
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
发明的主要特点main characteristic of an invention
条款的删除obliteration of a clause
一大笔款round sum
一大笔款round amount
下列各目前无货可供following items not available
不准备预付各费用be not prepared to prepay the charges
不受约束uncommitted items
不可行non-viable project
与… 达成一项协enter into an agreement with
基金special-purpose fund
审计special audit (指有限审计 (limited audit))
objective tax
贷款special purpose loan
两个不同的two several items
买主对此细小变动未提岀反对意见The buyer raised no objection to this slight alternation
从总收入中的扣除deductions from gross income
从流动资金开支的各费用cost item to be financed from working capital
代收collection item
会议事proceedings at a meeting
你方仍欠我方120美元余额款There is still a balance of US 120 owing to us
你方确认必须于本月十五日前到达我方,否则该交易被视为取消Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off
侵吞托管款embezzle trust funds
便于作出一有约束力的安排be in favour of making a binding arrangement
清单亦缩为 D/Ndebit note
全球贸易分析Global Trade Analysis Project
公共事业工程public project
公积金抵冲surplus charge
净收款net proceeds
准备考虑一建议entertain a proposal
几笔款sums of money
目的一览表itemized schedule
分期付款中每期应付款付讫installment paid
分期付款首次款down payment
划拨款transfer money
产品分析single-product analysis
单一产品single-product project
卖方开给买方的汇票的款须经更多时间才能由买方付清More time will pass before the bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the buyer is settled
双方同意加以约束的mutually agreed upon constraints
双方已达成一协议An agreement has been procured between the two parties
双方所能同意加以约束的mutually agreed-upon constraints
可行的viable project
合作经营cooperative business operation project
商品开发commodity development project
国会一致批准该预算Congress unanimously approved the budget
国际收支经常目状况current account position
国际收支经常目逆差current account deficit (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
在仔细策划一新的销售方案have a new marketing plan in contemplation
在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款有抵消或留置的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
培训目费用expenses of the training programs
基本elementary item
基础设施infrastructural project
外来extraordinary extraneous item
多哈免除款Doha waiver
完成一交易accomplish a task in business
完成一技术革新bring off a technical innovation
定货单purchase order item
对一大笔款的支配权have the command of a large sum
对客户在以往交易中所欠款The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions
对新工程目估价evaluate the new project
对社会基础设施目按优惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
岀口export item (与进口项目 (import item)相对)
工业目投资前时期preinvestment phase of an industrial project (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
工厂杂开支factory burden
工厂杂开支factory overhead
工程目投标project bid
已付杂利息sundry interest paid (与已收杂项利息(sundry interest received) 相对)
已批准贷款目表statement of loans approved
已收款collected amount
应付款credited payments
应得款让与书assignment of claims
应收款delinquent receivables
引进的introduced items
总计发票上各个reckon up the invoice
成套目承包人project contractor
扩建工程extension project
承包成套工程contract for "packaged deal" projects
承包整套工程contracting "packaged deal" project
承包整套工程contracting "packaged deal " proj ects
技术供应方参加目的合资经营equity participation by a technology supplier
技术供应方参加目的合资经营equity participation
把大笔资金投人一工程pour a large sum of money into a project
把大笔资金投入一工程pour a large sum of money into a project
投资investment item
投资目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
投资目的财务及经济可行性financial and economic viability of a project
投资目盈利分析profitability analysis
拖欠款达20,000 美元The payment in arrear amounts to US $20,000
拟定一程序develop a program
拨一笔款清偿债务make an appropriation for payment of debts
指定designate project
指定designated item
指定研究工作款earmark a sum of money for research work
指定购置实验室仪器款10,000 美元earmark US $10,000 to buy instruments for the laboratory
按工程施工进度分期支付款payment by instalments
按工程施工进度分期支付款progressive payment
按工程施工进度分期支付款progress payment
按用途分的费用报表objective statement
按要求的款开立支票make out the required check
推广一新发明的使用generalize the use of a new invention
提供非目贷款non-project lending
收入扣除revenue deduction
收益扣减income deduction
改建reconstruction projects
数据登记data entry
暂时搁置一询盘have to leave an enquiry in abeyance
暂记借suspense debit (与暂记贷项(suspense credit) 相对)
有关我第5051号销售确认书下的信用证至今尚未岀现Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear
有形visible items (与无形项目 (invisible items) 相对)
未完成建筑工程uncompleted construction project
人名账户sundry person's account
供应品sundry supplies
债权人sundry creditor (与杂项债务人(sundry debtor) 相对)
商品miscellaneous commodities
投资miscellaneous investments
支出incidental expenses
收入miscellaneous gains
收入miscellaneous incomes
收益sundry receipts
放款sundry loans
津贴sundry allowance
账户miscellaneous accounts
费用已从总额中扣除deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
标题下的货物the captioned cargoes
核定投资check investment item
核对表中所有make a check of all the items in the list
欠某人一大笔款be indebted to sb. for a large sum
全清all squared
收讫received payment
收讫payment received
佣金率只适用于草制品The rate of commission applies only to straw products
商品销路很好There is a good market for this article
安排须经你方同意方能成立The arrangement is made subject to your approval
目由中国一建筑公司承包This project is to be contracted to a building company in China
规定适用于以后所有交易This stipulation applies to all subsequent transactions
汇票送交银行按跟单托收收取款The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection
法定扣减itemized deduction (税收)
注意事dos and don'ts
综合台制铁公司Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (1968)
特别扣除particular deduction
生产多产品的大型联合企业large multi-product complex
由某人支配的款money at sb's command
相当可观的一笔款considerable sum of money
短期专贷款short-term loans earmarked for a particular purpose
短线工程short-term project
研究一科学方法develop a scientific method
研究发展research and development project
第5001号合约下货物已抵达Goods under S/C5001 have reached
签订一合同execute a contract
管理费用cost items in overhead costs
经常current account (国际收支)
统计statistical project
统计新增addition item
胜任一任务have the competence for a task
胜任一任务be competent for a task
致函对一报盘道谢send a letter in acknowledgement of an offer
致函对一报盘道谢send a letter in acknowledgment of an offer
花光款exhaust one's money
表格登记form entry
被免除一责任be absolved from an obligation
被发盘人声明或做出其他行为表示同意一发价即为承诺接受。缄默或不行动本身不等于接受A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not itself amount to acceptance (承诺)
被挪用款embezzled money
计划,组织,人事,指挥,协调,报告,预算七管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
让我们进入下一议程Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda
议付行注意事instructions to negotiating bank
基金被指定为古建筑维护专用The fund was specified to maintain the ancient buildings
请寄送你方报盘下的货样Please send us samples covering your offer
请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
请开立支付本购买合同下货物的信用证Please establish an L/C to cover this purchase
负担一计划的经费finance a plan
负累,承付的款encumbrance, incumbrance
账户item of accounts
账面借款book account
账面贷book credit (与账面负债(book debt) 相对)
清单credit memorandum
资产抵消offsets against assets
达成一销售合同enter into a sales contract
过账transfer items
安排对我方销售几乎没有帮助This arrangement will be of little help to our sales
投资可使我方获取5%盈利The investment brings us in 5 percent interest
法律主要施行于英国This enactment operates mainly in the United Kingdom
法规仍然有效This regulation is still in effect
选定目试验optional test
递延可用现金deferred availability cash items
递延贷deferred credit (客户预付款项,与递延借项(deferred debit) 相对)
重点工程major project
重点工程建设key construction projects
金融monetary item
数字长期secular term
长线基建工程long-term project
附催缴款通知cum call
非常异常收支extraordinary item
非经营性杂收入incidental revenue
非营业non-business item
非货币non-monetary item
目主办人project sponsor
目保险project insurance
目净现值project net present value
目初步选定initial project identification
目加权item weight
目发展周期project development cycle (包括:投资前时期 (preinvestment phase)、投资时期 (investment phase)、生产时期 (operation phase))
目发起project promotion
目发起人与倡议人project promotor and initiator
目可彳亍性project viability
目可彳亍性viability of the project
目可行性project viability
目基础basis of project (包括:历史条件 (historical conditions),全面经济背景 (overall economic context), 市场估定 (assessment of markets),供应条件 (supply conditions),生产计划 (production plans), 市场营销 (marketing))
目存在期lifetime of project
目存在期life of project
目存在期life span of project
目完工日期date of completion of the project
目平面布置图project layout
目建设时期project implementation phase
目建设管理project implementation management
目建设规划implementation program
目建设费用project implementation costs
目建设进度表time schedule of implementation
目总账project ledger
目意向project idea (指投资机会 (investment opportunity))
目所有人owner of project
目执行书project implementation order
目技术经济参数techno-economic parameters of a project
目换汇率project exchange rate
目改进project improvement
目方向project orientation
目方案编制project programming
目特征符号item characteristic code
目的可靠性soundness of project
目的规模与性质magnitude and nature of project
目盈利率profitability of the project
目目标盈利率target profit rate of the project
目研究规划和建设project formulation and implementation
目筹备阶段project preparation phase
目经济评估project economic evaluation
目结构structure of project
目规模project size
目计划制订project planning
目财务评估project financial evaluation
目贷款提供project loan 计划性贷款
目贷款提供project lending
目贷款提供program lending
目贷款提供program loan
目费用cost of project (指初期投资费用总额 (total initial investment costs))
目进展表project schedule
目进度安排project scheduling
颁布一法令promulgate a decree
额外extraordinary extraneous item