
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 顶部 | all forms | in specified order only
下型顶部浇口top gate
地下卷取机顶部辊道downcoiler top table
地下卷取机顶部辊道down-coiler top table
川崎顶部吹氧脱气KTB process
川崎顶部吹氧脱气Kawasaki top oxygen blowing
川崎顶部吹氧脱气法KTB process
川崎顶部吹氧脱气法Kawasaki top blowing process
拼合石墨管顶部加热器split graphite-pipe top heater
格砖顶部保护层checker top paving
顶部top section
烧结台车顶部料层sintering pallet top layer
竖炉顶部装料口top opening
结晶器顶部top of mold
结晶器顶部mold top
菜花形顶部cauliflower top
钢锭顶部top of ingot
钢锭顶部steel ingot top
钢锭顶部ingot top
阀封顶部装料系统valve seal top-charging system
阳极顶部anode top
顶部部分top section
顶部加料top filling
顶部加料器top filler
顶部加热overhead firing
顶部加热器top heater
顶部加热式炉top-fired furnace
顶部加热式炉overfired furnace
顶部加热式炉over-fired furnace
顶部加热镀锌槽top-heated galvanizing pot
顶部吹氧oxygen top-blowing
顶部吹氧oxygen-top blowing
顶部吹氧管top lance
顶部吹氧管top blowing lance
顶部夹持辊top containment roll
顶部top opening
顶部安全平台top safety deck (高炉大修用)
顶部排出的蒸气over-the-top vapour
顶部料钟top bell
顶部燃烧top firing
顶部燃烧均热炉top-fired soaking pit
顶部片边top flash
顶部电极top electrode
顶部砌砖top brick-work
顶部top brick
顶部砖格top checker
顶部结构top construction
顶部结构修理top repair (平炉的)
顶部上部结构修理top repair
顶部装炉系统top-charging system
顶部辊道top table
顶部进料式过滤器top-feed filter
顶部送风crown blast
顶部采光top light
顶部飞边 top flash
顶部飞边top flash