No. 80 in duplicate for this project, please sign the counterpart and return
开会投票通过一决议put resolution to a meeting
开发development project
、弱项、机遇与威胁分析strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis
强制实施一专利compulsory working of a patent
强化培训intensive training program
归入商品以外目的货物goods classified in terms other than merchandise
成本cost items
成本目选择selection of cost centres
成本分来源origin of cost items
成本分摊中的逐减少次序the step-down order in cost allocation
成本加cost additions
我不赞成这安排,因为它可能会损害我们公司的利益I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company
我们上月21日的电传特别强调这措施的可行性Our telefax of the 21st last month strongly underlined the feasibility of this practice
我们从什么地方为目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各要求均已达到We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied
我们同原来的代理人签订一法律合同,禁止他出售上述货物We concluded a legal contract with the original agent prohibiting him from selling the above-mentioned goods
我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新We cannot explore new items because we lack capital
我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted
我们在这业务中只是代理商We are only a factor in the business
我们对以上各商品目前均无兴趣The above articles are of no interest to us at present
我们希望这投标应附有一份投标保证书We expect the bid to be accompanied by a bid guarantee
我们应该用我们的最好技能对该施工进行有效监督We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill
我们想提醒你要重视合同的此条款We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement
我们正在拟定一招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
我们盼望完全回收投资的款We look forward to the complete recovery of the money invested
我们签署了协议,该协议具有6个月后可重新讨论各条件的附文We signed the agreement with the proviso that the terms can be discussed again after six months
我们认为协议中此条款应取消We think this clause in the agreement should be revoked
我们阅读并理解了前述条件,同意完全执行这订单We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full
我们非常高兴同你们达成了第一协议We are glad to have finalized the first agreement with you
我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation
我公司正在进行一市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
我将把此设计方案电传过去I will send a fax of the design plan
我方与你方一样对这笔未清偿款深为关注We are just as deeply concerned as you are about this outstanding amount
我方从银行取得一为期十年的贷款We have a loan for a term of ten years from the bank
我方强烈反对本合同中的一条款We strongly object to a clause in the contract
我方拥有接管此目工程的一切权利We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project
我方有足以胜任的推销人员来完成此任务We have salesmen competent enough to accomplish the task
我方的财力足可以支持此新目的开支Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project
我方第 1434 号订单下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
我方认为必须提醒你方注意合同的这一款We found it necessary to remind you of noticing this section of the contract
所有收到的款由会计作为信托基金加以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
托收下的凭单付款payment against document through collection
扣除特殊目前净收入net income before extraordinary items
执行各订单engage with order
扩建expansion project
持证目经理licensing project manager
指派目估算师assign project estimator
目划分by category
按时间分切的time-slice project
按时间分片的time-slice project
按月分期摊付的第一笔款须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement
按月分期摊付的第一笔款须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement
支付款effect a payment
银行按顾客指定用途支付款appropriation of payments
支付票据的款payment of note
支出head of expenditure
支出drawing account
支持一决议second a decision
估价账户debit valuation A/C
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单下货物已收到,货物良好无损We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单下货物已收到,货物良好无损We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
收到货应付款,此种款不得留成On acceptance of the delivery payment shall be made without retention of a percent age
收取摊付的款collection of contribution
收益扣除income deduction
改扩建rehabilitation/expansion project
放弃一计划relinquish a project
政府检査员应监督该目的完成The government inspector should supervise the completion and fulfilment of the project
政府监管Project on Government Oversight
整个目使用期the entire life of the project
明显认定的某合同下货物goods clearly identified to the contract
普通general term
普通ordinary items
普通与标准common and standard item
美国有公证的贸易商品展览交易会Certified Trade Fair Program
美国有公证的贸易推广Certified Trade Mission Program
有关诉讼程序的事the matters of procedure
有利可图的农业profitability of an agricultural project
有效开发信贷未拨款the undisbursed balance of effective development credit
有无目法with project and without project
有时工程的一变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services
有条件定期应付款bill and accounts payable with terms
有案可査的事matter of record
期付款bills and accounts payable
期付款bill and accounts payable
期收款bills and accounts receivable
公布期间结束后发生的意外事disclosure of events subsequent to close of period
未决账unsettled account
未分摊的核定款the unassessed authorization
未完工uncompleted project
未完成会计事incompleted transaction
未定工程indeterminate engineering items
未支配款the uncommitted amount
未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分许可证License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent
未能实施一专利failure to work a patent
未调整的借unadjusted debts
未调整的贷unadjusted credits
last term
本协议下以后几次发货不因首次发货中断而失效Following shipments under this agreement will not be invalidated by such interruption of the initial one
本合同一经签字,应立即支付款The payment is to take place immediately upon signing of this contract
本合同中的上述各保险适用于买卖双方The above insurances under this contract will cover the buyer and the seller
本期单方面转移款unrequited current transfers
incidental revenue (收入)
付款miscellaneous pay
扣除miscellaneous deductions
损益miscellaneous profit
支出sundry payment
收入miscellaneous credit
收入税sundry revenue
收费册a miscellaneous charge book
棉布和棉制品miscellaneous cotton fabric and made-up article
规定miscellaneous provision
账户a sundry account
费用sundry expenses
条约以外事的国家继承succession of states in respect of matters other than treaties
"核定待筹经费"a noted project
根据你方的付款申请,我们将尽快决定应付款的金额Based on your application for payment, we shall determine the due amount as soon as possible
根据合同,我方能对各该目分别付款,但不保留手续费According to the contract, we can make payment separately for each separate project without retention of a percentage
的提供the provision of funds
补付的追领the retroactivity of payments
决定不致影响或改变双方的义务Such decision will not affect or alter the obligation of the both parties
安排将对双方有利This arrangement will prove beneficial to both parties
报告意在完整地说明这一新的工程This report purports to describe the new project completely
权利限用于特殊场合This right is confined to special situation
重要建议将提交董事会考虑This important proposal will be put to board
水利工程water project
水电站hydropower project
水电站hydroelectric project
汇一笔款make remittance
汇兑平准账exchange equalization account
与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来目差额balance on current account
清洁发展机制目周期CDM project registration cycle
清洁发展机制目周期project registration cycle
清理未了债务和税务事the settlement in full of the outstanding obligations and taxes due
特别special projects
特殊工程special project
特殊工程目设计程序special project program order
特殊账extraordinary item
用周转资金垫付款advance from the working capital fund
由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements
由于该商品不在我们经营范围之内,我们愿意为你方另荐一家公司Since this article doesn't fall within the scope of our business activities, we would like to recommend another company to you
由于该货品的质量问题,消费者对卖货人发火The consumer is cross with the seller at the quality of the article
由于进口限制,我们不能就此再向你方发更多的订单We cannot place more orders with you on this item due to import limits
甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书目下的工艺Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent
留归企业单位支配使用的各种专基金the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises
着手一改革计划inaugurate a scheme of renovation
着手进行一任务tackle a task
研究research projects
"硬贷款"hard loan project
示范demonstration project
示范性试验pilot demonstration work
社区community project
社区自助community self-help project
社区自助发展a self-help community project
票据或证券 上的记载事statements in the instrument
税前目方案招标pre-tax work program bid
稳赚cash cow
第一订货initial indent
第一优先first priority
等到我们获取你方按所附账单款开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement
筹有资金的应收款financed receivables
缔约双方必须忠实地遵守和完成下列各条款和条件The following terms and conditions shall be faithfully kept and performed by both parties
缩小同类产品contracting the product line
网络目管理network-based project management
联合工业joint industry project
航空公司能提供一整套服务目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire
船长注意事notice to ship's master
俄罗斯萨哈林油气开采Sakhalin Oil & Gas Projects
董事会主席首先支持这提议The chairman of the board seconded the proposal
虚假递延借fallacious deferred charges
虚拟目管理处Virtual Project Management Offices
虚拟目管理处Virtual Project Management Office
行政及杂收入administrative and miscellaneous incomes
调拨transfer items
调整a reconciliation item
调整目的各项投入project rephasing
财务事financial transactions
财务应付款fiscal charges
account form
账列应领款the recorded entitlement
账目中的一部分a portion of an account
货币事monetary matters
货币价值value-value item
货币存额保值所需款amount required to maintain the value of currency holding
货样抽査目总数number of items in a sample
货款目具体内容specific content of the items covered by the loan
货款外其他应付款account payable-not trade
货款外其他应收款account receivable-not trade
贷款目具体内容specific contents of the items covered by the loan
美国贸易和开发Trade and Development Program
美国的贸易机会Trade Opportunities Program
资产负债表各主要分预测forecasting of key balance-sheet items
资本capital account
资本目差额capital balance
资本投资capital projects
资本投资中工程目的选择project selection in capital investment
资源分配和目计划resource allocation and project planning
赞同某行动concur in a action
赞成一决议support a resolution
转付款transfer payment
转化型目范式transformational project paradigm
转移性支付款transfer payment
转移款transfer payments or incomes
转让transfer items
选择一指令select a statement
列出specialize each item
商品减低关税制product-by-product tariff reduction
商品减低关税制product-by-~ tariff reduction
商品法commodity-by-~ approach
递延dividends item
递延借deferred debits
递延税金贷或借项dividends tax credit or debit
递延贷deferred credits (已收款未交货,在账上以贷项出现)
通常对于小目,业主要进行可行性研究,同时业主也可能邀请一些专家协助Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help
通过讨论,大家将一致同意这决议The discussion met with unanimous approval of the resolution
通过长期谈判,两国订立一互惠贸易协议Two countries entered into a reciprocal trade agreement after long negotiation
鉴于我们之间的友好关系,我方给你方这特殊照顾We extend to you this special accommodation n., for the sake of our friendly relations
错账逐扣除法specific charge-off method
附有催缴款通知单cum call
附有说明的目表an annotated list of items
除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
目援助a non-programmed aid
目援助non-project aid
目贷款the non-project lending
目贷款the non-programmed lending
非专业人员的国家目人员non-professional national project personnel
非业务non-operational project
非标准nonstandard item
非流动性应收款the non-current receivable
非现金non-cash entries (记录)
非经常nonrecurrent item
非经营non-operational project
非银行筹资a non-bank financing item
非食品non-food item
物品编号item number
目不符合条件project disqualification
目分析a project analysis
目分配allocation of items
目利益利润the profit rate of the project
目前进法item advance
目副经理assistant project manager
目区人均国内生产总值/国民生产总值GNP/GDP per capita income in project area
目后评价和后续行动post project evaluation and follow-up
目和方案的估价appraisal of project and programme
目和经济分析project & economic analysis
目安全管理project safety management
目安全评估project safety review
目实地评估in-country appraisal
目实施计划project operation plan
目开发工程师project development engineer
目形式project format
目总规划project master plan
目成本project cost
目执行机构project execution agency
目执行机构project executing agency
目执行步骤project execution procedure
目执行计划project execution plans
目投资回报project return on investment
目投资时期investment phase of a project
目最终开支project ultimate cost
目服务承包商project services contractors
目服务承包商project services contractor
目服务费project selection in capital investment servicing cost
目期望投资利润expected project return on investment
目核准权the approval authority for projects
目概念project concept
目活动project activities
目清单list of items
目特征码item characteristic code
目的划分the segregation of items
目的执行implementation of project
目的技术可行性technical soundness of a project
目的投资时间investment phase of a project
目的概率probability of a project
目的比值ratio of element
目的设计design of a project
目确定阶段project definition phase
目筹资financing for project
目简介project brief
目管理project management
目管理 控制系统project control system
美国目管理协会Project Management Institute
目管理和工程设计project management and engineering
目管理组project management team
目管理组project management group
目管理组织Project Management Organization
目粮食援助project food aid
目编制任务project formulation mission
目编制组project formulation mission
目编号project number
目网络分析project network analysis
目计划评估appraisal of projects
目许可证project license
目贷款和非项目贷款project versus non-project lending
目选择project selection
目鉴定project identification
目错误error of item
目预计project budget
政府 鼓励外国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各经济事业In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment
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