
Terms for subject Sports containing 项目 | all forms | in specified order only
项目获胜take an event
一些中距离赛跑项目采用梯形起跑Some middle distance races begin with staggered start
主要项目major event
主要项目main event
主要运动项目major sport
交手项目face-to-face sport
优势项目strong event
传统体育项目time-honored sport
体育比赛项目sporting event
全能项目combined events
冷门项目fringe sport
劣势项目weak event
参加多个项目pull the iron man stunt
参加女子项目take part in women's event
参加男子项目take part in men's event
另类运动项目alternative sport event
团体项目group event
国际项目international event
国际冬季项目联合会总会Association of the International Winter Sports Federations
国际田联认为有必要协调许多单独举行的田径比赛项目The IAAF identified a need for all these athletics events to be coordinated
在快速反应起主要作用的竞赛项目中、 即使反应时稍微快一点点都有可能对比赛成绩产生至关重要的结果Even small improvements in reaction time may produce significant results in performance where quick reactions are essential
在某些项目中、 灵活性是获取优异成绩的基本素质In certain events flexibility is fundamental to good performance
在跳跃和投掷项目中、最终速度腾空和脱手瞬间的速度是非常重要的In jumping and throwing events, final speed speed at the moment contact is broken is of utmost concern
夏季奥林匹克项目体育联合会总会Association of Summer Olympic International Federations
多种活动项目multiactivity event
大球项目large ball games
奖牌项目medal sport
奥林匹克项目国际联合会International Federations of Olympic Sports
奥林匹克运动项目Olympic sports
奥运会项目指单项Olympic sport
奥运会项目指大项Olympic programme
奥运会项目决赛finals in the Olympic events
奥运会比赛项目Olympic Games events
女子项目women woman
女子项目women's event
女子单打项目women's singles
女子团体项目women's team event
1985 年国际田联世界田径系列赛诞生了、它成为国际田联"一揽子"系列比赛项目In 1985, the IAAF World Athletics Series was born as a package of IAAF events
径赛项目track events
径赛项目包括短跑、长跑等Track: events include dashes, long distance races,etc
径赛项目是在 400 米长椭圆形的8条跑道上进行的Track events are run on eight lanes on a 400-metre oval
径赛项目运动员的排序、抽签和录取Seedings, Draws and Qualification in Track Events
手枪速射项目free pistol event
执拍项目网球等racket game
执拍项目运动员racket wielder
批准 200 米及 200 米以下各项目的纪录、必须申报有关风速数据For all records up to and including 200 metres, information concerning wind speed shall be submitted
投掷项目throwing events
投掷项目包括推铅球、掷铁饼、掷标枪、掷链球distance throw
拿手运动项目specialty sport
拿手项目specialty sport
拿手项目pet event
拿手的项目pet event
持拍项目racket game
持续时间短的项目short duration event
持续时间长的项目long duration event
接力赛项目relay event
新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds
无接触项目no-contact game
本国最流行的运动项目national game
标准竞赛项目standard event
棍棒球类项目stick-and-ball game
正式项目title event
正式项目medal event
正式比赛项目title sport
正式比赛项目official sport
混合团体项目mixed team event
特殊项目接纳exceptional admission of a discipline or event
球不能着地的项目volley game
球篮项目goal game
球门项目goal game
田径项目track and field events
田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目Track and field athletics consists of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events
田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目Athletics track and field consist of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events
田径运动的基本技术对其他运动项目均具有普遍意义The basic athletic skills are common to all sports. (注释:1. track and field 是复合名词,它是田径运动的总称,使用动词时,通常用单数。2. track and field 田径运动, Am. E.(美国英语)athletics 田径运动,Br. E.(英国英语))
田赛项目field events
田赛项目包括跳跃项目跳高、跳远、三级跳远、撑竿跳高等和投掷项目铅球、链球、铁饼、标枪等The field events include jumping events high jumpˌ long jump、triple jump、and pole vault and throwing events shot put, hammer, discus and javelin throw
男团项目men's team event
男子项目men man
男子项目men's event
短跑项目sprint events
竞赛项目competition event
竞走项目walking events (10,000m walk/5000m walk 国际田联规则英文 10,000m 要加"," 10000 米竞走/5000 米竞走)
综合体育项目combined sports
综合性体育项目combined sports
综合运动项目multi-sport event
美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
群众参加项目participating sport
群众广泛参加的运动项目participating sport
耐力项目endurance events
耐力项目运动员endurance athlete
获得某项目冠军take an event
表演项目exhibition sport
表演项目demonstration sport
观赏性项目spectator sport
赛龙舟被正式列入国家体育竞赛项目的名单,并且每年都举行比赛Dragon-boat race was listed into the state sports competition programs and has been held every year
跨栏比赛项目设 10 个栏架Hurdling events have ten hurdles
身体接触项目physical contact sport
身体接触项目body-contact sport
身体接触的运动项目contact sport
身体接触的运动项目body contact sport
身体接触运动项目足球、摔跤等physical contact sport
辅助运动项目complementary sport
过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year
运动项目sport event
运动项目标准criteria for admission of sports
邀请赛项目invitation event
重要项目big event
重要的比赛项目blue ribbon event
金牌项目ace item
铅球运动员是田径各项目中块头最大的Shot-putters are among the largest athletes in track and field events
长距离项目long event
除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle
隔网项目net game
集体项目team event
集体项目group sports
非正式比赛项目non-title sport
面对面比赛项目face-to-face sport
预选赛项目qualifying event
风力体育项目wind power sports event
高水平的体力是所有田径运动项目取得良好成绩的必要条件A high level of strength is essential to good performance in all athletic events