
Terms for subject Economy containing 项目 | all forms | in specified order only
一包到底项目turnkey operation
一家私有企业同意为此项目提供资金A private enterprise agrees to fund the project
"一揽子" 项目umbrella project
一揽子工程项目umbrella project
不等项目disparity items
项目无关表示与股票行市牌无关的信息off topic
与该项目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away
专利项目propriety item
业务改进项目business improvement project
中型建设项目medium construction item
临界链式项目管理critical chain project management
互斥项目mutual exclusive project
互斥项目mutually exclusive projects
亚太合作项目Asia Pacific Co-operation Projects
产品主要项目main assortment of product
从预算中削减的项目items scissored from the budget
他们应尽可能快地准备好一份这一项目的总预算They should prepare, as promptly as feasible adj., a total budget for the project
以公平为目的的项目equity-oriented project
以工代赈项目food-for-work programme
以工换粮项目food-for-work programme
以投资项目为贷款基础the project basis for loans
以投资为目标的项目investment oriented project
以粮代工项目影响研究food-for-work impact study
以钱换工项目cash for work project
价格数据档案项目cost data file
优先发展的项目priority item
优惠项目的最低税额minimum tax on preference items
作业项目支作业events in operation
作业项目支作业event in operation
你方不得减少此处随附的单子中的任何项目You should not subtract anything from the list attached here to
你方第 215 号发票所列以下项目多收了费用You have overcharged on the following items specified in your invoice No215
借方项目debit item
停业项目收益income from discontinued operations
儿童成活项目child alive project
全包项目grass-root project
全球化项目行动小组Globalization Project Action Team
全部工程项目所需资金total finance requirements
全部建成投入生产的建设项目the fully completed project-turned over for production
农业项目agricultural projects
农业项目财务评价financial evaluation of agricultural project
农业工程项目财务估算financial estimates of agricultural neering project
农业工程建设项目construction of agricultural engineering project
农业建设项目agricultural construction project
农业建设项目管理management of agricultural construction project
农业建设项目评定appraisal of agricultural construction project
农业生态区项目Agro-ecological Zones Project
农田水利项目irrigation projects
出口促进项目Export Enhancement Program
出口信贷机会促进项目Export Credit Enhanced Leverage Program
创建项目a turn key project (包括规划、设计、管理)
初始项目original project
删除项目deletion of items
制定项目计划project programming
劳务项目a service account
劳动密集型项目labour-intensive project
化工项目chemical project
医疗保险项目medical coverage
历久项目long-lead items
原型项目a prototype project
发展项目development projects
发展项目development project
发展和食品供应项目development and feeding project
合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects
合同项目条款contract item
合资项目joint venture project
同一项目连续性的收入continuing nature relating to the same item of income
同一类的项目family of items
后备项目pipeline of projects
商品项目merchandise account (账户)
美国的商品交易会公证项目Trade Fair Certification Program
固定项目划分原则the segregation of fed items principle
固定小数点项目fixed decimal point item
固定币值项目fixed dollar item
国家项目`country project
国家项目人员national project personnel
国家发展的优先项目national development priority
伊拉克国家石油项目规划机构state organization for oil project
国家组别项目country group project
国家能力提升项目country capacity project
国家预支项目与联邦预算的关系national priority-federal budget relationship
国际员工福利项目基金会International Foundation of Employee Benefit Programs
国际收支经常项目的收支状况balance of payments on current account
国际贸易中的有形项目a visible item of international trade
在建工程项目经理负责制the manager responsibility system of key project under construction
在建的工业项目industrial project
在收现金项目cash items in process of collection
地区一级的项目project at regional level
基于管理项目的网络network-based project management
基建项目初步设计preliminary design of a capital construction project
基建项目技术经济论证分析analysis of techno-economic feasibility of a capital construction project
基建项目技术设计technical design of a capital construction project
基本建筑项目竣工结算the final account for completed capital construction
基本建设项目capital construction projects
基本建设项目capital projects
基本建设项目projects in capital construction (计划)
基本建设项目capital construction item (project)
基本建设项目基金capital projects fund
基础项目an elementary item
基础会计中的项目结构programme structure in fund accounting
基础会计中的项目结构program structure in fund accounting
基础结构支柱项目infrastructure support project
美国塔尔萨大学油藏开发项目Tulsa University Petroleum Reservoir Exploitation Projects
增加建设项目additional construction item
增多同类产品项目expansion of the product line
项目模式multi-item model
美国外国买主项目Foreign Buyer Program
外国来源的优惠项目foreign source preference item
外地项目field projects
项目平衡multiproject leveling
项目模式a multi-item model
项目资源分配resource allocation of multi-project
多捐资方项目multidonor project
多期工程项目a multiphase project
多期工程项目multiphase project
多种项目调度法the multiproject scheduling
多种目的项目multipurpose project
多科性长期项目multidisciplinary longterm project
多重双边项目multibilateral project
多阶段项目a multiphase project
大规模开发项目large-scale development project
失调项目a disturbance term
如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修改这一项目的施工过程If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project
如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,承包商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
安置项目settlement project
定居项目settlement project
实地项目field projects
实验项目lab project
审查进口项目evaluate imported projects
对新项目的投资expansion spending
对连续性项目的支出预算估计current service estimate
对长期产量有影响的项目long-term yield project
美国州出口项目数据库State Export Program Database
工业项目施工设计industrial project
工程项目估价project appraisal
工程项目决策project decision
工程项目可行性分析project feasibility analysis
工程项目建设费用cost of project implementation
工程项目报吿project report
工程项目控制费用估算project control estimate
工程项目的吸引力attractiveness of project
工程项目的财务模拟financial simulation of specific project
美国工程项目管理局Work Projects Administration
工程项目经济评价economic evaluation of projects
工程项目评估appraisal of projects
工程项目说明engineering item description
平衡项目balance sheet figures
平衡项目above line accounts (国家预算)
应计项目account item
应计未付项目accrued item payable (receivable)
建设项目construction project
建设项目投产率rate of construction projects turned over for production
开发项目development project
强化培训项目intensive training program
归入商品以外项目的货物goods classified in terms other than merchandise
往返转账的项目in and out items
待认可项目subject to approval
快速行动项目quick action project
快速通道项目fast-track project
成本项目cost items
成本项目选择selection of cost centres
我们从什么地方为项目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新项目We cannot explore new items because we lack capital
我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品项目What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted
我们对以上各商品前均无兴趣The above articles are of no interest to us at present
我方拥有接管此项目工程的一切权利We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project
我方的财力足可以支持此新项目的开支Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project
扣除特殊项目前净收入net income before extraordinary items
扩建项目expansion project
承包商应尽力保证项目准时完工Contractor is to do his best to ensure the completion of the project without delay
技术项目简写为TPtechnical project
技术改造项目的经济效益economic benefits of projects of technological transformation
技术改造项目组织实施implementation of projects of technological transformation
把材料和设备调拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facilities for a new construction project
投资项目investment projects
投资前计划项目pre-investment project
投资收入是无形贸易项目,包括股利和贷款利息Investment income, an invisible transaction, covers dividends and interest on loan
抵消项目offset item
拒付项目reject items
拨款较快项目的比例share of faster-disbursing project
拨款较快的项目faster-disbursing projects
持证项目经理licensing project manager
指派项目估算师assign project estimator
项目划分by category
按时间分切的项目time-slice project
按时间分片的项目time-slice project
推出新项目roll out
推荐的项目组计划recommended team plan
支出项目head of expenditure
支出项目drawing account
收益扣除项目income deduction
改扩建项目rehabilitation/expansion project
政府检査员应监督该项目的完成The government inspector should supervise the completion and fulfilment of the project
政府监管项目Project on Government Oversight
整个项目使用期the entire life of the project
新开工的基建项目newly-started capital construction project (item)
施工项目construction project
项目型援助non-project type assistance
无代价项目new cost item
无代价价值项目no cost item
无形项目invisible items
无形贸易项目invisible trade items
普通项目ordinary items
普通与标准项目common and standard item
暂悬项目transitory items
暂悬项目transitory item
更替项目计划alternate term plan
替换项目方案alternative projects
美国有公证的贸易商品展览交易会项目Certified Trade Fair Program
美国有公证的贸易推广项目Certified Trade Mission Program
有利可图的农业项目profitability of an agricultural project
有无项目with project and without project
未完工项目uncompleted project
未定工程项目indeterminate engineering items
"核定待筹经费"项目a noted project
根据合同,我方能对各该项目分别付款,但不保留手续费According to the contract, we can make payment separately for each separate project without retention of a percentage
比较项目item compared
水利工程项目water project
水电站项目hydropower project
水电站项目hydroelectric project
法定扣除项目itemized deduction
与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额balance on current account
清洁发展机制项目周期CDM project registration cycle
清洁发展机制项目周期project registration cycle
特别项目special projects
特殊项目工程special project
特殊工程项目设计程序special project program order
现场项目办公室Field Project Office
甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent
目前债项current debts
目前试图出售仿珠宝项链是没有希望的To try to sell imitation pearl necklace at present is hopeless
直接项目放款direct project lending
短期内能提高产量的项目short-term yield project
短期收益项目short-term yield project
石油项目国家公司State Company for Oil Projects
伊拉克石油项目管理总局General Office of Oil Projects
石油天然气项目供应处Oil and Gas Projects and Supplies Office
研究项目research projects
"硬贷款"项目hard loan project
示范项目demonstration project
示范性试验项目pilot demonstration work
社区项目community project
社区自助项目community self-help project
社区自助发展项目a self-help community project
科威特石油公司天然气项目Kuwait Oil Company Gas Project
税前项目方案招标pre-tax work program bid
稳赚项目cash cow
第一优先项目first priority
粮援项目food aided project
系统扩充项目system expansion project
经常项目账户current account
经济上不合算的项目economically unsound project
经营项目operational project
经营项目顺差current account surplus
统包式项目turnkey project
综合项目管理integrated project management
综合项目integrated project team
综合工程项目integrated project
综合政策评议项目comprehensive policy review project
缩小同类产品项目contracting the product line
网络项目管理network-based project management
美国政府机构的美国企业实习特别培训项目Special American Business Internship Training Program
联合工业项目joint industry project
能源管理援助项目Energy Source Management Assistance Projects
自偿项目self-liquidating project
自成一体的项目self-contained project
航空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire
俄罗斯萨哈林油气开采项目Sakhalin Oil & Gas Projects
虚拟项目管理处Virtual Project Management Offices
虚拟项目管理处Virtual Project Management Office
计划项目型援助project type assistance
计算机辅助项目研究computer-aided prefect study
试办项目a pilot project
试办项目pilot project
试验项目a pilot project
试验项目pilot project
该公司将委托承包商建造此项目工程Contractors will be entrusted by the corporation with the building of the project
该合资企业为该项目提供资金The joint venture financed the project
详细开列的项目line item
误送项目a missent item
请将所缺项目空运给我们,以资补足Please send us the missing items by air freight so as to complete the shipment
请就贵方目前可供货单上第一项产品电报递盘We request you to cable us an offer for the first item in your list of current availabilities
调拨项目transfer items
调整项目a reconciliation item
调整项目的各项投入project rephasing
账目中的一部分项目a portion of an account
货币价值项目value-value item
货样抽査项目总数number of items in a sample
货款项目具体内容specific content of the items covered by the loan
贷款项目具体内容specific contents of the items covered by the loan
美国贸易和开发项目Trade and Development Program
美国的贸易机会项目Trade Opportunities Program
资本项目差额capital balance
资本投资项目capital projects
资本投资中工程项目的选择project selection in capital investment
资源分配和项目计划resource allocation and project planning
转化型项目范式transformational project paradigm
转让项目transfer items
辛迪加项目syndicated program
边际项目marginal project
过多项目证明书overentry certificate
这位设计师还担任经理的顾问,为其他计划项目提供咨询和建议The designer also acted as the manager's consultant and provided consultation and suggestions for other projects
进行中的项目an ongoing project
递延项目dividends item
通常对于小项目,业主要进行可行性研究,同时业主也可能邀请一些专家协助Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help
部分建成投入生产的建设项目the partly completed construction project turned over for production
重点建设项目key construction projects
重点攻关项目key research projects
针对目标人群的直接援助项目direct targeting project
银行可承兑的投资项目说明Bankable Investment Project Profile
银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project
银行肯担保的项目a bankable project
链环项目把各国的经济计量模型联结起来,表现各国经济通过外贸所受的影响link project
间接贸易项目indirectly traded items
附有说明的项目an annotated list of items
除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务项目You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
零星发展项目减税额job development credit
项目援助a non-programmed aid
项目援助non-project aid
项目贷款the non-project lending
项目贷款the non-programmed lending
非专业人员的国家项目人员non-professional national project personnel
非业务项目non-operational project
非标准项目nonstandard item
非现金项目non-cash entries (记录)
非经常项目nonrecurrent item
非经营项目non-operational project
非银行筹资项目a non-bank financing item
非食品项目non-food item
项目不符合条件project disqualification
项目价值测定measures of project worth
项目价值的未贴现措施undiscounted measures of project worth
项目信托基金project trust fund
项目分析a project analysis
项目分配allocation of items
项目利益利润the profit rate of the project
项目前进法item advance
项目副经理assistant project manager
项目区人均国内生产总值/国民生产总值GNP/GDP per capita income in project area
项目可靠性管理prefect reliability management
项目后评价和后续行动post project evaluation and follow-up
项目和方案的估价appraisal of project and programme
项目和经济分析project & economic analysis
项目安全管理project safety management
项目安全评估project safety review
项目实地评估in-country appraisal
项目实施计划project operation plan
项目工程师project engineer
项目建设计划implementation planning
项目开发工程师project development engineer
项目形式project format
项目总规划project master plan
项目成本project cost
项目执行机构project execution agency
项目执行机构project executing agency
项目执行步骤project execution procedure
项目执行计划project execution plans
项目投资回报project return on investment
项目投资时期investment phase of a project
项目拟定project formulation
项目拟订project formulation
项目方案project alternation
项目最终开支project ultimate cost
项目服务承包商project services contractors
项目服务承包商project services contractor
项目服务费project selection in capital investment servicing cost
项目期望投资利润expected project return on investment
项目核准权the approval authority for projects
项目概念project concept
项目item method
项目注册周期CDM project registration cycle
项目注册周期project registration cycle
项目活动project activities
项目清单list of items
项目特征码item characteristic code
项目的划分the segregation of items
项目的执行implementation of project
项目的技术可行性technical soundness of a project
项目的投资时间investment phase of a project
项目的概率probability of a project
项目的比值ratio of element
项目的设计design of a project
项目目标programme objective
项目目标project objective
项目确定阶段project definition phase
项目竣工报告implementation completion report
项目筹资financing for project
项目简介project brief
项目管理project management
项目管理 控制系统project control system
美国项目管理协会Project Management Institute
项目管理和工程设计project management and engineering
项目管理组project management team
项目管理组project management group
项目管理组织Project Management Organization
项目粮食援助project food aid
项目project team
项目组成部分program component
项目编制任务project formulation mission
项目编制组project formulation mission
项目编号project number
项目物品编号item number
项目网络分析project network analysis
项目规划project planning
项目规划project design
项目计划评估appraisal of projects
项目许可证project license
项目设计project engineering
项目设计project design
项目设计和工程设计project and engineering designs
项目评价和审査技术project evaluation and review technique
项目评估the project appraisals
项目评估标准standard of project appraisal
项目贷款和非项目贷款project versus non-project lending
项目边界project boundary
项目选择project selection
项目鉴定project identification
项目错误error of item
项目预计project budget
预定的项目scheduled items
预计成本项目计算办法ex ante cost-centre accounting scheme
风险性工程项目的危险因数hazard factor for risky projects
食品进步项目Food For Progress
高级项目经理senior project manager